

Saturday 14 September 2013


( Jnana and Karma Indriyas)
Hai Friends,

            At present somany people are suffering with hand alignments, Frozen Shoulders, prolapsed shoulder joints, Deltoid, Biceps, Triceps, Fore Arm, Elbow, Wrist, Finger problems.   These are common in our Normal Life, but they affect more on our productivity.   If we attain nucleus of the problem, easily we can solve them.

            By birth animals have their natural weapons such as Fangs and claws, for hunting.  They survive on their hunted meat.   Humans are also eating the meat atleast from 2.6 millions ago.  Compared with other Carnivores, Hominins are slow, weak, lack of natural weapons.  How he earned meat?  Nature provides hand-throwing ability to human to earn their livelihood meat.   It is necessary to understand both throwing biomechanics and how changes in hominin anatomy effect throwing performance. 

            Throws are covered by rapid, sequential activation of many muscles, staring in the legs and progressing through the hips, torso, shoulder, elbow and wrist.   Total torques generated at each joint, final accelerate energy was called by the scientist as ELASTIC ENERGY STORAGE IN THE SHOULDERS (EESS).     Throwing performance may also have benefited from low, wide shoulders, pectoralis major, long legs and Hyperextendable wrists, which are all present in H.Erectus.  Although humans unique ability to power High speed throws using Elastic Energy may have been critical in enabling early hunting, repeated overuse of this motion can result serious injuries in modern throws sports.    EESS is a weapon, gifted by the nature.   So we have to improve and utilize this energy properly to max.

            In Kundalini Science every Chakra (Nerves Flex) have their abilities to control bodies sensory and motor organs (Jnana and Karma Indriyas) through their Nerves System.    So, every Chakra have their own number of Jnana Karmendriya, Nerves, Tissues, Molecules, Organs, Colours (Tatvas).    Every cell of the body has a conscious of its own.   Organs of the body also have their conscious.   Total body collective conscious is called as Kundalini.   By this sub-division of the body we can pinpoint the health problems very accurately.    Example: for digestive problems, Yogis, Meditates on Manipura Chakra and Heart problems mediate on Anahatha etc.  This eastern ancestry practice was called by as DHATHU VIDYA.   Yogis also claim that hands releases maximum energy (Prana) than the remaining organs.   So, we have to take care of the hands by meditating on Swadistana.  Yogis in their high end of practice kept Yogadanda in their arm’pit and provides some pressure on their shoulders to change their nasal breath flow and to stimulate the EESS.   Samyamana on the hands is most important.  By this practice in 2009 I established a new Asian Master Benchpress Record .    Improve your EESS and enjoy blossom bliss of the evolution.  For Swadistana meditation visit our previous archieves

1. Bone (Asti-Dhatu) – Muladhara – Nose & Feet – Red - 4
2. Fat (Medha – Dhatu) – Svadistana – Tongue & Hand – Orange – 6
3. Flesh (Mamsa – Dhatu) – Manipura – Eye & Anus – Yellow – 10
4. Blood (Rakta – Dhatu) – Anahata – Touch & Gentiles – Green – 12
5. Skin (Tvak – Dhatu) – Visuddha – Ear & Mouth – Blue – 16
6. Marrow (Majja) – Ajna – All – Indigo – 2
7. Seman (Sahasrara) – All – Violet – 1000

Weekly practice twice pushups and once benchpress, in the observation of your coach.  Have a balance diet.   Your body and brain improved by the EESS. 

With courtesy of Nature, Serpent power, Google Images.

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