

Saturday 7 April 2012



1 Orgasm and meditation are the same to the brain,but the activation pattern is different.
Mediation acts in a cerbral way ,orgasm glows the cerbellum.Time of experience is most
important,orgasm is limited,meditation is unlimited.

2 Nadha meditation improves TELEMORES length ,it is very important for positive cognition
and span of life

3 By stimulating brains Pineal gland with Nadha meditation, directly increases MELATONIN HARMONE.Melatonin checks womans breast cancer & mens prostrate cancer.

4 By Nadha meditation on AREA 25 of the brain most of the problems of the brain come under
check you can say the brain is rebooted.

5 On full Moon day and no Moon day we get a higher pitch of Nadha.

6 Nadha pitch is higher near Bats.

7 The sound of Nada is attibuted to many things:elecro chemical action of Neuron,the firing of
Neuron receiving oxygen from red blood cells and also the sound of galaxies.

8 Patient healing is higher when they sit for 15 minutes /day next to a  Nadha practicetioner.

9 You can drive safely with Nadha awareness.

10 Nadha is a inherent part of us on Land,Space,Ocean or any part of natur