

Monday 24 December 2012



Hai Friends,
I am very happy and esteemed to introduce an intensive Srinukriya (ISK).  This is an integral practice of Ancient Kundalini Yoga.  Kudalani is an intensive practice of Yoga System and Advanced Neuro Science.   At present no authorized texts are available on Kundalini.  Mainly yoga solves the “Inner” Life problems.  The facts of higher yoga can neither be proved nor be demonstrated.  Patanjali Maharshi a master mind has written 196 Yoga Suthras. He has condensed the essential philosophy and techniques of yoga in a manner which is marvelous of condensed and systematic exposition.   In the olden days all students of Yoga were made to commit it to memory and meditate regularly and deeply on the sutras for bringing out their hidden meanings.   So in those days there was no necessity of practical guide (Prayoga Sastry) to yoga sutras.   Every student has different self-acquired meanings on yoga sutras.  Basically yoga sutras give the main clues of Kundalini.   Lot of research was conducted on yoga suthras which is still continuing.

                        Pathanjali’s is unique to the practitioner is Samyamana (Dharana-Dhyana – Samadhi).  Ancient Yogic students follows the same.  Memory – Meditation – Meaning (M3).  Samyamana(M3) is a thunderbolt  to the yogic practitioner.  We can also understand them as Itchha Sakti  (Will Power), Kriya Sakthi (Practice), Jnana Sakti (Knowledge or Wisdom).  M3 plays maximum role in solving the inner life problems.  Advanced Neuro Science can analyse these facts of higher Yoga to some extent. 

                        At present Neuro Scientist claims the brain, which completes 40,000 hours of ordinary meditation, can attain its maximum potentiality.   It is a very lengthy process.   ISK practice is an integral approach.    So, it can provide maximum potentiality to the brain within a short time.  Previous meditation systems work in a Biofeedback manner.  Whereas ISK directly stimulate the brain hubs.
                         In every exercise schedule you must attain body’s metabolic rate.  Anaerobic exercises (Higher Runs, Power lifting) have maximum medical values.  Metabolic rate and Anaerobic conditions improve the BDNF (Brain Protein) in the brain.  BDNF is most important in establishing and survival of new neurons.

                        Pranayama improves Aerobic system of the body and brain.  Mainly concentrate on Ujjiva (long breath) and Kapalabhati (short breath) Pranayamas, they provide theta and gama waves in the brain.  Like many other organs the brain response is positively to exercise, a good diet and adequate sleep can increase the number of neural connections.   In specific region of the brain, thereby improving memory and reasoning ability, they would take better care of themselves.  

                        Neuro Scientists found that exercising of mice in a running is sufficient to nearly double the number of dividing cells in the Hippocampus, resulting in a Robust increase in new Neurons.   That a mental work out can buff up the brain, much as physical exercise builds the body.   Particular brain exercising activities would help keep those new neurons around. 


                        Visualise the brain parts tags and their functions.


        First of all visualize a Neuron in yours prefrontal cortex for one minute.  Next visualize on every part of the neuron namely for one minute and its functions Dendrites – Collect Neuron impulses, Head – Soma, Nucleus, Chromosomes, DNA, Genes, Mitochondria, Cytoplasm, Micro tubes, Axon, Mylin Sheath, Ionic Openings, Synaps, Receptors,  Neuro transmitters their functions for one minute. Synaptic knob thickness decides the level of long memory ability, it is controlled by genes.  Synaptic Neurotransmeters   combination prepares genes proteins, for Morality, Spirituality etc. blue print of the genes works start from the Synaps cleft only. 


                        Previously, we know that a mature adult brain remains stable, unchanging, computer like machine with fixed memory and processing power, loose brain cells.  In 1960 – 1970 several group of researches showed that the axons or main branches of neurons in the adult brain and spinal cord can regrow to some extent after injury.   Although the skin, liver, heart, kidneys, lungs and blood can also generate new cells to replace damaged ones, at least to a limited extent.  You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and certainly as adults, many of us find it painful to learn something completely new.

                        Brain Plasticity is highly dependent on environmental stimuli that increase Neurogensis, Dentric branching, Number of Dendritc spines and synaptic strength.    Neurons and Glia are produced through out life from neural stem cells, which are located in lateral ventricles, and sub granular zone of the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus. The birth of new brain cells is not a single step process.  So called multipotent neural stem cells divide periodically in brain, giving rise to other stemcells and to progeny that can grow up to either neurons or support cells named Glia.  On average only half of the make the trip, the rest die.  It takes more than one month from when a new neuron is formed from a stem cell unit it becomes fully functional and able to send and receive information.

