

Friday 31 May 2013



Hai Friends,

             I am very happy to announce that, on 28th of this month, TIMES GLOBAL ANNOUNCED A NEWS KING BRONZE BADGE to ours blogger activities.  I must be so much thankful to TIMES.   In 1977 Late Bob Hoffman (Father of Weight Lifting, Healthiest Man in the World Award Winner) of York, already fixed my destination, as “RAO BY BIRTH YOU ARE A SPORTS MAN AND ALSO DIE AS A SPORTS MAN” and rewarded me with his self signed photograph.  This is my motivation.

            Real attitude of Nadha Yogi (NY) is to participate in the evolution.  He is the big brother of Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms.   He uses meditation as a brain warming to acquire the knowledge.    They spread their knowledge to the public thorough their followers.    They lead a normal life.  Their menu is very simple sattuva (few spoons of Bengal Gram Powder + Atta Powder + Salt + Water) and Baked Potatoes in fire or hot springs. 

            Living cells need the energy in the compound Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) to power their essential functions.  And they need a lot of it, every day a resting adults consumes roughly half of his or her body weight about 40 Kgs  in ATP (1997 Noble Prize).  NY practices more Pranayamas (More Oxygen).  550 Liters of pure oxygen (19 cubic feet) per day that a person consumes in a day.  NY with little food water and Higher, oxygen consumption prepares sufficient ATP to maintain a normal life.  Scientifically when our brain efficiency improves, gut efficiency decreases.

            After finishing their sadhana NY blessed the nature with a holy word “LOKA  SAMASTA SUKHINOBAVANTU” All the contents of the nature will live with happy and joy.  This shows their loving kindness of the society for the welfare of the public health they use Ayurveda (Mineral Kingdom – Silajit, Vegetable Kingdom - Aswagandha, Animal Kingdom – Srungi Bhasma).  History says that Acharya Nagarjuna maintained a thousand beds Ayurvedic Hospital in Srisailam.  NY’s spread love, kindness, agreeableness, and characters in society.

            Agreeableness and positive thinkers have stronger relationship, better health, and superior performance in the society.  They enjoy longer and more intimate marriages, better relationship with their kids and greater overall satisfaction with their lives and earnings.

            In a study published in 2008 research at the university of Wisconsin – Madison.  Mediators practiced meditation on loving – kindness.  Participants silently repeat wishes for the health and happiness of themselves and others.  All the participants displayed heightened activity in the insula, a brain area involved in self-awareness and emotional experience.  In the final stage of SK we have to repeat silently “LOKA  SAMASTA SUKHINOBAVANTU”, this will provide us long term happiness, good health, strong relation ship and enjoyment what you do every day.   Internally it stimulates A-25, VAN Economo nervous, Seritonin. 

            Dear friends Srinu Kriya Practice improves your cell consciousness in Nano Level and also with full bliss they sing “LOKA  SAMASTA SUKHINOBAVANTU”  chorus. 

Main source :  Scientific American Digital.


  1. Dear Sir,
    we (your friends, followers, well wishers, etc.) are happy to know that the mother NATURE is reciprocating your services to mankind by many means and one such is TIMES POINTS. One day we will see your artile in TIMES magazine.

    Every spiritual path, realized person advocates "Loka Samastha Sukhinobhavanthu" - well being of the entire UNIVERSE.Because the ultimate truth is ONENESS.

    saravesham svasti bhavatu

    saravesham shanthi bhavatu

    saravesham purnam bhavatu

    saravesham mangalam bhavatu

    May all beings dwell in happiness

    May all beings dwell in peace

    May all beings attain oneness

    May all beings attain auspiciousness

    Lokah Samasthah sukhino bhavathu

    May all happiness be unto the whole world

  2. thank you dr reddy,dr vani,dr radhakrishna garu,this effort&achievements belongs to our friends,blog visitors. dr. rao

  3. Respected Guruji,
    The word Congratulations is nothing for u, if there is any word beyond that, it will be suitable to u, anyhow u r trust worthy for d recognition of GLOBAL WIDE TIMES POINTS PROGRAME, AWARDING U WITH BRONZE MEMBERSHIP AND REQUESTING U TO CONTINUE TO READ, SHARE AND WATCH. Presenting and sharing ur 32 years experiences and inventions in yoga, meditation etc., with d world is a greatest thing and I will be more happy if others also follow ur footsteps sharing their valuable experiences with d world, which u have dared to do.
    Around 200 countries received ur message and I being ur native follower and having personal association with u, proud of myself by d world wide recognition of u and ur message.
    In ur thanks giving message also you never mentioned mine. You mentioned ours. That is ur highness.
    I feel that all of ur 22 postings are useful to each and every person who can read and understand irrespective of age, gender and country and very particularly to all the universities and who r in research. I wish u will be honoured shortly by the intellectuals of the society.
    Now a days we r listening a common word ie Virus of computers, mobiles etc., But nobody is thinking about d virus of d brain. Ur SK BJ is d only remedy of virus of d brain.
    The second common word is Viral fever and general health problems etc., but nobody is thinking about exercise and about in-taking. For that also ur SK BJ is d top most remedy.
    Respected GURUJI, I once again congratulating u for d BRONZE MEMBERSHIP and thanking u very much for d message given to d world and particularly to d human society which is useful from their first breath to last breath.
    Kaja Subrahmanyam

  4. thank you kinded heart subramanyamgaru,this is ours total collective work,to spread bliss inthe society is ours nano effort. dr.rao.

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