

Wednesday 18 July 2012



            Bindu is a nutshell to define.  All the Nadha Yogis (NY) sacrificed their lives in search Bindu.  Thousands of year’s history is there, behind the Bindu.  Bindu has so many meanings i.e. Tiny Spot, Creative Spot, Soonya, Destination etc.  The concept of NY Bindu is a unique one and makes the practitioner unique.   It can also reboot the brain.  In 1909 German Neurologist Korbinian Brod Mann prepared Atlas of Human Brain, identified the brain cartexareas with numbers.  Recently NS (Neuro Scientists) find out the Brain Area – 25 is Rebooting the brain perfectly and releasing Gama Waves (Dark Energy / Brains Black Current) by stimulating this area.  Now all over the world deep brain stimulation operations are conducting on the same principle.  FDA of USA also approved permission to this operation.  In ours Srinu Kriya (SK) also we visualise Area 25; Breaths and Meditates on this area.  By this SK Practice Blood circulation in this area improves and automatically brain will be rebooted.   With my own vast study and practice I conformed that Bindu  & Area –25 are the same; Results are also the same. By knowing the Bindu’s Ancient History you can understand the importance of A-25.  In India most of the temples are build by NY.  Most of their self-accomplished knowledge was kept in the form of statues.   Famous Indian poet and noble prize laureate Rabindranath Tagore wrote of Konark as “here Language of stone surpasses the language of man”.   By Birth his name also contains Nath.  Now, we discuss some hidden side history of the temples.  By this you will be elevated and get some clarity on meditation and culture. 
                        In meditation attaining of pointed thought also called as Bindu.  “Steadiness of mind leads to steadiness of Bindu”  (Hata Yoga Pradipika 4:28).  Bindu contains ; Kala – is the evolutionary  implication.  Nadha – Inner sound.  By deep practice of meditation we can attains Bindu.  It leads to Nadha.  Nadha evolutes our brain.  Automatically we get bliss.  Some people also concentrate on the external Bindu.  In the Symbol of Aum, Bindu takes place in the top right hand.  Bindu also resides on the top of the sumeru;  In the center of the Sri Chakra, every statue of the temple must have Bindu (Prana Pratishta) – (Establishing Life). “Nadha Bindu Kalatmakam”.   By merging in Nadha, Yogi and Normal People will be evaluated smoothly.  (Target of Nadha Yogi).
            After hard practice (40,000 hours) Yogi attains Bindu (Zero state of mind).  From this stage he can listen Nadha (Inner sounds of the Body; Blood Circulation, firing of Neurons; Signals of the Neurons).   At this stage NY searches for the evolution, with social awareness.  Bindu  & Nadh are the two sides of the same coin.  Mediators who are practicing Nadha are called NY.   NY utilise their brain to the maximum and they become multi-talented.  Lahari is one of the world famous House Hold NY called as the Guru of Yogananda. 
            At present top most world scientist STEPHAN HAWKING opened natural laws, only with his mental ability.  In Traditional practice, we have to practice thousand hours to attain Nadha.  By Practicing Srinu Kriyas within one thousand Hours you will be blessed with Nadh.
            Ancient Yogic Legend Patanjali Maharshi says that “Yoga is a systematic way of living life”.  It also controls confused state of mind and provides steady of mind (Bindu). PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS – 1 & 2:1.
            All the NY concept is the same.  “Hey Holy Evolution please leads us from;            Untruth to truth, from darkness to light, from mortality to immortality, and improve our wisdom (Bindu) and Utilise  us as an instruments of evolution.
            Temples work as Psychic Healing Centres to visitors.  Every temple contains Minimum five provisions.
1.          Aroma Sticks, Flowers, Yajna (Nano Tech.) smells stimulate brains smell area, through Olfactory Nerve.
2.                Prasadams (Holy Food of the temple) are prepared with Herbals & Delicious Food Items. These stimulate Brains taste area.
3.                  Beautiful Light’s & Decorations stimulate visual area of brain.
4.          Application of sandle wood paste, Holy Ash, Kumkum on the fore head, Sastanga Namaskar, Porludandalu (Rotating their Body Around the temple floor) stimulates touching the area of brain.
5.                  Holy Mantras, Temple Bells; instrumental sounds stimulate the brains sound area.
            Thus these provisions can provide Zero mind stage to the visitors (Bindu, Bliss, ESP, etc..) Mind and they feel eternal Joy or Bliss.  Sex statues on the temples declare that we have sex controlling Technology. When we wined the sex sense, we attained victory on the senses (Culprits of the all the problems of life).   Very few people know this Kriya in the World. S. Statues are sex victory flags in the form of stone.
