Hai friends,
These are
some current advances in brain research from, the dane alliance for brain
initiatives, NRTA-AARP’s foundation community of USA. These are a nonprofit organization
of more than 200 leading neuroscientists, including 10 noble laureates. We
humans are learning machines, and the brain is the engine that drives the
machine. Nerve, Glia, Synaptic, Mylination, Neurotransmitter etc are the nuts
and bolts of the learning machine. Neuroscientists revealed, number of pin
points about life long learning.
Learning and memory are
not the same thing, though they are intricately linked. Learning is how you
acquire new information about the world, and memory is how you start that
information over time. There is no memory without learning, but there is
learning without memory. Each thought, action are sensory perception,
stimulates distant sets of nerve cells and brain chemicals. One can imagine
each cell as a musician in an elaborate symphony orchestra. Neurons, glias are
the working horses of the brain. Cells pass signals along, like runners in a
relay race.
Scientists believe that long term
memories are encoded with in specific patterns of synopsis within the irregular
folds and ridges that comprise the brain’s cortex. The frontal lobe of the
cerebral cortex, especially the so called pre frontal cortex, is essential to
high level mental functions such as reasoning and planning. The hypocampus,
from the core of the brain’s memory processing system. It is remarkable to
consider that we can change our brain just by learning. The brain is in a state
of continual activation as we go about our daily life. The adult brain, and
even the adult aging brain, is fine tuned by experience in both its performance
and its abilities, essentially organizing itself in accord with its experience
to prepare for the future. The capacity of the brain to structurally adjust
itself to reflect our life experience – which scientists called plasticity –is
what enable us to learn and to change the brain by learning.
Synaptic connections, capillaries,
glias, mylination, neuro genesis, forming of new proteins, cortical density,
white matter, neuro transmitters
systems, synapsis density are some of the main bolts of the learning
machines. In our glia gym to meditate on glia mylination, astrocyte’s functions
on synaptic gap, micro glia’s macrophage.These are the central bolts. GG improves neurons and
glias, synapsis function, neuro genesis, brain plasticity. Brain blood
circulation.For more scientific information visit google search and images,for more related topics visit our previos archives.
“Slips of the mind”,
forgetting the names starts from 20’s,young they don’t care it, but elder
peoples broods on this. This is natural. Our body system, muscles, heart,
working abilities decrease with age. Cognition means mental skills, including
attention, learning memory, language, and executive functions such as decision
making, goal setting, planning and judgement. (Contd.. 6-18)
With courtesy of Googlesearch, NRTA-AARP’s education
community, The Dana alliance for brain initiatives, Scientificamerican.