

Saturday 1 December 2012


Hai Friends,

 Dogs are my best companions.  Already I had a nickname as “Dogs Yogi”.  Companionship of a dog around or even just in mind help the people to generate more goals, feel more confident about achieving those objectives and handle stress better and lower blood pressure.   Yoga also provides the same to the practitioner.   Don’t create any fantasy and magic ideas on yoga.    Many secretes and intensive practices of yoga are thought by the unlearned, to be magical.   Learned practitioner doesn’t have any magics.   Scientific reality drive out magics.   Canine tail chasing and humans hand washings were similar to obsessive – Compulsive disorder (OCD).   Stereotyped and repetitive dog changing their tail and human hand washing were concerned to be a mental disorder (OCD).    So, always feed scientific realities to yours brain and avoid tail wagging the dog – Dog chasing their tail, incidents from yours routine life.
In our brain, 4 M.M. thickness of the Cerebral Cortex contains 86 Billion Neurons, nerve impulse speed is 220 miles per hour, produce 25 watts of power, consume 20 percent of the body’s oxygen, One hundred thousand miles of axon length (4 trips around the earth), over ten trillion synapses, 1+16 zeros calculations per second, 400 miles capillaries.   Please once visulize your brain and remains its potentiality and leads a realistic life.
Dear Friends, the only person who can chisel your personality and decide your destiny is you yourself.   You yourself is your Guru, Guide and God. 
Alcohol abusers permanently damage their Hippocampus, a brain region that regulates long term memory, and also affected frontocerebellar circuitry, which regulates decision-making, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Learning causes the brain to grow and make robust synapse, cells that fire together, wire together.
  • Working with horrible colleagues can generate far-reaching stress that follows you home, causing unhappiness for your spouse and family and ultimately affecting your partner’s job.
  • Blinking reduces activity in the Visual Cortex and other brain regions, which prevents us from noticing the change.
  • Our brain makes 2% of our total body weight but consumes 20% ours body energy.
  • We don’t always want to act reflexively – That’s what makes us human.
  • Our sense of mortality can lead us to re-examine our priorities in life, to become more grateful and to grow spirituality.
  • Norman Editor of Saturday review had Ankylosing Spondylities,  a painful and degenerative spine disease that typically affords sufferers one –in – 500 chance of survival.  Doctor’s predicted that he had six months to live.  He surrounded himself with family and friends, watched numerous comedy films and sought out positive affirmations.  He lived 26 years after his diagnosis.
  • People are quick to treat themselves after a good deed or health act.
  • Some video games can be a good vehicle for training specific skills, such as enhancing short-term memory, Agility or reaction time.
Main source : Scientific American Mind.

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