

Sunday 5 August 2012


Hai  Friends
      Many of us have life ambition of travelling the world,at present it is a dream.But mind travelling
can fulfil the gap.NADHA YOGIS (NY)  used this meditation for ASTRAL RESEARCH .Their predictions in this stage are landmarks.By this practise we can develop MULTIDIMENSIONAL- TELESCOPIC VISION.
STEPHEN HAWKING is working on his mental vision only.

NY call this KECHARI (ASTRAL TRAVELLING-TELESCOPIC VISION).Take one empty sheet of  the  world map,select & mark some countries with their national animals or birds.BRAZIL-JAGUAR,NEWZEALAND-KIWI,SINGAPORE-CROW,SOUTH AFRICA-ELEPHANT.Before SK practise ,observe the map for 10 minutes.Within 20 minutes of SK practise,your brain achieves THETA WAVE(NADHA).In meditation visualise the countries of the world & animals at the prefrontal cortex for 20 minutes.

The practise improves the density of PYRAMIDAL NEURONS in your PREFRONTAL CORTEX,AMYGDALA & HIPPACOMPUS.Automatically brain plasticity improves.PYRAMIDAL NEURONS (Triangular)  have the potential to work thousand fold compared to normal neurons,each one work as an individual computer.Within one year of practise your brain attains multi dimensional-telescopic vision.You can utilise  your vision for world travel,astral travel or research.
                                                            NO PAIN NO GAIN

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir, Synthesis of traditional Hindu Spirituality secrets and modern neurological science. Your knowledge and experience are going to be a reference info for many reserchers.

    Dr Eswar Reddy
