

Sunday 14 September 2014


Main role:

1.      Highly motile and responsive to nervous system injury and infection.
2.      Monitor electrical activity in neurons and prune synaptic connections.
3.      Involved in almost all nervous system diseases and in certain Psychiatric conditions.
4.      The immune cells most of time serve without harming neurons.
5.      Cells respond dramatically when the brain was injured severely.
6.      These are garbage collectors, capable of ingesting and degrading microbes, dying cells, derbies, Macrophages of the central nervous system. The own kind of Macrophages.
7.      They are critical to proper development of the embryo. They may secrete growth factors important to formation of the life central nervous system.
8.      The central nervous system apparently holds Microglia on a tight lash, forcing them to keep worrisome secretions to minimum. Micro can release dangerous chemicals, could surely fill neurons. Neural On and Off signals lash Microglia.
9.      AIDS, the human immunodeficiency virus, which cause the disease, does not attack neurons, but it does infect Microglia.
10.  Microglia as possible participants in multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson disease and Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis.
11.  Microglia also change with age, undoubtedly promote neural destruction and could thus contribute to memory declines and senility.
12.  Microglia are capable of performing both Neuro protective and Neuro  destructive functions.
13.  Microglia’s has their amazing ability to produce battery of enzymes, Cytokins, Chemokines, Growth factors and other products that can decisively influence whether neurons live or die.
14.  Microglia have moved to the forefront of Neuroscience research, ultimately improve public health.
15.  Microglia are a hybrid between white cells and Glia cells.
16.  Glutamate directly leads to Neuronal death but also serve as an activation signal or Microglia.

In every practice, Rewrite the paper for five times. A25 practice 5 minutes. Every main practice 30 minutes. Visualization on Prefrontal cortex, the functions of Micro for minimum 6 months. First aid service, Garbage collection, Immunity, Mental activities are some of the main functions of Micro. Number 16,17 and 18 are the most important practices.

Finally, after two years of individual practice, combine the three practices.A25 meditation 5 minutes. Oligodendrocytes practice 15  minutes. Astrocytes practice 15 minutes. Microglia practice 15 minutes, relax five minutes in Sevaasana. Combined practice time require 1 year.

Finally, you will become an integral human being, with full potentiality of physical, Mental, Social health.

With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini.

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