

Wednesday 17 September 2014


Note gama observed time-half or 0.5second..

1 comment:

  1. Respected Sir,
    Hearty & Spiritual congrats for proving scientifically the GAMMA waves during your deep MEDITATION. Although you have been experiencing this GAMMA wave state for the last few months, but this SCIENTIFIC PROOF is needed to the present day science based society. Yes, from the time immemorial so many Saints, Sages, Yogis, Monks, etc experienced this BLISS state of ONENESS. But their achievement has no scientific proof. Now a days most of us believe those things that are scientifically proved.
    So to convince the doubting Thomases Dr Prasad Rao proved it most authentically. This GAMMA Brain waves state is the most happiest state called BLISS in spiritual terminology. This is where the meditator loses his personal identity and merges into ONENESS - UNIVERSAL BEING - COSMIC BEING. It is the highest state of Meditation. Dr Rao scientifically proved his brain wave state on 16th September while he was in meditation for 1 hour. As i personally know him for the last 24 long years i am informed his progress in meditation at every step. During 1990 Swami Niranjananada Saraswati of Bihar School of Yoga praised him as one of the great Yogis. As i was in Delhi attending Swami Niranjanananda "Know Yourself Yogotsav"(18-21 Sep) i could not comment on this great achievement on 17th itself. I am cent percent sure that Dr Rao is one of the happiest persons living on this planet. He is in the state of BLISS.

    Now it is our turn to get inspiration from his personal EXPERIENCE and start our own meditation to experience higher happiness in the near future. Everybody has the potential to experience the BLISS, but we have to make our EFFORT with strong DETERMINATION. All the material happiness is not even .0001 percent of spiritual happiness - BLISS. Wishing BLISS to everybody.
