

Friday 8 June 2012


Srinukriya is a brain exercise, in weight training we are pumping blood to the required muscles.  Here we are pumping blood to the brain slowly and smoothly with breath awareness (clinically proved).   Before Srinukriya practice 10 minutes brisk warmup is needed, to improve body’s blood & air circulation.   In practice close your eyes.   Always practice with empty stomach only.  In practice you can take 1 or 2 minutes rest whenever you needed.  No need of continuous practice.
STAGE : 1 Sit comfortably or lay in Savasana (do not sleep).  Observe brain parts with name tags for 10 minutes and visualize the parts.  Keep awareness practice on normal nose breath (in and out) for 20 minutes.  Practice smoothly and slowly morning and evening per one month.

STAGE:2 Breath awareness practice on forehead mediation spot for 30 minutes, with brain parts visualization.   30 minutes morning and 30 minutes evening for one month.  For spot awareness identity apply one drop of pain balm on the spot.  It acts for 20 minutes

 STAGE: 3 In awareness practice cool air is going inside the brain through meditation spot only and hot air is coming out of the brain and visualize brain parts.  30 minutes morning and evening for one month.
 STAGE: 4 - Practice awareness on cool air is hitting area 25 thorough mediation spot and hot air is coming outside from the area 25 and visualize the brain parts. 30 minutes morning and evening for one month.

STAGE: 5 (FINAL) - Practice breath awareness, that air is flowing inside the brain through mediation spot and the brain is absorbing the incoming air fully,heat air goes out side, breath slowly and smoothly like a infant child breaths in bed.  Visualize brain parts.  Practice 45 minutes morning and evening for – ever.  From this stage of practice yours brain will be rebooted and improve brain plasticity and you will attain physical, mental, social health and eternal bliss.
 “Our destiny leaders, jumping jeans, Pyramidal Neurons, Telomeres take active role”.  Automatically you can attain Nadha awareness (Inner sound & signals of neurons).
 “Telomeres – (Harbingers of morality), length changes from 4 to 6 months”.
Elizabeth Black Burn – 2009 Noble Laureate”.

                                                     noble laureates magzine.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,
    You are revealing your experiences to the world in an easy, simple and practical way. No dumping of theory. Thanks a lot.
    Dr Eswar Reddy
