

Saturday 16 February 2013



Hai Friends,
            The main topic of this posting is Social Service.   Generally, common people have three questions on this topic.  1) What is the reaction of the social service?, 2) Why we have to reward the social worker? 3) What is my personal benefit with all these?  In day to day life we follows the human made social laws, but it can not give the answers to the above questions. Only the natural laws (Neuro Science) can gives clarity to the above questions. 
            In my teenage I had a golden opportunity to participate in 4-H International Youth Exchanging Programme, held by USA.   My four months programme in USA, laid a strong social service foundation in my deeper brain.  Still today once I remained the 4-H pledge.  “ I pledge my head to clear thinking, my heart to great loyalty, my hands to large service and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world”.  I would also like to express gratitude and dedicated to this posting to my Washington DC 4-H Service Center. 
            Investigations of Neuro Plasticity demonstrate that the Adult Brain can continue to form Novel Neural connections and grow new Neurons in response to learning or training even in old age.   These findings are complimented by contributions of Psycho Social Genomics (PG), a field of scientific enquiry that explores the modulating effects of experience on gene expression. Socio environmental experiences influence neurobiological structure and function across the life course.  PG describes the process by which psychological and social experiences activate or deactivate genes, thereby driving the development of neural pathways.  The human brain is a complex, self-organizing, biological system consisting of trillions of interconnected nerve cells called neurons, operates signaling and integration.   Physical and mental practice may promote  neuro plasticity.  Neurogensis can occur in the motor cortex just by imagining (Visualisation) also.     Challenging learning experiences can lead to the development of brain tissue analogous to the way physical exercise can lead to the development of muscle tissue. 
            Meditation may be generally defined as the international practice whereby one grasps “The Handle of Cognition to cultivate a competent use of his or her own mental capacities, gaining agency over thought and emotion. Long term meditation (10-50 thousands hours of meditation) increased Neural Synchrony was observed not only during the meditative state,  but also when the practitioners were not meditating.   Suggesting that long term mental practice can induce lasting, trit-level changes possibly mediated by structural modifications to the brain.    Mental training may stimulate structural alterations reflective of neuro plasticity.
            The genetic code serves as a “Blue Print” that guides the construction of protein from Amino Acids.  Social behavior may be inherited and transduced via gene expression into neuro plastic alterations in brain structure, leading to psychobiological learning and change.  Social environmental signals turns genes “on” and “off” leading to alterations in protein synthesis, which ultimately result in psychological changes.   A recent study of meditative breathing practice found increased gene expression of the immune factors in practitioners.  Consequently, further psychosocial intervention research could involve interdisciplinary teams of social workers, Neuro Scientists, and Molecular biologists, where date from the Biological Science could be complemented by the insights of social work research. 
Noble Laureate, Elizabeth Black Burn states :
Environmental influences, behaviours, meditation, exercise, stress reduction, improves the cell inner condition to enhance the length of Chromosomes Telomeres, the harbingers of mortality. 
Noble Laureate, Eric Kandel states
The regulation of gene expression by social factors make all bodily functions, including all functions of the brain, susceptible to social influences.   These social influences will be biologically incorporated in the altered expressions of specific genes in specific nerve cells of specific regions of the brain. 
            Social activity (External stimulation) stimulates Telomeres (Cell Nucleus Chromosome) the godown of DNA.  DNA release signal to RNA.  RNA release chemical signals (Genes) to Voneconomo Nerves (Social Nerve) and  Area 25.  These nerves and area releases seritonin, which play a main role in Nurotransmitters convertion  and control.  Neuro transmitters play a main role in nerves chemical signaling.  Thus total nerve system operates body smoothly.   Ex:- Starting an automobile, ignition switch is telemeres; Gasoline Tank is Von Economo Nerve & A-25, Gasolne is seritonine and Neuro Transmitters, Starting automobile engine is firing the neurons with signals.
            Reward circuit of the brain is more complex.  Several brain regions works together in this circuit.  Two intoxicating neuro transmitters 1) Enkephalin, 2) Anadamide (Brain Marjuna), Chemical Forms a pleasure – boosting loop.  These two are interdependent.   A small reward stimulates the pleasure circuit, pleasure – boosting stimulate (recharge) the person to participate in another social service.  Reward satisfy the brains loop.  Rewarding a social worker is the responsibility of the society, because he always motivates positive thinking in the society.  Reward is the recharging coupon of the brains pleasure circuit.
            Newborn human and monkey babies can imitate simple gestures such as sticking out the tongue.  In this action Mirror Neurons plays major role.  Mirror Neurons system discharge signals in Audio Visual Motor Neurons.  Imitation is a very important means by which we learn and transmit skills, language and culture.  Only just by visual, audio, imaging, social service rewarding images are automatically record in ours motors nerves.  Frequently, these recorded motor nevers stimulate the brain for social activity.  Ex: Enjoying a movie is the Mirror Neuron effect (Visual, Audio, Imagination).  This is the personal benefit. 
            Roger Spery, Noble Laureate, Neuro scientist, describe Macro Determinism as a higher order, molar level organization determines and conditions the activity of lower order, nested sub-components, you are not merely summation of these physical elements.  
            Dear friends though, emotion and action trigger Neural Activity which can lead to a Re-organization of the brain, shaping future psychosocial experience.  By social activities we will become active agents in the construction of our own Neuro Biology and Ultimately, our lives. Live with natural laws and enjoy the bliss of life.
            Ancient Yogis always states “ Don’t Listen, speak, sea, bad”.  Chisel your life according to yours ambition. 
Main source :- Neuro Research.

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