Hai friends,
Practicing in the glia
gym is called as gliobice. This is the combination of ancient yoga(kundalini)
with the advanced neuroglias. Neurobiologists says “The brain wants to learn,
it wants to be engaged as learning
machine”. It requires change, and the change requires that you are acquiring
new skills and abilities, new hobbies, and activities that require the brain to
remodel itself. That is the key of the scientists, yogis and saints effort.
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L C . Katz professor of
neurobilogist applies this concept in a program he calls it as “Neurobics”
published 1999. Keep your brain alive- 83 neurobic exercises to help to prevent
memory loss and increase mental fitness. Maximum neuro scientists and Nobel
laureates are recommending this book to the public- to staying sharp – learning
through out life. In day to day life in every work we do, we must be merged
with the five senses, this is a continuous process involved in our routine
life. Everybody easily can practice neurobics. It served the people globally
with full success.
RCKadosh, a cognitive neuro
scientist at the university of oxford’s department of experimental psychology
found that 20 minutes of transcrannal direct current stimulation(TDCS) trained
in particular place on the scalp-coupled with training sessions and boosted
healthy adults ability to learn and use nine new numerical symbols. Researchers
think that the electrical pulse are triggering molecular changes in the brain,
such as neuro transmitters and their receptors especially those involved in
learning stimulation was targeted to the two parietal lobes which are known to
be involved in sensory, perceptual and numerical processing. TDCS brain boosts
could help children who are struggling to learn early number skills or adults
who have lost that function through stroke or even age related cognitive
decline. No negative side effects. Nor did it seam to drain other mental
resources. Electrical juicing for some one with average or above average
numerical abilities to begin with will allow them to become a super scientist.
Before 3000 years Pathanjili maharshi
yoga and ayurvedic expert prepared a garland of 196 kundalini flowers, in the
name of “Pathanjili yoga sutras”, an authorized yogic text book in the world.
The author does not claim to be discover of this science but merely an
expounder who has tried to condense in a few sutras all the essential knowledge
concerning the science with the student or aspirant ought to posses. According
to occult tradition Pathanjili was the same person who was known as govind yogi
who initiated sankaracharya in the science of yoga. He had personal knowledge
of all aspects of yoga including its practical techniques. Pathanjili wants his
yoga food not in a tabloid form but in bulk, and if possible in a palatable
form. Intensive practice of yoga is called as kundalini.
Yoga Citta
–Vritti-Nirodhaha.Pathanjili yoga sutras-Samadhi padha-2.
Yoga improves mind(five senses) and
nervous system, inhibit the modifications of the five senses improves inner
Murdha-Jyotisi-Siddha-Darshanam - Vibutipada-33.
Samyamana (dharana,dhyana,samadhi)
practice on cortex of the head(parietal lobe) improves thought power to max.
Pratibhad va sarvam-vibuti pada 34
By this practice he knows omini
science with the use of not only the senses organs but also mind and intuition.
Yama- niyama –asana- pranayama- pratyahara,Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi are
the eight steps to the “Yogathon”improves your senses ability and expands
nervous circuits finally you will become an integral person.
In intensive kundalini(Meditation)
will practice on Ajna chakra(Prefrontal cortex), provides fifty folds memory
improvement. On sahasrara chakra(Parietal lobe) provides thousand folds memory.
These two charkas are memory boosters.
Astrocyte commonly covers axon and
synaptic nobs of the neurons. It always listen the current signal flow sound of
the neurons. When axons needed more signals astrocytes release chemical to
Olgidodendrocytes glia to form mylination on the axon, to improve its capacity.
Long axons insulated with mylin carry signals between neurons faster than
unmylinated axons. Oligodendrocytes cells manufacture the fatty membrane and
wrap the axon with 10 to 150 layers. Different factors can stimulate the
muylination process often astrocyte cells listening on the signals traveling
axons and elay chemical messages to the oligodendocytes, mylination improves
the axon capacity 50 to 150 folds. Micro glia maintains immunity and macrophase
of the neurons. Glias are the working horse of the brain. Meditation on the
three glias(astro,Oligodendrocytes,micro) with traditional kundalini technology
is called as “gliobice”- advanced neuroscience +3000 years before traditional
yogic science.for more scientific informations visit google search and images,for more related topics visit our previous archives.
With courtesy
of ScientificAmerican and Mind and google search.
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