

Friday, 28 March 2014


 Hai Friends,
          Improving body blood circulation and oxygen by exercise is called as aerobics. Focusing brain’s attention on what you are doing at time, you are doing it and five senses awareness and utilization is called as neurobic, this improves brain blood circulation, adds extra neutrophins to neurons, almost double the size and complexity of the dendrites that branches of the neuron, brain rewires, strength the hypocampus connections, stimulate LTP, large areas of the cortex lit up, showing increased levels of brain activity in central distinct areas of the cortex. Practitioner in any age stayed physically and socially active retain their mental faculties much better than individuals who did not.

            Laurence C.Katz is the James B. Duke Professor of neuro biology at Duke university medical center and an investigator in the Howard Hughes medical institute. RockFeller post doctoral fellow, here  worked with Nobel Laurate Dr.Torsten Wiesel. Internationally recognized expert on the development and function of the Mammalian cortex. His recent research focusing on neutrophins and their effect on nerve cell growth. Published over fifty original scientific articles, and awarded by numerous professional awards.

            Katz along with Manning Rubin published a practical neurology book in the name of, keep your brain alive – 83 neurobic exercises to help prevent memory loses and increase mental fitness. His main concept of this book is that brain hungers for novelty, the sixth sense, emotion in action of the brain leads to reduced brain fitness. “Use it or loose it”. You can turn everyday routines into “ Mind building” exercises. Engaging emotions through social interactions is a key starting of neurobics. Important emotional and social “senses” is essential to healthy brain and an active memory. Do every work with five senses awareness. Commuting is also important Hypocampus is especially involved in associating orders ,sounds and sights to construct mental mapping.

            Main concept of GG is to inculcate neuro science with traditional kundalini. I hope this effort improves brain’s plasticity. In scientific practice(SP), we have to aware five senses in every action this will improve blood circulation in neurons and improves brain circuits. Ex: While eating a banana, we have to (enjoy) aware the banana smell, taste, shape, touch, eating sound. This is the gyst of the neurobic. In this practice brain’s sensory and motor systems takes main role and becomes strengthen the circuits.

            In GG we improve sensory and motor nerves circuits of the brain. And it can manipulate the blood circulation low to high, alter the brain waves, gamma also can attain(Neurogenesis), can focus on any tiny area. It can also interfere with nerves functions and their biological rhythms. Mainly we focus on glia functions . We can focus on individual organs of the brain. Ex:Amygdla,Hypocampus etc. We can stimulate brain rewarding center by meditating on orbitofrontal cortex. We can concentrate on nucleotide, RNA, DNA, stimulates chromosomes Telomeres – Extend longevity of life. Easily can stimulate micro RNA- main victim of cancer and HIV. This is mainly an alternative or complementary and supportive medicine, without any side effects. Breathe and sound awareness plays main role in this practice. At our will we can stimulate vagus nerve, can create vacuum in gut (Nauli). Can manipulate body temperatures. All these activities provide some medical values to brain and body. (Contd..8-18)
With courtesy of Google search, NTRA-AARP’s educator community, the Dana alliance for brain initiatives, ScientificAmerican.

Monday, 17 March 2014


                 UNIVERSAL SCALE.
       Hai gg practitionars some information for you!
  1. Mount everst is about 5,000times as high as six foot person.
  2. A six foot person is roughly1,00,000times the size of a neuron cell.
  3. The volume of the sun is around 1000,000 times the earth volume.
  4. The radius of the solar system is around 1,000,000 times the earth radius.
  5. The proton is about 1.6-1.7femtometers in diameter.One femtometer is 1.0 x 10^15 meters or 0.001picometer and one nanometer is 1000 picometers or 1,000,0000 femtometers.
  6. An electron is an elementry particle,and hence it is described in quantum mechanical term as  a wave function,which in principle course all space.
  7. The bond length between a carbon and a hydrogen atom is 100 picometers OR 0.1 nanometers.
  8. The atomic radius is the mean distance from the nucleus to the boundary of the surrounding cloud of electron ,eg,atomic radius of hydrogen is 25 picometers and that for carbon is 70 picometers.

With the courtesy of-Thomas Dean -Google Inc-scalable neuroscience.


                                       NANO SCALE.
      HAI friennds this information may useful to the GG practitionars,with curtesy of -scalable neuroscience-thomas dean,google inc.