            “VAJROLI” Kriya, creates vacuum in the mid section of the body, and suction is created at major openings (Genetils  & Anus) of the Body.  So no item comes out of the body.  This suction of the Body stimulate Brains amagdla area (Culprit of Sex).  The practitioner of this kriya have a steady single thought. It will acts as a Sky Rocket.  Semon is called as Bindu.  NY always saves their semon by this practice.  Sex & Seman are holy auspicious to Yogi.  Yogi worship ladies as their mother.  Ex: Ramakrishna Parmahamsa (Household Yogi) guru of Swami Vivekananda.
Sri=Spider, Kala=Snake, Hasti=Elephant, Eswar=Zero Mind, Bindu.  Some breeds of tiny spiders weaves their web very faster than big ones.  Recently neuro scientists found that tiny spiders body is fully packed with neurons.  So every part of the tiny spider body produces maximum ability.  Snake is the symbol of Kundalani practice.  Elephant is one of the biggest animal on the earth.  It is a symbol of Muladhara Chakra (Pernium).  Elephant is a social animal. Every elephant has minimum 4-12 friends.  It contains maximum von economo nerves (Social Nerve) in their brain.   Trunk of the elephant is the symbol of long breath.  They are also highly sensitive.  First of all, before practice strengthen and improves your nervous system as a spider.   Sit in Sidhhasana by touching the heel of the pernium (Elephant) and practice Kundalani (Snake) by long breaths (Elephant Trunk) from Muladhara to Sahasrara (Snake).  Finally you will attain zero state of mind (Sivalinga).  Nandi (Bull) statue always concentrates on the Linga (Tratka Yogic Practice).   This shows that practitioner leaves animal instinct (Hypothalmus) and attains Human instinct (Pre Frontal Cortex – Sivalinga).  Tridand or Trisula (three pointed weapon) shows that to attain perfection 1) Will Power (Itchha), 2) Action (Kriya), 3) Wisdom (Jnana) are needed.
PALANI : Tamilnadu - India : Palani Means Meditation or wisdom.  The Temple was built by Bogarnathar, NY & Siddha Medical expert.   Nava Nath Sadus (Nine NY) is the oldest tradition in India.  Kalanga Nathar is familiar one of Nava Sadus.  Bogarnadh is the disciple of Kalanga Nathar.  Bogar completed
all stages of Kundalani practices at Palani. After attaining his full stage Bogar Nath Built a temple and fixed his acquired knowledge in it.  The idol of the temple is Bala Dandyudapani and Balamurgan or Subhramanyam or Shanmukha.  Shanmukhi Kriya is a famous Yogic Kriya.  Shanmukhi means six faces.  By arresting five senses; we can attain sixth sense (ESP).  Shanmukhi Kriya is the famous Kriya of Bhogar Nadha.  Shanmuki gives Nadh.  He formed the statue with a high Ayurvedic knowledge.  Idol consists of Navapashanams i.e. combination of nine poisonous herbals mixed in proportion to give high medical power to cure the diseases of immunity.  Daily abhisekha (Ritual Bathing) is performed to the statue with five fruit juices, honey and milk. The abhisekha theartha (Bathed Water) will be distributed to the visitors.  This water has diluted with herbal medicines & positive bacteria.  Gold, Silver, Copper, Ornaments & utensils of the temple contains Good Bacteria.  Thus food poisoning was controlled. Administration of the temple also confirms the same with the help of their labs. 
            Fumigation (Smoke) of sambrani (Lobhan, Styrax Benzoin) controls the temple pollution and check virus, bacteria. Peacock is the symbol of Nadha.  By crying, peacock produces a sound of “Crank”.  This sound gives natural beautiful Ecko sound that gives pleasure to the mind.  Dandayudham declares that “I am the fruit of wisdom”.  The sandalwood paste applied on particular parts of the body and leftover night.  On the next morning it will be distributed to the visitors, this works, as a wonder drug.
            Close your ears, eyes, nose, mouth with your fingers and then try to listen your inner Nadha is called Shanmuki Kriya. Close your ears with your index fingers and  Start Bhramari Pranayama.  Exhaling time must be extended to ten to twenty seconds like a bee.  Before inhaling listen few seconds of inner nadha.  This is called as Bhramari. Bharmaramabika Devi Temple, Srisailam, A.P, India.
One of the major fruit used in the temple is Banana. They are rich in seritonin (Neuro Transmitter – Area 25) which boost neurotransmitters and provides Bliss to the consumer.
KONARK : Orissa : India : Konark temple was built by Samba Son of Krishna.  Samba was affected by Leprosy.  After 12 years of Meditation practice, by concentration on Surya (Trataka), by using all corners of sun rays (Konark Literally Measure “Essence of corners”) Arka herb, Magnetic effect, Breeze of the sea (Ho3) by all of these he was cured.  In honour of Surya he built the magnetic Konark Temple.
