

Saturday 28 June 2014




Hai Friends,
                        As you push against your limits remember that your V+D is always there to keep your Imperturbable and steady on the high wire act of living your life to it’s fullest and maximising your potential. Equanimity is not synonymous with passivity. As you strive to push yourselves ever higher and take on bigger challenges – Do so with “Ferocious  equanimity”. Stimulating  V + D can provide this equanimity. Nauli kriya can also provide the same. Churning of abdominal Rec ti muscles, along with Gut vacuum stimulates V + D.

                        V + D have inter related actions in our body. Deep Diaphragm breathing, with long and slow exhale is a key to stimulating the VD, it slows heart rate and blood pressure, especially in the time of performance anxiety. Well conditioned athletes have higher VD tone, which results in lower resting heart rate, healthy cardiac function is directly linked and releases Acetylcholine neuro transmitter. VD acts on cerebellum, abdomen, heart and most major organs. Messages also travel “Down Stream”, signal your organs to operate “Rest and Digest” and prepare your body for “ Fight or Flight” in dangerous situation.

All the physical symptoms of performance, Anxiety, Racing heart, Sweaty palms, Dry mouth, Upset stomach,Shakiness are the results of our VD disengaging. Any time you take a deep breathe and exhale, you are triggering a biological release of acetylcholine, that will lower heart rate and blood pressure. By increasing the challenges in life, gradually you become more skilled and comfortable with more difficult tasks. Re frame priorities and values by improving relationship with friends and family, religious values, athletic ability, and being good at art. Every hurdle is an opportunity to learn. Mastery is a process. VD receives and send signals “ Top-Down” and “Bottom-Up” and Re-Wire your mind through Neuro plasticity. Western and Eastern medicines are complimentary to one another. Yoga known to improve stress related nervous system imbalances and Neuro physiology and Neuro Anatomy. VD stimulation improves, positive emotions, positive social connections, and physical health influence on one another. (Contd..14-18)

With courtesy of Scientific America, Mind, Nature,  Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

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