

Friday 5 April 2013



Hai Friends,

                        Our infant blog completed the first year successfully with your world wide openings, thanks to all.   Every brain’s Prefrontal Cortex (PC) right behind the forehead works as a Genetic Memory Searchengine.  Scientifically, everyone can tap their inner virtuous!, the extraordinary talented genius within, not accidental but practical.   Both long and short-term memories arise from the connections between neurons, at points of contacts called synapse.   For long-term memory, the synapse strengthening becomes permanent.   Genese plays a role in conversion of a memory from short to long term, with new proteins.  Neurons coordination network acts like an orchestra symphony.   Repeated strong synapse fire declares to the nucleus “this should recorded”.  Repeated stimuli open the selected genese to confirm the perception by strengthening the synapse.    Long-term memory is spares and stored in different cortical areas, smell, shape, colour and texture.   The Hippocampus, and the medial temporal lobe in general, is not necessary for perception, but in critical for transferring short-term memories (things we remember for a short while) into long term memories  (Things we remember hours, days and years). 
                        In some extreme conditions (stimuli), brain takes its own super fast decisions, and also collected information from its inheritance genese, to survive the present situations.  Vaccination (immunity) controls the inheritance diseases carried by genese.  Ex: Practicing Kundalani – A little bit of control on our Central Nervous System – Improves Multi Talented Ability in the brain – A traditional Secrete -  No Literature – Red Indians, Tribals, Asians  are still following the tradition from the last thousands of years – Teaching mouth to ear only.    I learned, practiced, and enjoyed, Kundalini.  In the intensive guidelines of my (within genius) brain only (Genetic Memory).   Kundalini is an inherent genes in Asians.
Memories are created by strengthening the synapse.  Short memories effect only minutes to hours. In long-term memories the synapse permanently strengthened.   Signals travel from dendrite to synapse by electrical potentials.   Synapse sends messages to another cell dendrites by electro chemical action (Firing the synapse).
Strong are repeated stimulation, strengthen the synapse and signals, the nucleus to make the memory permanent.  A protein called creb must be activated.  Creb activate and select genes from inside the cell nucleus and bring tRNA out of the nucleus and stick the memory.   mRNA spread this through the cell.  This signals strength the synapse.   Repeated synapse fire declares, “This is an event that should be recorded”.   The relevant gene turns on. 
Strong stimulation signals from the dendrites depolarize the cell membrane.  Depolarization causes the cell to fire an action potential and opens voltage sensitive calcium channels.  Calcium ions activate enzymes, which active creb. Creb activates the selected genese for synapse strengthening proteins.  The proteins defuse through out the cell, affecting only the synapses that are temporarily strengthen and makes memory.   Creb stopped when we stopped stimulating the neuron. 
Three times, for every ten minutes, High frequency stimulus is applied repeatedly on a single thought in your PC (Neurons).  The stronger stimulus sent a signal to the nucleus, calling for memory - Protein manufacture and proteins found any synapse that was already prim to use them.  This will learned us new skills or facts.  There was no need for a messenger from the synapse to the nucleus.  Membrane depolarization, action potentials opened calcium channels, turning appropriate genes, and makes good sense of memory.  Synapses reach its original strength within two to three hours.
Astrocytes (Glia)  protect synaptic (gap), cleft, and influence the formation of synapses, acts as a nutrients, maintain ionic conditions around neurons, removes excess neurotransmitters and ions after their firing,  improves myelin coating, neurotransmitter glutamate raise calcium concentration in astrocytes.   Astrocytes communicate themselves by releasing their ATP.   Astrocytes play main role in learning, brain plasticity and memory.  Neurons works as a landline phone, but whereas astrocytes works as a cell phone.   Astrocytes cover neurons axon and synapse. 
NO AGE BARRIER : Children whose brains are still myelinating widely find it much easier to acquire new skills than their grand parents do.  Of course, Old Geezers can still learn, but they are engaged in a different kind of learning involving the synapses directly.    And yet intensive training causes neurons to fire, so the potential exists for that firing to stimulate myelin action.  – R. Douglas Fields.

1.                  Select a topic (Single thought).
2.                  Feed topic oriented standard scientific knowledge to the long memory (no illusion).
3.                  Practice SK for 15 minutes, this will prepare your brain to login your searchengine (PC).
4.                  Three times for every 10 minute, high frequency topic stimulus is applied repeatedly on yours PC, morning and evening.
5.                  This practice gives you new skills or truth and multi talents.   Time depends on your intensity of practice.
Experiences from my last 33 years :  Basically, I am a Commerce Student.

1.         AGRICULTURE :-      Attained 1) International Farm Youth Exchange, 2) District (County) Best Farmer Award.  Scientific source : International Rice Research Institute, Philiphines.
2.         SPORTS :-                 Common Wealth Master Power Lifting Champion and 18 International Medals.  Source : Bob Hoffman York Books and Power Lifting USA Magazines.
3.         ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES :-         Ph.D from Srilanka Alternative Medicine Open University.  Yoga and Kundalini source : Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Swami Sivananda, Bihar School of Yoga, Swami Rama Books and Magazines, Ayurveda Source:- Benarus Hindu University Ayurveda Books and Research Papers.
4.         Wrote some High Standard Traditional Books in my native language.  1) Soundaryalahariki Prayoga Sastram, 2) Konark Temple, 3) J.K. Meditations (Jiddu Krishna Murthy) etc. Source:- Nadha practice.
5.         SOCIAL ACTIVITY :-  Neuro Science Source : Scientific American – Mind, Nature, Neurology, Cell Molecular Biology and Medical Texts, Google Search.
Dear Friends with your own effort only you will become a multi talented person.   In initial stage of practice follow your yoga coach.  No limits to your brain.   Think of the brain as a large church bell and the SK (A-25) as a clapper.
            This blog is heartily dedicated to Scientific American, astonishingly they gave me some scientific evidences to my 33 years of meditation practice.   Also special thanks to the Google.
Main source : Scientific American Digital.

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