                        BDNF, the neuro trophic and insulin like growth factor play important role in keeping the cells alive and encouraging them to mature and become functional.  In the adult brain new born neurons have been found in Hippocampus and in the Olfactory bulbs.  Environment can affect the wiring of the brain and neurogenesis.   Thousands of new cells are generated in the adult brain every day, particularly, in the Hippocampus, a structure involved in learning and memory.   With in a couple of weeks, most of those newborn neurons will die, unless the human is challenged to learn something new.    Genes checks the neuro genesis. 

                        Day-1 stemcell give rise to a cell destined to become a new neuron.  Day-7 : New cell migrates and becomes an immature neuron.  Day-14 : New neuron is active and wired into a learning network.  Stimulating neuro genesis would also lead to new type of treatment for depression.  In epilepsy where it appears that new cells are born but then migrate to the wrong locations, finding ways to redirect errant neurons could be the key.   Neuro Scientists found evidence for Gama Waves signalings between distant cortical areas and the spiking of the neurons in the Hippocampus and the cortical areas strongly influenced by synchronous oscillation of brain theta waves.  Gama and theta waves plays main role in brain plasticity. 
Main Source : Scientific American Digital. 


                        Gaining a little bit of control, on autonomous nervous system of the body, by meditating on chakras (Nerve flexes) was called as Kundalini Vidya.  But this little bit of control has maximum scientific benefits, which helps Human evaluation.   Defining Kundalini is highly impossible.  First of all you must know the basics of the Kundalini science.  Kundalini Books are available from Bihar School of Yoga, Sivananda Asramam, Himalayan Institute, Theosophy, Motilal Banarasi Das, Ganesh & Co. etc or joining in a Kundalini training institutes.  Normal Kundalini meditation works as a Biofeed back system.   In most of the Kundalini meditation practitioners concentrate on their own vertebra trigger points (nerve flexes).  This triggered vertebra nerves stimulate the concern brain areas.  By this practice vertebra nerves and concerned brain areas generate new neurons (Neuro & Sypnatic Genesis), which will improves brain plasticity.   External stimuli on important parts of the body stimulates neurogenesis. 

             Kundalini meditation works as a Nano type of Meditation.  Ex: Manipura Chakra has one main & 10 Sub Trigger points (One center & 10 Petals) when we meditate on these eleven points of Manipura one by one for a minimum required time, automatically 10 areas of the brains occipital lobes are also stimulated & Neuro genesis takes place.  If you practice on six chakras simultaneously one by one, totally you stimulate 50 areas of the brain.  With a high intensive practice of 20 rounds of meditation (required time) on 6 chakras, astonishingly stimulate’s 1000 areas of the brain and in all the areas neurogenesis takes place.  Yogis claim this stage as Sahsrara Siddhi.  This is only the scientific secrete of Kundalini.    But this practice requires number of years to attain the target.   Don’t practice it directly.   Much science and technology is needed.   So practice in the presence of your Kundalini Coach only.  Fifty trigger points awareness is most important.

                        With the help of a drop of pain balm application, you can identify your trigger points easily.    By breath, pulse, nadha, you have to stimulate the 50 trigger points of the chakras.   Much patience and strength is needed for all these above practices.   Attaining finer awareness on 50 trigger points and physical energy is most important in Kundalini practice.


            Generally in SK practice we stimulate Area-25 by inside and outside breath awareness.  Area-25 is the trigger point of the brain and it stimulates all the areas of the brain.  At present the deep brain stimulation works on the same basis. 

                        For ISK practice you must daily practice Pranayama few rounds.   Weekly once physical exercise, brain parts and neuro meditation, Kundalini 50 trigger points meditation is suffice.

                        ISK Meditation practice requires 30 minutes.   First 10 Minutes meditation practice with Kapalabhathi stimulation on A-25 (Stimulate Neurogensis). Next 10 Minutes meditation with Ujjiva Pranayama stimulation on A-25 (establish the new neurons).  Remaining 10 Minutes meditation on the pre-frontal cortex with new topics (New Neurons learned the working ability).   Kapalabhati stimulate total brain and attains anaerobic condition (Gama wave) which stimulate Neurogensis.  Ujjiva Pranayama (Theta) establish new neurons.   New topic meditation (Nadha + Creativity) encourages learning to the new neurons.   This improves brain plasticity and help in survival of new neurons.

