

Saturday 22 September 2012



Hai Friends, 
            I am very happy to inform you that our yogic friends within a short span of time spread the message of “Mooladhara Chakra Worship Day” as a Kundalini’s Birthday, to the max people of my native state.   We hope that few lakhs of people enjoyed the Kundalin’s Science and Technology.   My main motive is to spread and reestablish Kundalini Meditation alongwith high end of neuro science in the name of Srinu Kriya.   This will serve the society as a higher level of alternative medicine.   Red Indians also have higher level of Kundalini Knowledge.  
            First of all I must be thankful to Srinivas Nemani – Kakinada  (A.P).  He is the founder of Srinu Kriya and a Scientific Guide to me, he always collect science from all around the world.   Being a student of Rushi Valley he have a higher vision of Theosophy and Scientific Technology.  He already has the name of Kundalini in his name – ‘VAS’ is the one of the name of the Kundalini.  
            Kundalini is an ancient Scientific Meditation.  By practicing Kundalini, Nadha Yogis attain a full control on breath awareness, Nadha Vibrations, stopping the ability of pulse and heart, shrinking the heart, altering the body temperatures, living without oxygen for few minutes, holding the elephant on their chest and also some endurance feats.   They can change brain waves to Theta and Gama (Regeneration of Neurons).  Meditating on Vegas Nerve they can change the brain moods, fear, controversy, rigidity, empathy, affection, creativity, and intuition.  For the sake of their health they prepare their own medicines.    They can concentrate internal or external parts on their body, it can improve blood circulation in the cell level also, stimulate the required area with Nadha.   This will improve biological condition of that area.    They developed this science with their mental vision only.     More scientific and clinical research is needed on Kundalini, because it has lot of medical values. 
            Neuro Scientists are opening the secrets of the brain, and researching some new medicines, conducting brain stimulation operations for chronic diseases.    At present people are spending 30% of their incomes for their health sake.   Alongwith medicine if you practice Srinu Kriya you can decrease your medical bill.   With all my knowledge and experience we introduced SKBJ, an easiest, time saving, scientific, technological meditation.   Attaining a little bit of control on Autonomic Nervous System, by meditating practice is called as Kundalini.   Kundalini Yogi who attains Nadha (Inner Sound) is called Nadha Yogis (Higher Stage of Yoga).  
            To reestablish the Kundalini knowledge, we started Kundalini’s Birthday.   Mooladhara is the starting place of Kundalini (Vagus Nerve).   Our Yogic Friends spread this message to public through leaflets and conducting meetings and E_mails.   I must be thankful to the people who enjoyed the Kundalini knowledge, my blog visitors and google services.
            I would also like to express gratitude to my teammates, N.B.V.R. Chowdary, N. Srinivas, G. Sai Kishore Babu, M. Pattabhi Ramaiah, K. Nagabushana Rao, G. Ramakrishna, K.A. Mohan, N.V.V.S. Prasad, K.V.V. Ekambareswara Rao, N.Omkar, P.Sudheer Babu, T. Balakrishna.  
            Thankful to my best half, best friend, best critic my wife Subba Lakshmi Devi (100 percent Bhakthi Yogi),  My moral supporters my daughter’s family Lakshmi Ram and Seetaram,   My brain boosters and busy bees my grand daughters Sneha and Shreya. 
            Finally, special thanks to my best friend since 90’s Dr. R.S. Eswara Reddy and his group of doctor friends for their helpful advices, support and expansion in internet. 
            Neuro Scientific Kundalini Meditation : Ex : For improving memory – take some advanced medicine which your doctor prescribed + Heavy Physical exercise for BDNF (Brain Protein) + 20 Minutes SKBJ improves Neuro Transmitters and  condition of the brain + Brahmi Herb (Bacopa-Monnieri) Memory Booster + 20 minutes meditation on yours Hippocampus.  You will attain an astonishing result.    Always practice in the guidelines of your Yogic Coach only.
            Long live Kundalini !  

Friday 14 September 2012


 Hai Friends,

        Vinayaka and Mooladhara are the two sides of the same wisdom coin.   Baktiyogis worship Vinayaka – Nadha Yogi mediate on Mooladarachakra.   September, 19th is the Vinayakachavithi, a worship day of Vinayaka.  On this day Bhakthi Yogis worship Vinayaka with 21 herbals, delicious dishes and conduct, Bhajans, chanting, processions to attain intelligence and knowledge.    And they also prize him as Budhi Pradaya – Gnane (Wisdom), Samasta Jagadadhara (Moola), all these are external worships. 

