

Monday 13 August 2012


Hai Friends :
            At present doping is a main hurdle to the World Sports.  It is spreading in multichannels.  Scientifically identifying a Dopi is a difficult task.  Genetical Doping, Blood Doping, Chemical Doping are main victims.  2000 different steroid molecules are available in the market.    More than 200 gene variants are already associated with Athleticism.  The Greek Physician Galen passed on knowledge from ancient games to the Romans, passing the effect of eating herbs, Mushrooms and Testicles.   Below given observations are collections and self acquired experiences. Please don’t try the systems directly.   With in the guidelines of your Physician and Personal Coach only you can try the alternatives systems.

GENETICALE : “BALESU HASTI–BALADINI”  Patanjali Yoga Sutras – 3:25 By meditating & merging on an elephant image you can attain the strength of the animal.  If you practiced on Leopard, the speed of it was registered in yours long memory.  Your total body works to gain the strength.  This concept was strongly imprinted in your long memory.   In SK practice if you visualize on the victory stand, it will surely leads you to attain Gold or Silver or Bronze after sometime.

Mcclintocks Noble Prize (1983): Jumping genes acts under stress, exercise and (Meditation), Introspection.   Jumping genes can changes the genetical mapping according to the necessity. 

Elizabeth Black Born – Noble Prize (2009) : Behaviour, Meditation, Exercise, Stress Reduction improves Telomerase (Har Bingers of Mortality) Lengths.   This improves the condition of chromosomes, DNA, Genes.   Relaxation, Deep Breathing, Meditation improves inner area condition of the brain.  SK improves jumping genes.

BLOOD : In sports finishing touch, final lift, decides the victory.   Oxygen plays a major role in the final game.   Anaerobic respiration (producing the energy with out oxygen) gives a strong finishing.  
Ex: Usain Bolt (Olympic Triple Double Gold) : In his event last 30% of the time is most important. With in this time he accelerates most speed (Boosting Rocket) than his followers and hits the gold.  Generally the last 30% of time the energy levels of the sports men come down.   Anaerobic respiration boosting rocket starts, when aerobic energy levels drops.   Power Lifting practice improves Anaerobic Respiration.   Late Bob Hoffman of Yark spread Power Lifting as a basic training to all the games.   USSR & Germans Athletics also follow power lifting in their basic training.   Beet Root Juice, Chicken Soup + Aswagandha, Silajit, Arogya Vardhini Bati improves Red Blood Cells.    Pranayama & Kumbhaka improves Air Retention Power.   Kapala Bhati (200 Times a minute) also improves Anaerobic Respiration and dissolves body fat.

STEROID :  Siddha Makaradwaja improves Heart Muscle Strength.   Swarna Bhasma Improves Mitochondrion Function. Vatachintamani Ras Relieves Muscle and Joint Pains.  Silajit gives stamina.  Aswagandha, Brahmi, Shanku Pushpi improves Neuro Transmitter and Nervous Strength.   Red Chilies Reconstruct Neurons Dendrites.   Good fat diets improves Body’s Natural Steroids and relive pains.

            Dear friends all these systems gifted me Common Wealth Gold in Power Lifting at my 62 years age.     I hope Srinu Kriya (SK) – Alternatives may lead you to 2016 Rio Olympics.

Sunday 5 August 2012


Hai  Friends
      Many of us have life ambition of travelling the world,at present it is a dream.But mind travelling
can fulfil the gap.NADHA YOGIS (NY)  used this meditation for ASTRAL RESEARCH .Their predictions in this stage are landmarks.By this practise we can develop MULTIDIMENSIONAL- TELESCOPIC VISION.
STEPHEN HAWKING is working on his mental vision only.

NY call this KECHARI (ASTRAL TRAVELLING-TELESCOPIC VISION).Take one empty sheet of  the  world map,select & mark some countries with their national animals or birds.BRAZIL-JAGUAR,NEWZEALAND-KIWI,SINGAPORE-CROW,SOUTH AFRICA-ELEPHANT.Before SK practise ,observe the map for 10 minutes.Within 20 minutes of SK practise,your brain achieves THETA WAVE(NADHA).In meditation visualise the countries of the world & animals at the prefrontal cortex for 20 minutes.

The practise improves the density of PYRAMIDAL NEURONS in your PREFRONTAL CORTEX,AMYGDALA & HIPPACOMPUS.Automatically brain plasticity improves.PYRAMIDAL NEURONS (Triangular)  have the potential to work thousand fold compared to normal neurons,each one work as an individual computer.Within one year of practise your brain attains multi dimensional-telescopic vision.You can utilise  your vision for world travel,astral travel or research.
                                                            NO PAIN NO GAIN