

Monday 1 October 2012


Hai Friends,
           First of all you must have clarity on mediation.   Nadha Yogi is a meditation scientist and a social worker.  Sports science gives you health, immunity and endurance.   Meditation Science gives you physical, mental, social health a little bit control on autonomous nerve system (Kundalini).  Don’t expect any fantasy thoughts more than this.    Always be a realistic practitioner.
October 16 to 24 is one of the biggest festivals of Hindus, in the name of Dasara – Navaratrulu.  I will reveal some hidden side of Yogic practices of this festival.    Das = Ten, Hara = Distraction.   Ten characters of ours mind always disturbs our personality.  Disease, Languor, Doubt, Carelessness, Laziness, Worldly-Mindedness, Delusion, Non-Achievement of a stage, Instability, these (Nine) cause the distraction of the mind and they are obstacles (Pathanjali : YS : 1:30).  To this nine at present conditions we have to add one more character that is untruth.  Daily we have to eradicate these ten characters from mind to lead a happy life (DAS-Hara) to eradicate these characters we need nadha (Golden Sword).
            Practicing on nine chakras for nine days with Bharamari Pranayama (B.P.) with special Diet and attaining Nadha (inner sound) is the Navaratri.  Keeping the mouth closed, separate teeth and slowly exhale, producing a long continuous humming sound like bee is the B.P.  It will improve blood circulation and Tran-Scendency of the mind.   This is a main practice of Nadha Yoga.    
            In the science of Kundalini 7+2 Dhatus are the main constituents elements of the body.  These Nine Dhatus concerned with nine chakras.   Nadha Yogis to solve their health problems, they meditate on their own chakras with nadha and diet and Ayur medicines.   They also serve the public in the same manner.   This treatment is called as DHATU VIDYA (DV).
1. Bone (Asti-Dhatu) – Mooladhara Chakra  - Cooked Green Gram + Rice
2. Fat (Medha) – Swadhistana – Cooked Rice (CR) + Curd.
3. Flesh (Mamsa) – Manipura – CR + Sugar (Jaggery)
4. Blood (Rakta) – Anahatha – CR + Ghee (Butter)
5. Skin (Tvak) – Visuddha – CR + Milk
6. Marrow (Mazza) – Ajna – CR + Turmeric
7. Essence of Diet (Amrut) – Lalalana – Combination
8. Melanin – Bindu – Pineal – Combinated diet
9. Semen (Veerya) – Sahasrara – All Combination diet.
Ex:- For Aids – Meditation on Anahata with BP, CR + Ghee, Ayur Medicine.
            DV is one of the oldest treatments of the NY’s.   Authorised texts on this subject are not available.    A little bit of informations is available from other books. 
DV SOURCE : Sree Vidyaranya Swami  (Madhavacharyudu) 1267 AD – 1386AD, founder of Virupaksha (Multi Vision) Temple and Vijayanagaram of Hampi.   He is a Nadha Yogi, writer of 1800 Books on the science of Hindu Religion.   Sir John Woodrofee – Serpent Power, C.W. Lead Beter of Theosophy, Boudha Lama’s, Swamy Rama of Himalayas, Dr. J.C.Kameswara Rav.   1990’s on wards’ I am practicing DV.   On this subject in 1996 the Open International University for complementary medicines (Colombo) honourd me with Doctor of Philosophy.
            In between 1674 to 1677 Chatrapati Sivaji Maharaj, in the guidelines of his Guru Swami Samardha Ramadas, practiced strictly the Nava Chakra Meditation in the Bhramarambica Temple of Srisailam, for nine days.  On the tenth day he attained Nadha (Golden Sword).   With gratitude he donated somany valuables to temple (Bhramarambica), Built Northern Tower of Temple and also built a free meal center.   Nava Chakra Meditation with BP gifted Nadha (Golden Sword) to Sivaji to root out the ten evil characters of his mind and attaining full bliss.  This is the inner meaning, and symbolism of the statue Bhramarmbica presented a divine sword (nada) to Sivaji on the tenth day. 
            Dear friends every day root out the ten evil characters from your brain with nadha and enjoy bliss.   I must be thankful to my close friend Pattabhiramaiah Manda and family of Eluru, who is the inspiration of this essay.   From the childhood he is a strong believer of Rangannababu – A Native Yogi.    10 Years back I successfully completed my 24 hours (Ratri) Nadha Meditation in Srisailam, with full co-operation, intensive care and affection of Pattabhiramaiah.   With his efforts only I completed 24 hours nada meditation at most important temples and shrines in India. 
            Srisailam is the Hub of NYs, they says that if we visited once Srisailam Temple Top all of your sins will be abolished.   Keeping awareness on the top of your head (Cerebral Cortex - Sahsrara) you will become a unique person.  Pathanjali : YS – 3:33.
            Dear friends, enjoy Dasara - Navaratri Festival internally and externally with full bliss.


  1. Dear Sir,
    On the eve of Dasara - Navarathrulu festival you have posted a splendid article containing so far unrevealed secrets of Nadhayoga, Dhatu Vidya, Yogic truths of historical incidents like Goddess Brhamarambika presenting Divine enegy sword to Shivaji. Yes, if we win these 9 distractions (of course the 10th one is also to be included) that is real VICTORY (Vijaya Dasami). As we all know the question Prahaladha puts to his father " have you won on yourself? that victory is greater than world victory". We all have to strive step by step for this victory.
    As said by you, Bhramari pranayama is the easiest and most powerful technique to achieve health, happiness, intelligence, progress in any walk of life. If practiced regularly for 5 minutes morning and evening students will get better memory and recollection capacity. In the long run they become versatile genius. they can add Shanka puspi, Brahmi, Satavari, Jatamamsi, aswagandha for all round personality development.
    Swamy Paramahansa Niranjanananda Bihar school of yoga, 20 years ago said that students will be benefited immensely by simply doing five times Brhamari before starting any studies. It gives not only memory, but aslo health, peace, tranquility and ultimately bliss.
    Sir you said Nadha yoga gives little bit control over autonomous nervous system. excuse me i disagree with this, nadha yoga certainly gives lot of control over autonomous nervous system. Earnest seekers certainly get this control.
    Thank for enlighting with versatile personality development article.
    - Dr R S Eswar Reddy and friends.

  2. hai reddi garu,you highlighted dasara posting with yours acquired yogic knowledge,positive thinking,thaq sir.ours main motive is to reestablih yoic coming posts i will discus more on neuromeditations. dr.rao
