

Sunday 2 March 2014

srinu-kriya-brain-zogging-&-bindu-agna-peneal meditation.

        Brain jogging-neuro science.
Hai friends,
   brain jogging is a neuro stimulator,alternative practises,intensive practice of agna-bindu-peneal meditations,practice completely merged with high end of neuro science,combination of Eastern&western culture.
Yogis in their intuition of higher meditation practice,identified 3 important nerve flexes on physical body for intensive meditation.
1)solar flex-manipura chakra.
2)heart centre-anahata chakra.
3)fore head-agna chakra-commanding chakra.
    Most yogis attained their goals with agna practice.this practice is knocking the door of the brain,but no entry.Generally most of the memories are kept in nook corners of the brain,by stimulating the brain only we can open our memories fully.SKBG stimulates,reboots the brain&improve plasticity.Educate the practitionar with neuroscience.
   PFC-AMYGDLA are the working horses of our brain.Sound&vi sons are main culprits of stress-mental problems.SKBZ practice arrange tight lashes to these neurocircles,automatically plasticity improves.
 Early morning hours are best suited to the practice.minimum time required for practice is 45minits.
empty stomach before practice is good.Never practice before bed,spoils the sleep.
From 14years to old age people ,bedridden patients can easily practice&attain full bliss.nosideeffects.


  1. Sir, thank you for your clarification of timing of Srinu Kriya practice.

    Now a days many netizens are going to bed after 2 - 3 hours of work on computers/ laptops/ mobiles. It affects their sleep.Please give practical tips for them for better sleep.

    1. Hai Friends , By using orange colour light and using orange colour glasses may help a little.