Nadha Yogi (NY) concentrate (internally) on Mooladhara Charka (Perineum) and Vagus Nerve and also practice Aswini Mudras to attain full consciousness and Wisdom.  Kundalani science says that meditation on Mooladhara stimulates vagus nerve from perineum to brain and also simulates 30 ft. elementary channel tube from mouth to anus, eliminates fears and phobias, improves blood circulation in legs and bones, improves prostate and urinary bladder health, improves genital organs and sperm count, stimulate all factory system (smell sense).  Every day NY practice Aswini Mudras minimum 100 a day, after the bowel evacuation.  NY practice breath awareness on vagus nerve from Perineum (Mooldhara) to brain (Sahasrara), at a speed of 100 respirations above per minute.   By this practice blood and oxygen rushes to the vagus nerve and this condition improve anabolic and catabolic action in the body.  Stimulation of brain with vagus nerve is the top most secret of NY. Mooladhara - PerineumAnus are in the same area, and they are closely interweaved.   Kundalani serpent is the symbolism of Vagus Nerve.
            Bacterial Cells in the body out number Human Cells by a factor of 10 to 1.   Human cells have 20,000 – 25,000 genes.  But Gut Microbes have 3.3 million genes (150 times).  Gut (Mooladhara) is the main Hub of Microbes.  Microbes in the gut play a main role in human health, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Stomach Ulcers.  Altering the genes activity they develops the brain memory and learning system.   Lactobacillus Helveticas and B-Longum, two common inhabitants of guts controls anxiety and depression, with the communication of vagus nerve.  Gut microbes can improves immunity  upto 7 folds.
            Dear friends, daily spend few minutes (in the presence of yours yogic coach only) on Aswanimudras, Meditate on Mooladhara and meditate on your vagus nerve.  They will improve Gut Bacteria; Influence your thoughts and moods.  Vagus nerve improves the Gut and Brain connection, Cardiac System, Gastric System, Urinary and Genital System, Anabolic & Catabolic Systems.  Thus daily worship Mooladhara (internally) and attain maximum benefits.   Pro-biotech supplements may be useful.   Please remember 19th September as a Moladhara worship day forever.  Start the day with Aswini Mudra and end the with Aswini Mudra. 
Main Source : Scientific American Digital, Google images. chakra workshop day.html

Monday 3 September 2012



Hai Fiends,          sub-irregular growth of ven leads psychic disorders-suicidial tendency-skbj improves blood &neurotransmitters in the brain-improved condition checks the ven growth&controles the psychic problems-develops the natural love&affection .

            I’ll scratch your back if you scratch my mine first” this is the present day concept of the society.   This concept disturbs the internal co-operation of the society.  This effects on the Voneconom Nerve (VEN – Social Nerve) of A-25 of the Brain.  This is the origin of the suicidal tendency.   This universality suggests that co-operation has been a driving force in the evolution of life on earth from the beginning.    Leaf-cutter ants work together to carry foliage back to their nest.    Cells regulate their own division to avoid causing cancer.   Lioness Co-operatively rear their young.    Japanese Macaques Groom each other and thus burnish their reputations in their social group.   Vampire Bats share its blood meal with their roost mates.  So we have to change our concept as “I’ll scratch your back, and someone will scratch mine”. 
             People who kill themselves have more of a type of neuron for social emotions.  A certain type of brain cell may be linked with suicide, according to a recent investigation people who take their own lives have more densely packed VEN, large spindle shaped cells that have dramatically increased in density over the course of human evolution. 
            Researchers in Germany analysed  the roots of suicide in the brain by focusing on a neural Network Linked with psychological pain which includes regions such as the Anterior Cingulate  Cortex  (ACC)- Area 25, and the Anterior Insula, where VEN are concentrated.  These cells bears receptors for Neuro Transmitters that help to regulate Emotion, such as Dopamine, Serotonin and Vasoperssin.  
            The researchers found the density of these neurons was significantly grater in those who died of suicide than in those who had not.   Evolutionary psychiatrist and Neuro Scientist Mortin Brune of University Hospital Bochum and his colleagues detailed these findings on line in plos one. 
            If VEN do play a role in processing complex emotions such as Empathy, Guilt and Shame, an over abundance may in some cases trigger emotional disturbances, potentiality explaining the link seen with suicidal behavior.   Having good empathetic abilities is certainly some thing that is advantageous in most situations of the suiciders. 
            By practicing SK BJ first of all we learn to love overselves, it improves self esteem to the max.  Man is a social animal; he has to learn to live in society.  The bliss experienced in SK BJ dissolves all negative emotions and the practitioner feels tremendous love & sympathy for society.   The practitioner experiences a worldly brotherhood.   This promotes the desire to give back to society what society has given him.  SK BJ strengthen self esteem and acts as a thunderbolt to suicidal nature.
            A-25 is within ACC and closely relate to insular Cortex.  The ACC contain more VEN.  ACC has been associated with Psychophysiological functions including, Empathy, Silence Net works, Performance on reward related tasks,  Creativity and insight, Mediation, Risk Assessment, Brain Gut Interactions, Introspection, depression, Dyspnoea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Psychosis, Autism.  By this we can understand the role of A-25 in brain plasticity.  SK BJ practice improves blood circulation in ACC (A-25) and improves the needy condition of VEN and Neurotransmitters.  Enjoy SK BJ every day for twenty minutes, Suicidal tendency never scratch you !
Main Sources :- Scientific American Digital.
Dear friends, Healthy Brain - Health Mind - Healthy Human  - Healthy, Happy, Heartily, Highly blessed World.