

Saturday 14 June 2014




Hai Friends,
                        This Kalpavriksha meditation learns more technology to practice perfectly on Glia’s meditaion. In general Octopus, Kalpavriksha chakra, Glia’s, are having the same external shapes. Octopus has central body and eight arms. Kalpavriksha chakra also has central body and eight petals. Glia’s are also same with this two, central body and number of axons.  Only higher Kundalini practitioners meditate on the Kalpavriksha chakra. Focus point of this chakra is 2 to 4 inches below the Anahata chakra, exactly on abdominal diaphragm. Dome shaped muscle dividing chest and abdomen, together with intercostals muscles, forms bodies main breathing muscles, during contraction it flats to increase the size of the chest cavity and also internally related with vagus nerve. Diaphragm is in parallel level, where as vagus is in vertical. These two combination forms a “+” shape. Centre point of this “+” is  the kalpa vriksha chakra. Scientifically we may call this meditation as Vagus + Diaphragm” or V+D Meditation. Basically every chakra has its own focus points on different endocrine glands.

            Just below the Anahata chakra there is a minor center called the Anandakandha, the root of bliss, Kalpavrksha chakra. At this center there is said to be a celestial tree. In the traditional scriptures it is called Kalpavriksha(Wish fulfilling tree), Kalpataru all with the same meaning. At the level of this chakra, one tends to receive what one wishes for. One’s wishes will tend to bear fruit if the sankalpa (Wish or Resolve) is strong enough. This applies to both positive and negative wishes. Self purification destroys negative wishes. In some tantrik texts the Kalpavriksha is also called “Chintamani”.(Jewel of thought). The Chintamani is  a tree growing in the middle of the divine’s beautiful garden. This tree contains all the five elements and is possessed of the three Gunas, The four Vedas are its four branches. The tree is fully made with gold and diamonds. It is laden beautiful unfading flowers, which are highest jewelleries(Gems and Diamonds). The tree is fully Sabdha-Brahmam (Nadha). Nadha brahma-> SabdhaBrahma->Parabrahma.(Eternal Bliss).

            In Meditation practice Srinu kriya for 10 minutes, V+D meditation 30 minutes and finally relax 10 minutes in Sevasana. V +D focus point is most important in this practice. To easily identify the point, apply a drop of pain balm on it, this application provides point awareness for 20 minutes. Practice this meditation technology perfectly. We apply the same technology in the Glia meditation also.  (Contd.. 13-18)

With courtesy of: ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir, thanks a lot.
    There are many books on " KUNDALINI YOGA" by many indian & foreign authors. But most of these books contains "Knowledge" collected from many books/ preachings of Yogis/ Saints. Some authors have little "Wisdom" but added more knowledge. Certainly there are great Kundalini yogis, but they did not write much, even if some have written they did not contain scientific analysis. In this respect you (Dr Prasad Rao) have revealed top secrets of Kundalini Yoga with lot of personal experience (Wisdom) & scientific understanding. To my knowledge so far no one revealed "Kalpavriksha" secrets with practical experience. Thank you very much.
    It is upto the seekers to read, reread, understand, appreciate, slowly and steadily practice and experience the "Divine Happiness - BLISS".