            Arka means Surya and an herb – Calotropis Gigatea (Linn) contains Emrin, Jaigontial.  This arka was also called as vegetable mercury.  This herb is used in allergies like Asthma, Rheumatism, Skin Elephantiasis, Leprosy & Anti Cancer.
SWETARKA GANAPATHI : This statue was prepared from the main Root of dried Arka Plant. Devotees daily (Ritual) bathed the statue with milk.  This bathed milk will be distributed to devotees.  Bathed milk contains diluted Arka medicines.  This checks allergies like Astma, Skin problems etc.
            I hope that you may have better clarity on meditation.  Bindu, Meditation and Ayurvedic evidences the ancient temples. Nadha Yogis have Multi Talented abilities.
AREA – 25 :
            Tiny brain structure called Area –25.  It is the Hub of depression.  A-25 plays a major role in clinical neuroscience.  This region is exceptionally rich with serotonin transporters, Moleculeu that manages the amount of Neuro transmitter seritonin available to Neurons.
            As a result of this study and other, neuro scientists now think of depression in a circuitry disorder involving abnormal activity in A-25 that disrupts its vast connected network, including Hypothalamus and Brain stem, which changes in appetite, sleep and energy; the amygdla and insula, which affect anxiety mood and hippocampus, which is critical to memory processing system and attention, and parts of frontal cortex, which mediate insight and self – esteem.
            The brain after all, is in information – processing organ, constantly integrating sensory inputs and coordinating responses.  A-25 is believed to serve as a Governor for a vast network.
            Mayberg has demonstrated that direct electrical stimulation near A-25 reduces the activity of this node and can lead to recovery of people with depression who do not respond to standard therapies.
            If A-25 can cause the brain, like a computer, to get stuck in a loop of abnormal activity, then the goal of treatment might be akin to Rebooting a computer that has become frozen.
            Main source : courtesy: Thomas R.Insel – Faulty circuits – Page 30-31 scientific American – Apr 2010.
            We applied same principles in ours Srinukriya.  Instead of Electrical Stimulation, here we are using breathing & visulistion to stimulate A-25.  Traditional practice consumes number of years.  In tradition we stimulate brain through nerve flexes, vertebra, Vagus Nerve, Neurons and synopsis.  This is a lengthy process.  But in Srinu Kriya we directly stimulate A-25.  Within a short time of practice and we will become a multi talented and unique persons.
Nada was previously Nerurons Noise, Is now suddenly neurons singles.  In future Neuro Scientists will codify the singles, (Nadha) with a developing technique, Utlra Sensitive Magnetometers called SQUIDS.


  1. Dear Sir,
    Splendid revelation from your 32 years experience!
    I have been trying to post comments since you started this blog, but today (4th September) only your website is accepting comments, so I am posting my comments on every one of your postings, it is my right and responsibilty to do so as I know you and your activities for the last 22 years.
    Some Yogis who practiced Nadha might not had the oppurtunity to reveal their findings through books, Some Nadha Yogis may not have the scientific approach and analysis, some may not have medical knowledge, but you have all the qualifications to give essence of your experience in this postings. Thanks a lot.
    Certainly Sri Lahiri Mahashaya revealed many experiences and secrets of Nadha Yoga in his dairies/notes. Later his grandson published them in a book form. But only Yogada Satsang Society/ Self Realization Felloeship members got the oppurtunity to read that marvellous spiritual book. Now you are spreading these secrets to all through this blog. Your versatility is certainly useful to the common man too.
    Those who read your postings and understands in depth certainly will have a new and broader view of Hindu Spirituality. Yours is not just theory, it is a practical synthesis of ancient Rushis direct experiences, Scriptures theory, modern Scientific analysis, Medical science, practicality, etc. If few percent of people who read your blog postings practice Srinu Kriya then surely POSITIVE changes will happen on this planet for the well being of One and All.
    If anybody need some more clarifications of his postings I am happily willing to reply your queries (my email, as for as my knowledge permits, rest will be replied by Dr Prasad Rao. We are heartfully wishing improvement in the present Society, Nations and World through easily practiceble methods. For this purpose I (along with my docor friends) started many health, social and spiritual blog, some filled ones are: (telugu language) (telugu language) (telugu language) (telugu language) (telugu language) (telugu language)
    Wishing all the readers better Health, Happiness, Contentment, Harmony, Peace, Tranquility and BLISS.
    Dr R S Eswar Reddy

  2. Loved your description of SriKalahasti.
    - The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. Carl Jung
