

Friday 1 November 2013


Hai friends,
                         These naturally blessed Super Centenarian Sisters are Grandmaa’s of my scientific guide – Srinivas Nemani, Kakinada – A.P. – IND, who always collects Neuro topics globally. 

                        Ageing muscle appears to be “Anabolically” resistant to nutrients compared to young and healthy muscle.   Exercise can overcome this.  Banana + Whey Protein is rapidly digested and leads to greater protein gains compared with casein protein, particularly in elders.  A recent study in healthy men and women confirmed the greater thermic response of a protein-rich meal compared to a carbohydrate-rich meal.  One Hypothesis to explain reduced food intake is linked to reduction in olfactory capacity.   The decaffeinated coffee with high chlorogenic acid content increased alertness, reduced feelings of mental fatigue, and decreased the number of reported headaches.  Better to live with same age group.  “LIVE LONGER” but to “LIVE BETTER”.

                        Hot new field of biology called Epigenetics, which studies how environmental influences can etch chemical modifications in DNA and thus introduce life long changes in the activity of genes (jumped genes).  Environmental influence produce new neurons from stem cells (Neuro genesis), and fix them in the needed circuits.  Epigenetics can produce new genes, neurogeneses produce new neurons, both works on environmental influences .  Genes probably account for only 25 percent of longevity.  Environment can fill the remaining 75%.   And don’t forget this chance (opportunity). 

                        Ayurveda calculated the human average span of life as thousands months (Thousand full moon days) (83 years).  For the longevity they follows Kayakalpa & Panchakarma Chikitsa.  Generally they follows Shat Kriyas, Herbal & Minerals.   For more details visit our previous archives.

                        The Hippocampus is particularly Vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of obesity, diabetes mellitus,  Hyper Extension, Hypoxic Brain Injury, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Bipolar Disorder, Clinical Depression and Head Truma.   Age related atrophy in the Hippocampus is the main hurdle to long life.  With the ageing process, the Hippocampus has a greater prosperity to atrophy than other regions of the brain.  The rate of Hippocampal Atrophy accelerate with a number of Diseases.  Reversal of this process can be achieved by improving physical fitness, and by engaging in cognitively stimulating meditation practices. 

                        Neuroplastic changes with cognitive stimulation are not limited to the hippocampus.  Meditation, juggling, mirror reading, reading, writing, cross world puzzles, exercise, train sessions increase grey matter volume in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes.  Neuroplaticity and an increase in the volume of grey matter are not unique to hippocampus.  Indeed challenging activities that require intense training and practice can also cause an increase in the volume of cortical areas, engaged in performing the specific task. 

                        Scientific studies have documents changes in the, cerebellar vermis in basket ball players, in the parietal lobe in mathematicians, in broca’s area in symphony orchestra musicians and in the sensorimotor cortex in ballet dancers.    The structural changes in the brain could be the result of axonal remodeling, synaptogenesis,  Gliogensis, neurogensis, an increase in neural cell size, or an increase intestinal fluid or blood flow with in the organ.  Meditation have a protective effect and increasing effect on hippocampus, and important parts of the brain.  (Contd… 5 of 9) 11th  November.

With the courtesy of : Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, Benarus Hindu University, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Google images. 

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