

Tuesday 1 October 2013



Hai Friends,

                        Anyone of you is wishing to celebrate your III (One hundred and eleventh) Birthday?  This is not fantasy!  Scientists are giving somany evidences to longevity of life.   Yogis lived longer better life and utilize their full span of life in the welfare of the society, and established their imprints globally. 

                        For better longevity of the life they follows yoga, Ayurveda, Kundalani.   Yogis formulated one Ayurvedic combination (Makaradwaj),  which gives perfect (Siddha) longevity of  health, in the name of Siddamakaradwaj.   Greatest Nadha Yogi Vemana says (Alchemy), use Swarna Bhasma (Gold Ash) and make your life gold (Long life).   Yoga & Ayurveda are interrelated.   Now Gold is using as a final coating to Nano Medicines, because gold has higher penetrative ability to enter into the cell, nucleus, Mitochondria. 

                        Condition of thigh, thigh muscles (leg) also plays major role in longevity.   Early human spend 40 km a day in hunting, to earn his lively hood.  Thigh muscle evolution was formed according to the daily necessities.   In action thigh muscle release insuline, Testosteron and Endorfins to rebuilt the body muscles and also strengthen the bones.

                        Anthropology says early age of humans lived upto 30 years only.  They calculated their age on the wearing average of three molars.   Late human ancestors ate more meat, they evolved defenses against its attendant pathogens.   These defenses contribute to longevity but foster disease later in life.   They butcher antelopes with simple stone tools, smashing the bones to get at the fat rich marrow, slicing of meat.    Roasting and charring meat improves, both the taste and digestibility.   Greater absorption of cholesterol, barbeque, meat consumption, develop neurons in the brain.  In the evolution heat, redness, swelling and pain plays main role.   Cell mitochondria release energy as heat.   It acts as a sterilization controls the growth of many bacterias.   Damaged cell releases chemicals isolating the injured area from contact with healthy tissues.  

                        Most prevalent immunity genes (APOE E4, E3) are also changed quickly.   He attained the long life, basic level of immunity.  In the average span of life people suffers with heart, cancer, diabetes, dementia from 60 to 80 years.  Whereas centenarians suffer from 96 to 105 years only.    First of all we must have clear concept regarding the long life.   What are the targets to attain?   Financial supports, moving with the same age group, building a strong social networks, aware of health hurdles.   Irving kahn 106 working 5 hours a day, he has been called the world’s oldest active investment professional.  (Contd…2 – 9)

With courtesy of nature, scientific America, national Geographic, Benarus Hindu University, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama and Google images.


  1. Sir,

    Very happy to see your (our) new posting on Super Centenarians. Startling revelations on gold bhasma, and its use in nano medicines as coating. Shortly the entire world has to use the safest treatment system called Yoga & Ayurveda. Because it has proved its efficacy since time immemorial as our Saints, Rishis, Vaidyas discovered Yoga & Ayurveda after contemplating on it for days and months. It is simply Divine Medicine - a boon to humanity.
    -- Dr Eswar Reddy, Dr Vani & Dr Radha Krishna.

  2. thak you dr easwar,dr vani,dr radha krishna,our anicent yogis lived above hundread,but we dont have any evidencies at present. still to day global people are enjoying their effort,in the name of yoga-ayurveda.some traditional treatments are vanished.ex-dhatu vidya. i want to aware the common peoples health with yoga-ayurveda&modren science. dr.rao
