

Thursday 19 November 2015



  1. Secrets of Kundalini / Nadha Yoga are simplified to the common man level and released. I feel today (with this Spiritual secrets release) is one of the greatest MILESTONE in Human Evolution. This technique if utilized by as many people as possible it will become most POSITIVE Weapon man has ever popularized to save the humanity, other creatures and Nature & our Planet. Kundalini or Nadha yoga secrets were/ are known to so many Saints, Sages, Yogis, etc but nobody made it this much SIMPLE. My heartiest Praams to Dr Prasad Rao for doing this Herculean task. Now it is our turn to make it kown/ available for all our near & dear.

  2. Eswar Reddy, thank you for sharing! _/\_ ;)

  3. Secrets of Kundalini / Nadha Yoga are simplified to the common man level and released. I feel today (with this Spiritual secrets release) is one of the greatest MILESTONE in Human Evolution. This technique if utilized by as many people as possible it will become most POSITIVE Weapon man has ever popularized to save the humanity, other creatures and Nature & our Planet. Kundalini or Nadha yoga secrets were/ are known to so many Saints, Sages, Yogis, etc but nobody made it this much SIMPLE. My heartiest Praams to Dr Prasad Rao for doing this Herculean task. Now it is our turn to make it kown/ available for all our near & dear.
