

Sunday 1 September 2013



Hai Friends,
                         Sleep consumes 1/3 span of our lives.   In sleep conscious mind disconnect completely.  Nadha Yogi (NY) needed less sleep.  NY practice provides the biological sleeping benefits to the body and brain.  Practice stimulates the Pineal Gland, it releases meletonine hormone.  This hormone stimulates the Hypothalamus (Biological Clock) to sleep.   In sleep we attain non rapid eye movement (NERM) for a limited period.   In late NERM sleep total neural Synaptic Homeostasis takes place (SHY), Brains plasticity improves.   Meletonine controls prostate and Brest cancers.   NY practice normalise biological rhythms of, SHY and Seritonin.  

                        Our ear has two functions – Hearing & Balancing.  So too does the eyes – Sight and Circadian Clock (Biological Clock).  A group of neurons in the Hypothalamus works as a Biological Clock.   The clock protein is active in a brain region known as the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN), which is linked to light & dark cycles of day and night.   In night by stimulating the pineal gland to produce the hormone melatonin & encourage sleep.   In day times send signals (Acetylcholine) to hypothalamus and Cerebral Cortex to awake.   Biological Clock changes with the earth revolution.  

                        Much of the memory work is done in late NERM Phase.  Helping the brain shuffle memories around, reactivating them in Hippocampus, editing them in areas such as prefrontal cortex, and returning them areas of the cortex nearer the Hippocampus from longer term storage and retrieval.   There are now plenty of evidences that slow wave sleep (NERM) helps consolidate memories.

                        Neuro degenerative diseases disrupt sleep and circadian rhythms by damaging this circuitry, Neuro and sleep are interdependence.   Modifying sleep could actually delay the onset of diseases.  Exercises, Food, Light, may shift the biological clock.  Electrical Lights (Blue and Green) at night, LEDS, Televisions, Computer Screens, Laptops, Tablets, Hand held Devices, Smart Phones which in blue light disturbs the sleep.  Night time exposure to LEDS is typically more disruptive to circadian rhythms.  Melatonin Secretion and sleep than incandescent lighting.    Use Red and Orange enriched light after sunset.     Mid Night Led Gadgets observation provides solar light to biological clock and disturb circadian rhythm.

                        Sleep disorder leads to great risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression and stroke.    A week of insufficient sleep altered the activity of 711 genes (DNA).  Mood and sleep dysregulations seem to go hand in hand.  So sleep disturbance might be one of the earliest manifestation of Alzheimers and parkinson.   Sleep disorder breathing (SDB) is thought of as obstructive sleep APNOEA (OSA).  Heart – Failure patience exhibit moderate to sever SDB.    Medication should be used if people are sick.   A combination of drug and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy  (CBT), may finally put an end to the misery of sleepless nights.  Srinu-Kriya – Brain Jogging may normalise SDB. 

                        The great saint YAJNAVALKA  MAHARSHI introduced a mediation on the conscious sleep to the public, in the name Yoga Nidra.  Budhha, Benaras Hindu University Founder Madan Mohan Malvya, Swamy Rama and most of yogis spread this practice.   Bihar School of Yoga still today researching a lot on this meditation and spreaded to every nook of the world.   Some Yogis practice this as a corpse meditation (SAVA Sadhana).    In this practice we have the feeling of conscious death and automatically we realize the perfect values of the life.    University of Louisiana, 1985-2004, done research on Sociology of death and dieing.   Finally they gave a conclusion that, we can not escape our mortality, and that awareness has the power of elicit fear or appreciation.   Siddharda (Budha) searched and practiced and spreaded a lot on this meditation.   Utilisation of knowledge provides Buddhi (Wisdom).  So, Yogis and society call him as Buddha.   The person who utilizes his buddhi is called as Buddha.  Spreading wisdom in the society is called as Buddhism.

                        Neurons in the sleeping brain fire nearly as often as they do in a waking state and they consume almost as much energy.   Human brain consumes 20% of the energy from body budget.  Out of this 20% atleast  2/3 of energy goes to Synaptic Energy.   This is necessary to produce Neuro Transmitters and Mitochondria and Synaptic proteins lipids for communication, across synapses.  In slow NERM sleep neuron firing fall silent for about a fraction of second in their normal routine, synapses get week.  Neuro Transmitter between synapse becomes less concentration.   Un important links between the neurons are weakened.   Important memories reminds intact.    Synaptic spines and excess synaptic receptors are pruned, synopses returned to base line, conscious mind disconnect complete. Integrate new and old memories, stores new memories and sticks them.  The brain rehashes newly laid material at night.   The brain tryout which new memories fit better with stored memories of proved signfences, and weakens those synapses that do not fit well in the grand scheme of memory.  Students take a note after a night of sleep you can learn new material much better then all day.

                        Scientific experiments as shown that, some times just a nap, newly formed memories stick better that they would if one had spent the same amount of the time aware.  Srinu Kriya sleep practice works as a nap, with full consciousness and reboots the brain.  This is an alternative system, support to mainstream of drug and CBT systems. 

                        Lie down on a mat or carpet in SAVASANA start with body touch (sense) and breathe awareness for five minutes.   Next SK practice for 10 minutes.  Next keep your breath awareness and touch on the top of your head (Parietal lobe)  (Five senses attains below baseline) and listen nadha.   Now you are in full consciousness and brain shows theta wave.  Innerly visualise on your prefrontal cortex.  This will give Zero state of mind with full consciousness.   Practice this for 15 minutes.   You can attain all the biological benefits of the sleep.   Brain and Body rebuilded.  You can save your sleeping time.  When you utilizes your knowledge (Scientific Technology), your wisdom (Buddi) becomes a Sky Rocket.   Science is an open enterprise, as the end of the day science is a social process, you will never get there hiding yourself and your work.

            This posting is dedicated to disturbed sleep hearts.   Always practice this with your coach only. 

            With curtsey of nature and scientific America magazines.

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