  • Average number of neurons in the brain=100billion(100^11).
  • Diameter of neuron=4-100um(micron)(granule,motor).
  • Ratio grey to white matter=(1.3,1.1,1.5)by age(20,50,100).
  • Percentage of oxygen consumption by white matter is6%.
  • Percentage of oxygen consumpiton by grey matter is94%.
  • Number of neocortical neurons20billion(10^10).
  • Average loss of neocortical neurons=100,000 per day(10^5).
  • Number of synapses in cortex=0.1quardrillion(10^14).
  • Number of cortical layers=6.
            Thickness ofcerbral cortex=1.5-4.5mm.
  • Total surface area of the cerebral cortex=2,500cm^2.
  • Number of synapses for a typical neuron=1000to10,000.
  • Single sodium pump transport rate=200/100Na/K ions/sec.
  • Number of sodium pumps=1000 per um^2 of membrane.
  • Total number of sodium pumps for a small neuron=1 million.
  • Voltage gated sodium channels at each node=1000 per um^2.
  • Voltage gated sodium channels between nodes=25 per um^2.
  • Sodium channels in unmyelinated axon=100 per um^2.
  • Membrane surface of a typical neuron=250,000 um^2.
Area of 100 billion neurons=25000m^2,Neurotransmitter molecules in one synaptic vessel is 5000,Action potential(1,10,100)m/sec by diameter(0.1,10)um.

Friday, 14 March 2014



Hai Friends,

                        Scientists often speak of brain aging in terms of cog native changes.  As we age, our brain, gradually slower speed. Slowed processing speed may influence other aspects of cognition, including so called executive functions such as planning and reasoning, and tasks that require a kind of parallel processing of holding and integrating multiple items in memory. New neurons of neuro genesis takes main role to speed up. Write on paper, visualize, focus, repeat, improves memory.

                        Negative pattern of thought and behavior disturb the brain path waves, brain imaging studies gives this evidence. We loose thousands of neurons everyday. Hypocampus and the olfactory bulb, regularly generate new neurons, many of which go on to become functioning players in brain circuits. Genetics clearly plays a role in successful aging, but how we live our lives on a day to day basis is critical.

Physical experience, and challenging and intellectually stimulating mental activity, diet, social connections, how we manage stress, how we view our world and ourselves are all important factors. Frontal cortex and hypocampus shinks with age.

                        A good news from brain research, the brain is just as capable of learning in the second half of life as in the first half. “wisdom” by many definitions, denotes an enhance capacity to grasp the essence of complex situations or problems and act accordingly. We can make the brain work better simply by accumulating more knowledge, which builds more network of connections in the brain. The wisdom that we acquire can compensate for the decline that may be gradually occurring. The prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain just behind the forehead, is essential to higher thinking executives functions such as planning, reasoning and judgment. So we mainly meditate on this PFC. Think positive, start each day by looking at the glass as half full. Self-efficacy entails an ability to adapt to life challenges, to maintain a degree of control over our life, and to feel as if we are contributing to our families and society. Pursue social activities such as traveling with friends, golfing or taking yoga classes. While acute short term stress can actually improve memory, chronic stress takes a toll on the brain. Exercise and positive social interactions can help us cope with stress.

            Stanford university, which used functional magnetic resonance imaging(FMRI) to track patter patterns of activation in the brain, founds the older adults are more responsive to positive images than to negative one’s. Compared to younger adults, people aged seventy to ninety showed greater activation in a brain region that is central to emotional processing(The Amygdla) when they looked at the pictures of people expressing positive emotions verses negative one. Older adults experience fewer negative emotions and are less likely to remember negative emotional stimuli than positive stimuli.

            The brain wants to learn, it wants to be engaged as a learning machine. The brain requires active continuous learning. It requires change, and that changes requires that you are acquiring new skills and abilities, new hobbies and activities that require the brain to remodel itself. That is the key.

            GG practice perfectly tighten the bolts of the learning machine, in a natural process. We practice mainly on the prefrontal cortex, it improves higher thinking and planning. (Contd...7-18)

With courtesy of Goolge search, NTRA-AARP’s educator community, the Dana alliance for brain initiatives, ScientificAmerican.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

srinu-kriya-brain-zogging-&-bindu-agna-peneal meditation.

        Brain jogging-neuro science.
Hai friends,
   brain jogging is a neuro stimulator,alternative practises,intensive practice of agna-bindu-peneal meditations,practice completely merged with high end of neuro science,combination of Eastern&western culture.
Yogis in their intuition of higher meditation practice,identified 3 important nerve flexes on physical body for intensive meditation.
1)solar flex-manipura chakra.
2)heart centre-anahata chakra.
3)fore head-agna chakra-commanding chakra.
    Most yogis attained their goals with agna practice.this practice is knocking the door of the brain,but no entry.Generally most of the memories are kept in nook corners of the brain,by stimulating the brain only we can open our memories fully.SKBG stimulates,reboots the brain&improve plasticity.Educate the practitionar with neuroscience.
   PFC-AMYGDLA are the working horses of our brain.Sound&vi sons are main culprits of stress-mental problems.SKBZ practice arrange tight lashes to these neurocircles,automatically plasticity improves.
 Early morning hours are best suited to the practice.minimum time required for practice is 45minits.
empty stomach before practice is good.Never practice before bed,spoils the sleep.
From 14years to old age people ,bedridden patients can easily practice&attain full bliss.nosideeffects.