

Tuesday 26 March 2013



Hai Friends,  
                       Anthropologist Dean Falk of Florida State University conducted Research on Einstein’s Brain and provide a new image collections.

Key Points :
  1. Einstein had extraordinary Prefrontal – Cortex, Right behind the forehead, which revealed an intricate pattern of convolutions.  In humans this area functions in higher cognition that Entails Working Memory, Making Plans, bringing plans to fruition, worrying, thinking about the future and imaging scaniorios.
  2. One of the most interesting things about Einstein’s Brain has to do with his sensory and motor cortices.  We found an unusual region lower down in the motor cortex that process information from the face and tongue and laryngeal apparatus.
  3. The motor face area in Einstein’s  left Hemispheres was extraordinarily expanded into a big rectangular patch that l have not seen in any other brain.
  4. In a famous quotation Einstein wrote that his thinking entailed an association of images and feelings.   That for him, the Einsteins of thought were not only visual but also muscular.
  5. Find more Glia Neurons in Einstein Cortex, than a normal person, and calculated his IQ as 160.
                        Srinu Kriya (SK) covers all these areas of the brain.  Refer SK & ISK from our previous blogs.

Solutions :
  1. In SK most of our practice take’s in our’s Prefrontal Cortex (PC) only (visual).  Our effort & Intensity of practice grows P.C. to the MAX.
  2. In SK practice we use Kechari, Placing the tip of the tongue in above soft palate place.  This controls brain’s blood circulation, Motor Cortex, Tongue, Laryngeal are stimulated.  This provides theta wave in brain.
  3. In SK we practice more on A-25 of Left Hemisphere, Hub of Neuro Transmitters.   This practice makes the LH thicker. 
4&5   Merging & Listening Nadha in SK stimulate Neuro Gensis and also provides Multi 
          Talanted ability to the brain.

                        Hai friends in the guidelines of your meditation coach only practice SK.   Balanced diet, Physical Exercise is also most important.  Your IQ acts like a Sky Rocket !  

                        The more Chocolate a population consumes, the more Nobel Laureates it has – Columbia University.

                        Short Napping improves the memory by 25%.

                        By practicing the Meditation, Negative thoughts lose their power overtime and also decrease the skin problems.

                        Sleep promoting substance and an internal sedative molecule is Cerebrospinal Fluid.    600 ml amount of Cerebrospinal Fluid produced by the brain each day.  This liquid keeps the brain buoyant and may also transport a newly discovered internal sedative and Nourish the Neurons.

Main Source : Scientific American Digital