

Saturday 30 August 2014


Main role:
  1. Enshesth synapses, regulate neural excitability and synaptic transmission.
  2. Respond to injury by secreting extra cellular matrix proteins.
  3. Implicated in Neuro Genesis, cell migration and many neurological and Psychiatric disorders.
  4. Regulate the transmission of electrical signals across synapses by modifying the concentration of extra cellular potassium; Controlling local blood flow, releasing and taking up neuro transmitters and other Neuro modulatory substances, delivering nutrients to neurons, and altering the Geometry and volume of space between brain cells. All these things influence nervous system, communication and plasticity.
  5.  Astrocytes have anatomical and physiological properties that may impose higher- order organization on information processing in the brain. In the gray matter of the cerebral cortex and Hypocampus, Astrocytes are organized in non overlaping domains.
  6. The largest cell body, had been found to stop up extra neurotransmitter molecules around neurons, there by protecting nerve cells from receiving too much stimulation.
  7.  A fatty complex called APOE/Cholestrol and the protein Thrombospondin, these two chemicals are released by astrocytes to stimulate synapsys formation.
  8. Astrocytes might contribute to  a greater capacity for learning.
  9.  Neurons are like telephone communicating electrically through hard wired synaptic connections, Astrocytes may be like cell phones communicating with chemical signals that broadcast widely but can be detected only by other astrocytes.
  10. Astrocytes have listening ability.

This practise requires minimum one year. In every practise Rewrite the paper for minimum 5 times, understanding the functions of the astrocytes. Practise meditation on your’s A 25 for 5 minutes. 30 minits Visualize the functions of Astrocytes in your Prefrontal cortex-Brain Insula-White matter-Neuron-Synapses junction- Astrocytes coverage. Functions- Ferrying, Ion exchange, Neurotransmitter maintenance, Releasing ATP, Listening ability etc.  (Contd… 18)

With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature,  Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

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