

Tuesday 30 September 2014


 HAI friends,these are my lab photos ,during my EEG recording,on 16th sep 2014.Normally our body,ionosphere,earth,are in 10.4HZ,high variations above this,can produce disastrous health changes ,physically&mentally in humans.Mental.neurological,glandular.imbalances,cancer,infertility,drug addiction,suicide,heart problems,road&domestic accidents,crimes etc.Earth&ionosphere are in  an average of 10.4HZ,Each one nadha continue for 45seconds-25 repetitions practise can shows8HZ in your brain.-nadha practise also shows same,soham practise-7-12HZ, deep meditation-yoganidra-4-0 HZ,40years of meditation shows32-50 HZ.Friends happy living,social service,exercise,meditation,makes you neutral -below10.5HZ,BE HAPPY-I recorded max-45HZ(gama),lower3HZ(delta),with practise every practitioner can attain!!!

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