                        In ISK practice A-25 Kahapabhati, Ujjiva Stimulation, New topic meditation are most important for Neurogenesis establishing and learning please make note new born neurons die in one week unless you challenge them to learn something new.


Learned to challenged your new born neurons everyday, automatically your brain will become a new one.

Saturday 15 December 2012


Hai Friends,

                      Some Yogi’s Ex: Shiridi Saibaba, Swami Satyananda Saraswathi of Bihar School of Yoga, Swami Rama of Himalayan Institutes etc. have used to  a dog as their companion, because dogs have the highest range of senses abilities than human.  In kennels different breads show different abilities.  Dob performs as bodyguard, Shepherd performs as Loyal – For Herding & Guarding sheep, Labrador Retriever performs as Gun and Guide Dog and so on.  If we provide some training on their genetical characters they exhibit their maximum potentialities.  Same as in human, if we practice different systems of Yogas, we can attain maximum abilities of our five senses and nervous system only.    Ecological conditions also plays major role in the practice.   In body building European peoples blood vessels are wider than Asians.   So European Bodybuilders have more chances to win.  
                         Human brain is easily susceptible to unrealistic, illusions, fakes, magics and Siddhis.  These spoil the brain plasticity and create hurdles in the practice.  For achieving the final goal of evolution, we have to cross all these hurdles.  As Lord Budda said “Veil upon veil shall lift, but still veil upon veil will be found behind”.  In general people expect some precognitive abilities in the dogs.  Dogs seem to react to distinct cognitive states of other dogs.  The dogs varied how they signaled a desire to play depending on the other dog’s position.   If a prospective playmate was already facing it, the dogs gave a visual signal – opening it mouth wide or bowing down into that familiar bottom-up play pose.  But if the other dog was turned away and otherwise engaged, it might instead give it friends a little nip.  Dogs don’t have any special precognitive abilities, same as in humans.  But they can send visual signals only.  Meditation can improve human cognitive abilities but they cannot provide precognition abilities.

            “Te Samadhav upasarga Vyutthane Siddhayah” Patanjali Yoga Sutras  3-38. “Siddhis are obstacles in the way of Samadhi (Theta wave) and powers when mind is out ward – turned”.  Yogis do not want to have anything to do with siddhis, because their exercise creates all kinds of temptations and distractions in his path.  But perfection means and includes the power to control all the phenomena of all the planes on which consciousness functions and so the perfect man has not only to have direct knowledge of reality.   But also knowledge and mastery of all planes on which his consciousness functions.   Yogi’s supreme wisdom, which makes the misuse of these powers impossible.

  • Those who regularly ate lunches no artificial flavors, preservatives or dyes did better on IQ tests than who lunches with additives.
  • Half an hour a day of treadmill produce new mitochondria in our muscles.
  • 130 milliseconds amount of time is required for brain in car breaking.
  • People who imagine flexing a muscle increase both their brain activity and muscler strength.
  • More synapses canot produce more brain power.
  • Human eyes carries a light sensitive protein that can double as a magnetic receptor.
  • Regularly meditated people show less activity in brain networks, than the anxiety, schizophrenia, psychic disorders peoples.
  • Even in heavy drinkers, alcohol consumption does not kill brain cells.  It does however, damage the end of the neurons, called dendrites, which makes is difficult for neurons to relay messages to one another.
  • Brain is always 100% active; no region in a healthy brain is simply turned off.
  • Regular exercise increases Glycogen storage in both muscles and the brain, where it helps to fuel neurons.  The gains were most dramatic in brain areas critical to learning and memory. 
Main source : Scientific American Mind.
Dear Yogic friends beware of Siddhis, Magics, Illusions and fakes.

