

Tuesday 31 December 2013


Hai Friends,
            “Curls for Girls”, This is a proverb in the weight training.  Curling exercise improves hand biceps and  Triceps muscles of the practicing Boys.  This impr
oves Biceps and triceps muscles that attract the girls hearts.  This is a biological rhythm. “Meditation for Mind” – Meditation is a brain exercise, it improves blood circulation in the brain and the size which automatically reboots the brain plasticity. Always we practice warming and cooling exercises in the games.  Warming exercise, warm the muscles and prepare them for exercise.    Cooling exercises, slows down the metabolic rate, and relax the body. Same is the meditation,it will warmup and cool the brain and hence improves the plasticity.  In our practice we have different focus points on our body to meditate.  This traditional points plays major role in our nervous flex and endocrine system. 

                        In our previous archives we discussed on Area-25 of our brain, which is the center point of the brain (Bindu).  We need to identify the working horses of our brain.  At present Neuro Scientists are continuously opening the biological secrets of the brain.  Luckily, I studied some topics of white matter – Glia cells of the brain, in Scientific America, Mind, Nature and Google Search.  Authors are R. Douglas Fields,  J. Streit & Carola, Wolf Gang  J.Striet, Knut Biber, Harald Nuemann, Kazuhide Inove, Hendrikus W.G.M. Boddeke, Erik, M.Ullian, Stephanie K, Sapperstein, Karen S, Christopherson, Ben a Barres etc.  Inspiring by this Glia functions information, I started meditation (Visualization) on Glia Cells functions from two years.   Rewarding Centre of my inner brain feeling happy.  So, I want to share it with you.

                        Patanjali Maharshi says, merging (meditation) on any internal or External parts of the body, gives more information of the particular part, and improves biological conditions of the focus.  Ex: If you merge on your gastrointestinal system (Solar Flex) for a required time, you acquire more knowledge of the system and also improve it biologically.   Glia responds to external stimuli and also they have the listening ability.  In meditation we have to assume some pressure on our parietal lobe of our cortex and listen the inner sound (Nadha).  Here for practice we require 1) A little bit of Glia information, 2) Merging practice, 3) Visualization, 4) Nadha.  Here I am providing some information and visualization images, A drop of pain balm applying on the focus point will automatically provide awareness on the point for 15 minutes. 
                        Octopus, Kalpavruksha Chakra, Glia Neurons have the same external characters – Ashtabhuja (8 Shoulders) & Multifunctional abilities.   Octopus show multifunction ability in sea world.  Kalpavruksha chakra practice is a nucleus in kundalini.  It provides multifunctional ability to neurons.   Glia neurons takes main role in our survilance of the body and immunity.for more scientific information visit google search and images,for more related topics visit our previous archives.  (Contd…2-18)

With curtsey of Scientific America, Mind, Nature, Google Search and Traditional Kundalini. 

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