Sir, recently SCIENCE is proving immense benefits of so many AYURVEDIC herbs - Aswagandha, Sarpagandha, Aloe vera, Turmeric, Neem, Punarnava, etc. Katuka Rohini (Picrorhiza-kurroa) is the main ingredient of Arogyavardhini Bati. The bitter taste in it (as proved by research) kills harmful bacteria. The 6 tastes theory & practice in Ayurveda is based on the experience of Vaidyas for so many centuries. So we need not wait for the research support of Ayurveda, its efficacy is proved beyond doubt.
Sir, recently SCIENCE is proving immense benefits of so many AYURVEDIC herbs - Aswagandha, Sarpagandha, Aloe vera, Turmeric, Neem, Punarnava, etc. Katuka Rohini (Picrorhiza-kurroa) is the main ingredient of Arogyavardhini Bati. The bitter taste in it (as proved by research) kills harmful bacteria. The 6 tastes theory & practice in Ayurveda is based on the experience of Vaidyas for so many centuries. So we need not wait for the research support of Ayurveda, its efficacy is proved beyond doubt.