

Tuesday 13 May 2014



Hai Friends,
                        This is a basic practise. The word Trataka means to look or to gaze on a small dot, Full moon, Crystal ball, Nose tip, Flame. This is one of the most powerful method of controlling the tempestuous mind and its thought waves. Corrects weakness and defects of the eyes. Mentally, it increases nervous stability, removes insomnia and relaxes even the most troubled mind.
            In this practise we gaze, Bahiranga (outer), and Antaranga(Inner) Trataka. This improves visualisation ability to the max. Visualisation is one of the most important vehicle in meditation. This practise improves the technology of closed and open eye meditations.

            The best time of Trataka is early morning with empty stomach. Duration of the practise for 15 minutes is sufficient. If practised regularly it develops the power of concentration to an almost unlimited degree. This awakens our inner abilities which helps to lead our life. Mostly improves meditation technology to higher levels practise.

                        Sit in a comfortable position, preferably a meditation asana, in a dark room. Place a lighted candle level with eyes, at a distance of one to two feet from the face. Beware of the physical body only. When you are prepared, open the eyes and gaze intently at the brightest blue centre point of the flame. With practise you should be able to gaze for a few minutes at the flame without moment of the eye balls or blinking. Continue to gaze at the flame with total concentration. The gaze should be absolutely fix on one point(Blue point). As soon as the eyes become tired or if they begin to water, close them and relax. Do not move the body, but aware of the after-image of the flame in front of the closed eyes. Brown yellow flame centred with blue spot. Like wise, the After-image of the candle flame will be clearly visible. As soon as it begin to fade, open the eyes again and continue to concentrate of the external candle flame. Repeat the same inner and outer Trataka for 10 to 15 minutes, without straining the eyes. Wash the face and eyes with pure normal water. This will provide relaxation for the eyes and eyelids, muscles.

            For more scientific information visit Google Search and Images, for more related topics visit our previous archives.

            Dear friends, Total practise of GG requires minimum 3 years of time. To attain a grip on this meditation, you have to know so many related practises. So practise on a systematic way. Before the practice rewrite the paper for minimum 5 times. (Contd…11-18)

With courtesy of Scientific America, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini.

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