

Monday 15 October 2012


Hai Friends,
            Researchers now believe that they are more like files on a hard drive that can be altered overwritten or even erased from the brain.  Similarly ingesting a drug like zip compound into the brain to the require parts would cause all recollections to disappear and unhook these neural links.  The imprints of a traumatic memory & fear fade or vanish with new drugs and behavioral therapies.  Here we are discussing an alternative system, which can supports the main treatment, gives a little bit clarity on painful memories, fears and its formation.  In the brain fear is the main victim of all the psychic disorders and ill-health formation.  Old memories can be changed when they are recalled to consciousness. 
            Ancient Yogis without any scientific base, they had their own system of erasing memories through meditation.  They formed this by their self acquired experiences and knowledge.  By meditating on their forehead (third eye) (prefrontal cartex) in samadhi stage (Theta wave), they concentrate on their problem (phobias) with Divya Drusthi (Visualisation) & make it Bhasma (Vanish).  Along with they utilize Ayur Med.
            The key hubs in the brain for fear are the Amygdala and an adjacent Galaxy of cells called the Bed Nucleus of stria terminals.  These regions drive virtually all the symptoms of fear, racing heart, increased sweating, freezing and exaggerated startle responses.  Nerve cells in the Amygdala project their long, slender axons to centers in the brain stem, that control those autonomic functions and also to areas in the fore brain that influence motivation, decision making, and the saliency of specific stimuli.   Amygdala is the engine of fear, operated by ventromedial prefrontal cartex (VMPFC).  VMPFC, Amygdala, A-25, Hippocampus are connected by electrical circuits.

            The line of research starts with the basics of how fear memories form.   A memory arise when a series of neurons fire together in a similar way, a process called consolidation.  First one neuron fires in response to a sound, a visual perception or another input, which triggers another to switch on and, later still, other nearby cells.  Then when any neuron is stimulated again, even weakly, other neurons in the net work also fire.  Later this incident consolidated as a long term memory.   In day to day life small stimuli also trigger this long term memory and leads to fear.

            In SK practice, after 20 minutes, visualize on yours  prefrontal cartex, form a triangle in PC and keep yours fear in center of it.   Ex: Snake is yours fear. By visualization prison a snake in the triangle during practice slowly unhook the triangle links.  Automatically the snake will become free from triangle, slowly it will vanishes.  Some practices can erases yours snake fear permanently.    In the same manner you can reconsolidate all yours fears and pain full memories.
            In SK practice aerobic capacity improves (V02 Max).  Improved Oxygen consumption leads to higher metabolic rate, and increases brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF-Brain Protein) in VMPFC.  BDNF opposes Neuro Degenerative process, Acts on spinal cord to reduce heart rate, reduces the rate of obesity and type 2 diabetes, increases neuro connectivity, improves brain mitochondria efficiency, has a main role in psychiatric and neurological disorders.
            Dear friends live without fear, by practicing SK & Erasing practice, SK Reboots the Brain by improving Neuro Transmitters and the electrical circuits of VMPFC, Amygdala,  A-25, Hippocampus.
            You are fully packed with bliss, realize and enjoy it.  Nobody can give it to you.  With your’s own effort only you can attain it.  Always practice in the guidelines of your yogic coach only.  Selection of Yogic coach is at your choice.
Main Source : Scientific American Digital.


  1. Very interesting!

    It shows how the mysterious workings of the brain -- the fact that memories are constantly recalled and reconsolidated (for example) -- can be used to our advantage.

  2. thank you sir,at present sent percent people are suffering with unknown fears,this is my small effort.dr.rao.

  3. Dear Sir,
    You are presenting the most difficult topics in the most simplest words. This a subject that can be a research topic for many generations.Yoga(Kundalini/ nadhayoga)subject is both theory and practical, it is subjective as well as objective. Some topics can not be put in to research labs alone, they have to be experienced to believe. Bindhu meditation (generally known as ajna or eyebrow center meditation)is the experience of thousands of Rushis, Munis or Yogis. If practiced sincerely and regularly every one is going to experience Divine happiness called BLISS. Erasing painful memories and fears are just a few fruits of this splendid Bindhu Meditation, we will get the highest happiness, our life becomes spontaneous and every activity happens with an effortless ease. We love all and see us in all ie Oneness. For this Bliss Bhuddha sacrificed his kingdom also. But he got the eternal kingdom of BLISS.

    Hope atleast some of this page viewers start practicing the Srinu Kriya to experience benefits. If anybody wants clarifications mail to or see my blogs all the viewers more Health, Happiness, Harmony, peace and Bliss.

  4. reddigaru at present teenage to oldage people are suffering with fear,but they are not aware of it.this is my small effort.dr.rao.
