

Monday 14 April 2014


Hai Friends,

                     Pool your thoughts and leave the driving to others. See things in a new light. Adopt,  Adopt, Or Ad Lib. New places, new faces are better for your memory. Novelty is the back bone. Any good vacation increase the neurobic potential adding a learning exercise to it. Brainthon in walking jogging, cycling use five senses. Growing a garden grows your brain. Neurobic lit up large areas of the cortex increases level of brain activity in several areas of the cortex. Global neuro scientists and Nobel laureates are recommending this book to the public practice, improves mental and physical health. From the Google search we can study this book.

            In Hindu tradition 3000 years back Pathanjili maharshi garlanded a yoga book in the name of  “Pathanjili yoga sutras” .This is a manual book to humanity. It can focus on present mental disturbances. He discussed the all stages of human life. If possible please study this book also.

            In Hindu culture yogis with the financial aid of maharajas constructed thousands of temples for the welfare of the community. These are powerful five senses stimulators and improves visitors physical and mental health. Aroma sticks and ayurvedic materials, burning smells, and flowers smells stimulate olfactory lobe and brain smell center. The holy food (Prasadam) of the temple is prepared with ayurvedic ingredients. This stimulate the taste’s center of the brain. Temples are decorated with lights, Yagna(fire offerings). Akanda Jyothi(continous oil fire), decorations, stimulate octipetal lobe and sight centers. Mantras chanting, instrument sounds  stimulate temporal lobe and brain’s sound center. Applying sandal paste or ash(vibuthi) on the body, wearning flower garlands stimulate brain touch center. Main statues of the temples are made with iron stones(saligramas), which have the magnetic effect. This magnetism alters the visitors brain magnetism. Social gatherings(festivals) improves human relations. These are some of the hidden side of the temples. This motivation is the driving force behind the temple, surviving from thousands of years. Communal yoga education, marriages, free food distribution are some of the main services of the temples. Temples are super senses stimulators and provide bliss to the visitors. 20 years back I have written a research book on “Konark Temple” of India. Big drum beat sound, conch sounds improves gamma waves.
            At present scientists are doing lot of research on sniff therapy. Recent findings says that intra nasal medicine administration is effective. Medical molecules directly hit olfactory bulb. This chemicals directly reach hypocampus and wide spread distribution to the brain. Chemicals traveling through are along side this fibers can bypass the intimidating the blood brain barrier. New classes of therupatic molecules are oxytocin , Insulin, Ketamine and stem cells, usage shows some promising results. Nasal sprays are opening the doors of new medications. Now scientists are using five senses for physical and mental health and theraupatics. (Contd...9-18)

With courtesy of Goolge search, NTRA-AARP’s educator community, the Dana alliance for brain initiatives, ScientificAmerican.

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