

Monday 14 July 2014



 Hai Friends,
                        This is also a related topic, it gives the details of “How spontaneous life forms on earth”. Researchers have found a way that the genetic molecule RNA could have formed from chemicals present on the early earth.  Primitive cells containing molecules similar to RNA could assemble spontaneously, reproduce and evolve, giving rise to all life. The earliest forms of life could have been simple membranes made of fatty acids- also structures known to form spontaneously. Creating a new life will certainly help us to understand how life can start, how likely it is that exhibits on other world and, ultimately what life is.

                        Genetic molecules such as DNA and RNA or Polymeres (Strings of smaller molecules) made of building blocks called Nucleotides. In turns Nucleotides have three distinct components, sugar, phosphate and  nucleo base. Nucleo base come in four types and constitute the alphabet in which the polymeres encodes the information. In a DNA Nucleotide the nucleo base can be A, G, C or T, standing for the molecules Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine or Thymine, in the RNA alphabet the letter U for Urcil, replace the T. DNA formed from RNA only.

                        Sugars are also easy to assemble from Simple starting materials.The mixture of many types of sugar molecules can be obtained by warming an alkaline solution of Formaldehyde, which also would have been available on the young planet. Phosphorus is abundant in the earth’s crust but mostly in minerals, that do not dissolve readily in water. The high temperatures of volcanic vents can convert phosphate containing minerals to soluble form of phosphate, but volume of released are very small or limited. A completely different potential source of phosphorous compound is Schreibersite, a mineral compound found in certain mateors. Corrosion of Schereibersite in water releases its phosphorous component. This is both much more soluble in water than phosphate and much more reactive with organic (Carbon based) compounds. For the needed chemical bonds to form energy must be supplied, for ex, By adding energy rich compounds that aid in reaction. Many such compounds may have existed on the early earth.  A small molecule called 2- Aminooxazole which can be viewed as a fragment of sugar joined to a piece of nucleobase.

 With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

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