

Sunday 1 January 2017


1 comment:

  1. In ancient times there were many incidents of sages, saints, rishis healing incurable diseases with their "spiritual" energy. It is KUNDALINI energy, generated in the brain and transmitted to the patient. It all seemed mysterious, but recently OPTOGENETICS is proving that light in the brain cells can modify genes positively.

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that GAMMA waves (light energy)in the brain cells helps in reducing or preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Few years ago Tibetan Buddhist monks during deep meditation produced Gamma waves & recoreded scientifically. Dr Prasad Rao himself produced Gamma waves in a Lab EEG test during 2014 September. You can see the details in this link -
    With this personal experience he did lot of research and declared that Gamma waves is KUNDALINI energy. He transmits energy into the medicines (which he gives to his patients) and most of the patients experienced magic results.
    With his vast experience of Pranayama, Kundalini Kriyas, Meditation methods he found Kaphala Bhati, Srinu Kriya, Srinu Kriya brain jogging regular practice generates GAMMA waves in the brain and improves health and all positive things. So this revelation (Gamma waves is the Scientific verson of Ancient Kundalini) is gift of Dr Prasad Rao to mankind. Thanking you Sir.
