

Tuesday 29 May 2012



·        Nadha is a Natural inbuilt Biofeedback system.

·  Nadha Practice controls B.P., Pulse, Respiration, Galvanic Skin Resistance.

·        Nadha practice maintains Theta Wave in the brain.

·        Theta Wave improves brain’s creativity.

·        In awaken stage Theta Wave saves brain energy 50 – 75 %.

·   In awaken stage our brain varies from 21-13 cycles per second.   (Beta & Alfa) Theta Wave Cycles are 4 per second only.  We can save our brain energy with Theta Wave (Nadha) when ever we needed.

·        Nadha is our omni friend and security. 

·   Before the take of stage (death) body losses sensory and motor nervous system and body also paralysed.   But Nadha leaves the body after the death only, if there is any chance Nadha will revive our life from death. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,
    As you know I used to teach Yoga Nidra of Bihar School of Yoga to my patients, health seekers and spiritual aspirants. During the course most of them experienced "Theta" wave stage and felt refreshed, recharged and and peaceful after Yoga Nidra session. Some of them told it is "effortless and easy meditation". My own experience is 40 minutes of Yoga Nidra is equalent to 3 - 4 hours of normal sleep, but it all depends upon your attunement.
    As you know very well "AUM" chanting in a systamatic and rythemic way also induces "Theta wave" state. Now you are revealing all these scientifically proved things in the form of "Srinu Kriya" for the benefit of public. It is their turn to utilize them. Thanking You.
    Dr R S Eswar Reddy