Saturday 1 December 2012


Hai Friends,

 Dogs are my best companions.  Already I had a nickname as “Dogs Yogi”.  Companionship of a dog around or even just in mind help the people to generate more goals, feel more confident about achieving those objectives and handle stress better and lower blood pressure.   Yoga also provides the same to the practitioner.   Don’t create any fantasy and magic ideas on yoga.    Many secretes and intensive practices of yoga are thought by the unlearned, to be magical.   Learned practitioner doesn’t have any magics.   Scientific reality drive out magics.   Canine tail chasing and humans hand washings were similar to obsessive – Compulsive disorder (OCD).   Stereotyped and repetitive dog changing their tail and human hand washing were concerned to be a mental disorder (OCD).    So, always feed scientific realities to yours brain and avoid tail wagging the dog – Dog chasing their tail, incidents from yours routine life.
In our brain, 4 M.M. thickness of the Cerebral Cortex contains 86 Billion Neurons, nerve impulse speed is 220 miles per hour, produce 25 watts of power, consume 20 percent of the body’s oxygen, One hundred thousand miles of axon length (4 trips around the earth), over ten trillion synapses, 1+16 zeros calculations per second, 400 miles capillaries.   Please once visulize your brain and remains its potentiality and leads a realistic life.
Dear Friends, the only person who can chisel your personality and decide your destiny is you yourself.   You yourself is your Guru, Guide and God. 
Alcohol abusers permanently damage their Hippocampus, a brain region that regulates long term memory, and also affected frontocerebellar circuitry, which regulates decision-making, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Learning causes the brain to grow and make robust synapse, cells that fire together, wire together.
  • Working with horrible colleagues can generate far-reaching stress that follows you home, causing unhappiness for your spouse and family and ultimately affecting your partner’s job.
  • Blinking reduces activity in the Visual Cortex and other brain regions, which prevents us from noticing the change.
  • Our brain makes 2% of our total body weight but consumes 20% ours body energy.
  • We don’t always want to act reflexively – That’s what makes us human.
  • Our sense of mortality can lead us to re-examine our priorities in life, to become more grateful and to grow spirituality.
  • Norman Editor of Saturday review had Ankylosing Spondylities,  a painful and degenerative spine disease that typically affords sufferers one –in – 500 chance of survival.  Doctor’s predicted that he had six months to live.  He surrounded himself with family and friends, watched numerous comedy films and sought out positive affirmations.  He lived 26 years after his diagnosis.
  • People are quick to treat themselves after a good deed or health act.
  • Some video games can be a good vehicle for training specific skills, such as enhancing short-term memory, Agility or reaction time.
Main source : Scientific American Mind.

Thursday 15 November 2012


Hai Friends,

Dog wagging the tail is real, but tail wagging the dog is unreal.  Meditation is only a brain exercise, it improves brain inner conditions i.e. Neurons, Neuro Transmitters, BDNF, Neuro Genesis etc.,  A Dog’s tail can be used for its social and physical needs.  Dog can use its tail to communicate, balance for swimming, warmth, and to keep insects away.  As a part of the dog’s spinal column, the Dog’s tail is veed for balance.  Yogi’s invented the mediation to improve people’s brains plasticity and consciousness.  Real Yogi never shows any magics and fantasy illusions.  They think reality, live in reality, speaks reality, preaches reality.   Indian’s top most yogi Vemana says “Make your life gold, but don’t waste your life in thriving for the gold”.   So always leads yours life with scientific realities and make yours life gold. 

  • People in a positive mood had more ACC (Anterior Cingulate Cortex – A25) Activity going to the task, which probably helped prepare the brain to find novel solutions.
  • The Amygdale helps us navigate the fine boundary between approach and avoidance.
  • Glutamate drives a brain circuit involved in making decisions that are associated with positive outcomes.
  • Microglia may also release immune chemicals called cytokines that control activity at neural junctions known as synapses.
  • Astrocytes are in a position to control the balance between mental health and madness.
  • Glia Cells are the working horses.
  • Certain brain regions become Hyperactive during a panic attack the amygdala, our fear centers, and parts of the midbrain that control our feelings of pain.
  • Music lessons, as with learning a second languaged, might stave off age-related cognitive decline.
  • People can reap some of the benefits of the mediation without extensive of training.  Meditation by activating multiple brain areas can relive pains, pill-free analgesia.
  • Memories of practical skills are barely effected by stress.
 Main source and courtesy, “Scientific American Mind”.

