

Wednesday 30 April 2014


Hai friends,

       Dr eswar posted a topic in my face book-As of 27apr2014 there are339cofirmed MERS cases in saudi arabia ,with102deaths&requesting some herbal remedies to this outbreak condition.Yoga&Ayurveda are 
interrelated,they are two sides of the same humanity coin.TRI(3) is a powerful symbolism in Hindu culture.Eswar-TRI eyes&Omani potent person.TRI powers-itchhasakti,kriya,znanasakti.TRI glands(chakras)Brahma,Vishnu, rudra grandis.TRI humours kapa,vata pitta,etc.Present scientists at the Harward stem cell institute are studying immunity&aging process in TRI organ systems,muscular,circulatory,nervous.Enclosing some time pr oven herbal medicines for virus&improving immunity.
TRIphala-chebulic myrobalan+bellaric terminalia+emblic marbolan.
TRIkatukamulu-pipernigam pepper+dryginger+long pepper.
TRI  Ase (A+A+A)-aswagandha(withania somni fera)+aloe spp,lilaceae+amlaki (emblic marobalan).
TRIbhuwankirti ras+tulasi(ocinum sanctum)-metalic&herbal combination.
        Hai friends these are some of the ESWAR(TRI) Ayurveda medicines for virus&immunity development -low cost-no side effects-long standing-supportive to main medicines.

with courtecy of-google-wikipedia.


  1. Sir - Dr Prasad Rao, thank you very much for providing some of the most easily available Ayurveda/ herbal medicines as preventive and curative for MERS, which is threatening the humanity with its high rate of mortality.
    In Indian tradition & culture Ayurveda & herbs are part of our kitchen items so that our food is right combination of six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, astringent) that balances Vata, Pitta & Kapha, enhances our immunity and protects from bacterial & viral infections. As modern food is inadequate/ devoid of pungent, bitter and astringent our body becomes the breeding ground for common and deadly infections. Practical example for this is, many drainage/ waste cleaning workers in India are having many times better resistance power to infections when compared to white collar employee. Commonly used mirchi, garlic, pepper, menthi, ginger are deadly weapons against many harmful bacteria and virus.
    Apart from Dr Rao suggested Triphala, Trikatu, Aswagandha, Aloes, Tribhvankirti ras, etc., there are more potent Ayurveda medicines for MERS, like Swarna Mahalakshmi Vilas Ras, Sidda Makardwaja, Swarna bhasma, etc. but they should be taken after consulting your regular/ family physician and under the guidance of Ayurveda physician.
    If the health seekers are interested we can provide some more useful wisdom to strengthen your respiratory system with some simple breathing methods, easy yogasanas, healthy modifications in diet and lifestyle – in relation to MERS. So do not fear MERS, certainly there are remedies for prevention and cure.
