

Wednesday 16 April 2014


   Hai friends, this is a related topic to GG practice.Mainly focus on glia oligodendrocyte-demeylinaton- Central nervous system.-CNS.Actually the eye is a window into the brain.Philosophers defined the eye as a window to the soul.The retina is known as an extension of CNS ,it consists of retinal ganglion cells,the axons of which forms the optic nerve,whose fibers are,in effect,CNS
axons.The optic nerve,similar to all fiber tracts, in the CNS,is covered with oligodendrocyte-produced myelin,and is ensheated in all  three meningeal layers.Myelin components,which are essential in both the brain and the visual tract&also Major autoimmune targets.Retinal abnormalities were associated with cerebral white matter.At present scientists are fallowing ,eye based diagnosis of CNS disorders,STROKE-ALZHEIMER-LYMPHOMA-GLAUCOMA-PD-MS. GG practice ,can improve mylenation,supportive to main treatment.
     Falcon eyes has sharpest eyesight than human eye.Falcon can see up to 8 times more clearly than the sharpest human eye.Eye sight is the main weapon to falcons to earn livelihood.Their larger eyes.great number of visual cells,will generate greater details of the images.Falcon eyes occupies a significant proton of the skull,allowing only limited room of the brain,than humans.Accommodation,front facing eyes,fovea(highest concentration of rods&cones),high pecien(supplies nutriton&oxygen,save inner place by dicreasing blood vessels).By all these conditions falcon raptor vision has evolved to be the sharpest vision,knowing among all organisms.
   Generally our elders compare good human vision  with falcon vision.DEGA KALLU(falcon eyes).Blesses the children to attain degakallu.Hindu culture worship falcons family,for best vision,smart takeoff thinking&immediate action.GG practise improves your eyes&brain.

with courtesy of-Nature reviews neurology,Goggle search.

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