Thursday 1 November 2012



Hai Friends,
            Yogi’s, always concentrate on their inner tiny light in meditation.  They think that the tiny light is the nano particle of the totality light (Neevarastu Sukanti Vidyulekheva).   To attain a single creativity thought they control Light (Trataka), Sound (Nadha) in their mediation.  “The Awareness of the inner light” development is the symbolism of Diwali.
            The Neuro Scientists are doing lot of research on eyes and their inner parts stem cell technology is growing fast.  Stem cells give rise to all the organs in the body, a process that continues to fascinate and mystify the scientific world. A leading Japanese Group demonstrated the growth of both Human and mouse retina in laboratory dish. The event enables better understanding of brain development and may lead to evolute treatment for eye diseases.  In 10.5 days they developed three distint cell layer’s of retina, rods and cones, horizontal, bipolar and amacrine cells, and ganglion cells.  Ganglion cells play maximum role in eye.  Two functions sight, Biological Clock Rythams, are conducting by the eye.  Each of our eyes is also essentially two organs in one.
            Yogis practice trataka (Yogic Gazing) for developing eyesight, solving the Psychic Problems and to evolute their brain to the Max.  In between 1880-90 Ramprasad of Theosophy did a lot of research on the Yogi’s, who are living in cave’s, without any sun shine (Biological cycles) for number of months. They lead very simple lives.  All the Yogi’s ambition is to complete 40 thousand Hours of Meditation, to attain full evolution of their brain (Poorna) and enjoying the meditational bliss. Only for their undisturbed practice, they live in caves.  At present we have sound proof, air conditioned houses.  So we don’t need any caves. He lived and moved along with cave Yogis and observed their life style.  Finally he gave the most valuable research information in his book, nature’s finer forces and Tatwas.  Cave’s maintain the air conditioned atmosphere, they provide echo sound, which will improve Nadha.  They practice Agnisara Kriyas, Bhastrika Pranayama, Trataka.  By this practice they maintained, biological cycles, sound health and long life.  Alway’s they kept fireplace in the caves for gazing.  For their diet they cooked potatoes in fire and hot springs.  Brains Biological clock regulates body’s seasonal activities. Such as sleep, body temperature, feeding and breeding, with the help of sunshine.
            At present Neuro Scientists are searching the hidden organ in our eyes.  Evolution, in fact, may have played an important role in pushing the brain toward ever greater energy efficiencies When a nerve cell communicates with another, the brain uses just a millionth of the energy that a digital computer expends to perform, the equivalent operation.  Already scientists have built ‘Neuromorphic’ Electronic Circuits that Mimic Aspects of the brain’s signaling Net work.  Neural Activation of  the (30 to 80 Hertz) Gama frequency band has attracted the attention of researchers who have found that patients with schizopherenia and Autism show decreased levels of gama.  Neurons in the Hippocampus and the cortical area is strongly influenced by theta band (4 to 8 Hertz).  The emerging field of optogenetics, which combines genetic engineering with light to observe and control group of neurons is allowing researchers to scrutinize individual Neural Circuits.  An approach that will revolutionize the study of brain function.  Optogenitic stimulation can potentially target problem cells much more precisely than can electrodes used in DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation).
            Vision occurs when the rods and cones of the retina detect light and signals to the visual cortex at the back of the brain.  The rods and cones convey the signals to the brain vianeurons called retinal ganglion cells, which extends their axons down the optic nerve.  These are called as photosensitive ganglion cell and they produce, previously unknown pigment called Melanopsin, that enables them to sense light directly.  The photo sensitive ganglion cells send information to the brains main BILOGICAL CLOCK.  Biological Clock adjust the body to the cycles on night and day to common people, blind and animals.  If the cycles disturbs they rise the risk of cardiovascular diseases, Gastrointestinal Distrass, Cancer and Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep, Sex.   The birds have light sensing cells in their brain.  It turns out that a surprising amount of light can penetrate the feathers, skin and skull of a bird to activate these cells.  Human Biological clock is established in the SUPRACHIASMATIC  Neclus (SCN) of Hypothalamus.
             According to the “Hata yoga Pradipika” of Swatmarama (Authorised text on Yoga) Trataka Eradicates all the eye diseases, fatigue and sloth and closes the doorways creating these problems.

SAIBABA gazing on the fire and listening Nadha

            RajadiRaj Yogiraj, Saibaba of Shiridi, practical Nadha Yogi, follower of saint Kabir, expert in Shat Kriya and Khanda Dhauti, Social Worker, Humanitarian, Great Psychologist.  A simple living yogi.  I cannot define him completely.  He always used to live on ALMS and shared it to needy people and dogs.  Before 153 years, he started Dhuni (Holy fire place) in Dwarakamai Mosque in Shiridi.  Most of the time he sat infront of Dhuni, by Gazing (Trataka) on the fire and Listening Nadha.  (By Closing his right ear with hand).  By neutralizing, the two important senses (vision and sound) he maintained samadhi (Teata).  He used a brick instead of pillow to maintain a full awareness also in his sleep.  In 1975 I practiced Nadha for ten days, in Lendi Bag, Gurustan, upstairs of Samadhi Mandir, Dwarakamai, Hanuman Mandir.  Saibaba’s pious life is an encyclopedia of yoga.
            Diwali’s fire crackers stimulate photo sensitive Glia Neurons by high light and sounds.  These neurons respond more to blue light, so in trataka practice, concentrate on the center of light, where there is blue.   This practice stimulate biological clock and improves health.
            Dear friends Agnisara, Bastrika (Vagus Nerve), Trataka (Eye Glianeurons) are the Nervous & Eye Sight, exercises belonging to Yogis light therapy.  Enjoy the Diwali Bliss externally and internally, by practicing the Yogis Light Therapy.

Main Source : Scientific American Digital.

Monday 15 October 2012


Hai Friends,
            Researchers now believe that they are more like files on a hard drive that can be altered overwritten or even erased from the brain.  Similarly ingesting a drug like zip compound into the brain to the require parts would cause all recollections to disappear and unhook these neural links.  The imprints of a traumatic memory & fear fade or vanish with new drugs and behavioral therapies.  Here we are discussing an alternative system, which can supports the main treatment, gives a little bit clarity on painful memories, fears and its formation.  In the brain fear is the main victim of all the psychic disorders and ill-health formation.  Old memories can be changed when they are recalled to consciousness. 
            Ancient Yogis without any scientific base, they had their own system of erasing memories through meditation.  They formed this by their self acquired experiences and knowledge.  By meditating on their forehead (third eye) (prefrontal cartex) in samadhi stage (Theta wave), they concentrate on their problem (phobias) with Divya Drusthi (Visualisation) & make it Bhasma (Vanish).  Along with they utilize Ayur Med.
            The key hubs in the brain for fear are the Amygdala and an adjacent Galaxy of cells called the Bed Nucleus of stria terminals.  These regions drive virtually all the symptoms of fear, racing heart, increased sweating, freezing and exaggerated startle responses.  Nerve cells in the Amygdala project their long, slender axons to centers in the brain stem, that control those autonomic functions and also to areas in the fore brain that influence motivation, decision making, and the saliency of specific stimuli.   Amygdala is the engine of fear, operated by ventromedial prefrontal cartex (VMPFC).  VMPFC, Amygdala, A-25, Hippocampus are connected by electrical circuits.

            The line of research starts with the basics of how fear memories form.   A memory arise when a series of neurons fire together in a similar way, a process called consolidation.  First one neuron fires in response to a sound, a visual perception or another input, which triggers another to switch on and, later still, other nearby cells.  Then when any neuron is stimulated again, even weakly, other neurons in the net work also fire.  Later this incident consolidated as a long term memory.   In day to day life small stimuli also trigger this long term memory and leads to fear.

            In SK practice, after 20 minutes, visualize on yours  prefrontal cartex, form a triangle in PC and keep yours fear in center of it.   Ex: Snake is yours fear. By visualization prison a snake in the triangle during practice slowly unhook the triangle links.  Automatically the snake will become free from triangle, slowly it will vanishes.  Some practices can erases yours snake fear permanently.    In the same manner you can reconsolidate all yours fears and pain full memories.
            In SK practice aerobic capacity improves (V02 Max).  Improved Oxygen consumption leads to higher metabolic rate, and increases brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF-Brain Protein) in VMPFC.  BDNF opposes Neuro Degenerative process, Acts on spinal cord to reduce heart rate, reduces the rate of obesity and type 2 diabetes, increases neuro connectivity, improves brain mitochondria efficiency, has a main role in psychiatric and neurological disorders.
            Dear friends live without fear, by practicing SK & Erasing practice, SK Reboots the Brain by improving Neuro Transmitters and the electrical circuits of VMPFC, Amygdala,  A-25, Hippocampus.
            You are fully packed with bliss, realize and enjoy it.  Nobody can give it to you.  With your’s own effort only you can attain it.  Always practice in the guidelines of your yogic coach only.  Selection of Yogic coach is at your choice.
Main Source : Scientific American Digital.

Monday 1 October 2012


Hai Friends,
           First of all you must have clarity on mediation.   Nadha Yogi is a meditation scientist and a social worker.  Sports science gives you health, immunity and endurance.   Meditation Science gives you physical, mental, social health a little bit control on autonomous nerve system (Kundalini).  Don’t expect any fantasy thoughts more than this.    Always be a realistic practitioner.
October 16 to 24 is one of the biggest festivals of Hindus, in the name of Dasara – Navaratrulu.  I will reveal some hidden side of Yogic practices of this festival.    Das = Ten, Hara = Distraction.   Ten characters of ours mind always disturbs our personality.  Disease, Languor, Doubt, Carelessness, Laziness, Worldly-Mindedness, Delusion, Non-Achievement of a stage, Instability, these (Nine) cause the distraction of the mind and they are obstacles (Pathanjali : YS : 1:30).  To this nine at present conditions we have to add one more character that is untruth.  Daily we have to eradicate these ten characters from mind to lead a happy life (DAS-Hara) to eradicate these characters we need nadha (Golden Sword).
            Practicing on nine chakras for nine days with Bharamari Pranayama (B.P.) with special Diet and attaining Nadha (inner sound) is the Navaratri.  Keeping the mouth closed, separate teeth and slowly exhale, producing a long continuous humming sound like bee is the B.P.  It will improve blood circulation and Tran-Scendency of the mind.   This is a main practice of Nadha Yoga.    
            In the science of Kundalini 7+2 Dhatus are the main constituents elements of the body.  These Nine Dhatus concerned with nine chakras.   Nadha Yogis to solve their health problems, they meditate on their own chakras with nadha and diet and Ayur medicines.   They also serve the public in the same manner.   This treatment is called as DHATU VIDYA (DV).
1. Bone (Asti-Dhatu) – Mooladhara Chakra  - Cooked Green Gram + Rice
2. Fat (Medha) – Swadhistana – Cooked Rice (CR) + Curd.
3. Flesh (Mamsa) – Manipura – CR + Sugar (Jaggery)
4. Blood (Rakta) – Anahatha – CR + Ghee (Butter)
5. Skin (Tvak) – Visuddha – CR + Milk
6. Marrow (Mazza) – Ajna – CR + Turmeric
7. Essence of Diet (Amrut) – Lalalana – Combination
8. Melanin – Bindu – Pineal – Combinated diet
9. Semen (Veerya) – Sahasrara – All Combination diet.
Ex:- For Aids – Meditation on Anahata with BP, CR + Ghee, Ayur Medicine.
            DV is one of the oldest treatments of the NY’s.   Authorised texts on this subject are not available.    A little bit of informations is available from other books. 
DV SOURCE : Sree Vidyaranya Swami  (Madhavacharyudu) 1267 AD – 1386AD, founder of Virupaksha (Multi Vision) Temple and Vijayanagaram of Hampi.   He is a Nadha Yogi, writer of 1800 Books on the science of Hindu Religion.   Sir John Woodrofee – Serpent Power, C.W. Lead Beter of Theosophy, Boudha Lama’s, Swamy Rama of Himalayas, Dr. J.C.Kameswara Rav.   1990’s on wards’ I am practicing DV.   On this subject in 1996 the Open International University for complementary medicines (Colombo) honourd me with Doctor of Philosophy.
            In between 1674 to 1677 Chatrapati Sivaji Maharaj, in the guidelines of his Guru Swami Samardha Ramadas, practiced strictly the Nava Chakra Meditation in the Bhramarambica Temple of Srisailam, for nine days.  On the tenth day he attained Nadha (Golden Sword).   With gratitude he donated somany valuables to temple (Bhramarambica), Built Northern Tower of Temple and also built a free meal center.   Nava Chakra Meditation with BP gifted Nadha (Golden Sword) to Sivaji to root out the ten evil characters of his mind and attaining full bliss.  This is the inner meaning, and symbolism of the statue Bhramarmbica presented a divine sword (nada) to Sivaji on the tenth day. 
            Dear friends every day root out the ten evil characters from your brain with nadha and enjoy bliss.   I must be thankful to my close friend Pattabhiramaiah Manda and family of Eluru, who is the inspiration of this essay.   From the childhood he is a strong believer of Rangannababu – A Native Yogi.    10 Years back I successfully completed my 24 hours (Ratri) Nadha Meditation in Srisailam, with full co-operation, intensive care and affection of Pattabhiramaiah.   With his efforts only I completed 24 hours nada meditation at most important temples and shrines in India. 
            Srisailam is the Hub of NYs, they says that if we visited once Srisailam Temple Top all of your sins will be abolished.   Keeping awareness on the top of your head (Cerebral Cortex - Sahsrara) you will become a unique person.  Pathanjali : YS – 3:33.
            Dear friends, enjoy Dasara - Navaratri Festival internally and externally with full bliss.

Saturday 22 September 2012



Hai Friends, 
            I am very happy to inform you that our yogic friends within a short span of time spread the message of “Mooladhara Chakra Worship Day” as a Kundalini’s Birthday, to the max people of my native state.   We hope that few lakhs of people enjoyed the Kundalin’s Science and Technology.   My main motive is to spread and reestablish Kundalini Meditation alongwith high end of neuro science in the name of Srinu Kriya.   This will serve the society as a higher level of alternative medicine.   Red Indians also have higher level of Kundalini Knowledge.  
            First of all I must be thankful to Srinivas Nemani – Kakinada  (A.P).  He is the founder of Srinu Kriya and a Scientific Guide to me, he always collect science from all around the world.   Being a student of Rushi Valley he have a higher vision of Theosophy and Scientific Technology.  He already has the name of Kundalini in his name – ‘VAS’ is the one of the name of the Kundalini.  
            Kundalini is an ancient Scientific Meditation.  By practicing Kundalini, Nadha Yogis attain a full control on breath awareness, Nadha Vibrations, stopping the ability of pulse and heart, shrinking the heart, altering the body temperatures, living without oxygen for few minutes, holding the elephant on their chest and also some endurance feats.   They can change brain waves to Theta and Gama (Regeneration of Neurons).  Meditating on Vegas Nerve they can change the brain moods, fear, controversy, rigidity, empathy, affection, creativity, and intuition.  For the sake of their health they prepare their own medicines.    They can concentrate internal or external parts on their body, it can improve blood circulation in the cell level also, stimulate the required area with Nadha.   This will improve biological condition of that area.    They developed this science with their mental vision only.     More scientific and clinical research is needed on Kundalini, because it has lot of medical values. 
            Neuro Scientists are opening the secrets of the brain, and researching some new medicines, conducting brain stimulation operations for chronic diseases.    At present people are spending 30% of their incomes for their health sake.   Alongwith medicine if you practice Srinu Kriya you can decrease your medical bill.   With all my knowledge and experience we introduced SKBJ, an easiest, time saving, scientific, technological meditation.   Attaining a little bit of control on Autonomic Nervous System, by meditating practice is called as Kundalini.   Kundalini Yogi who attains Nadha (Inner Sound) is called Nadha Yogis (Higher Stage of Yoga).  
            To reestablish the Kundalini knowledge, we started Kundalini’s Birthday.   Mooladhara is the starting place of Kundalini (Vagus Nerve).   Our Yogic Friends spread this message to public through leaflets and conducting meetings and E_mails.   I must be thankful to the people who enjoyed the Kundalini knowledge, my blog visitors and google services.
            I would also like to express gratitude to my teammates, N.B.V.R. Chowdary, N. Srinivas, G. Sai Kishore Babu, M. Pattabhi Ramaiah, K. Nagabushana Rao, G. Ramakrishna, K.A. Mohan, N.V.V.S. Prasad, K.V.V. Ekambareswara Rao, N.Omkar, P.Sudheer Babu, T. Balakrishna.  
            Thankful to my best half, best friend, best critic my wife Subba Lakshmi Devi (100 percent Bhakthi Yogi),  My moral supporters my daughter’s family Lakshmi Ram and Seetaram,   My brain boosters and busy bees my grand daughters Sneha and Shreya. 
            Finally, special thanks to my best friend since 90’s Dr. R.S. Eswara Reddy and his group of doctor friends for their helpful advices, support and expansion in internet. 
            Neuro Scientific Kundalini Meditation : Ex : For improving memory – take some advanced medicine which your doctor prescribed + Heavy Physical exercise for BDNF (Brain Protein) + 20 Minutes SKBJ improves Neuro Transmitters and  condition of the brain + Brahmi Herb (Bacopa-Monnieri) Memory Booster + 20 minutes meditation on yours Hippocampus.  You will attain an astonishing result.    Always practice in the guidelines of your Yogic Coach only.
            Long live Kundalini !