

Saturday 16 November 2013



Hai Friends,

                        This is Osadhi – Yoga.    These are the Time Proved Herbal Medicines collected from the books of my friend and inspirer Padmasri (late) Prof. K.N. UDUPA – Benarus Hindu University. Ayurveda means science of life,it improves span of life,founded by nadhayogis,prepared from mineral,veg,animal kingdoms.Here we include only veg-herbal remedies.Yogis called the topics as OSADHI-YOGA.

This blogg is dedicated to Late Padmasri K.N. UDUPA (Contd…9)


  1. Ayurveda has its origins to the Vedas, Atharvaveda in particular (contains 114 hymns or formulations for the treatment of diseases). The 5 basic elements of the Universe (including humans, animal kingdom, plant kingdom, etc) are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. During deeper states of Meditation Saints and Sages got the wisdom of Ayurveda herbs. Ex Brahmi (Bacopa Munnieri) is a mind tonic and the modern science is proving it in research (it is "RE" searching already established facts).

    Dr Prasad Rao is revealing his 35 years of experiences with Ayurveda, Yoga (Nadha) and Science. To integrate all the three is a rare phenomina! It is our turn to utilize his WISDOM for our All Round development and Well Being.

    Some practical tips (especially for stressed town and city dwellers)are;

    Those above 40 yeas can use brahmi or Shankapuspi or Aswagandha or jathamamsi in any form regularly for brain and nervous system. Perment capsules of AVN company is good.

    Due to so many chemically treated and preserved foods, fruits our Liver is slowly becoming weak and sluggish, so using Arogyavardhini Vati or Liv 52 DS or Amlycure Ds 20 days course for every 6 months restores Liver efficacy.

    Internal communication is most vital to our health, so using Aswagandha, Brahmi Bala (as ksheerabala taila 101 times) is highly rewarding.

    Guduchi sanskrit name is "AMRUTHA'(Nector), its regular use improves immunity also.

    daily use of guggulu, tulsi, triphala protects us from many diseases.

    we have seen many many astonishing results with the use of "Swarna Bhasma" or its combination medicines like Sidda makardwaja, Vatachintamani ras, Vasantha kusumakar ras, etc.

    we are writing from our experiences, not from theory.Those who want can send their details of health condition to to get free personalized prescription. can also see

  2. thanq dr eswar ,dr vani,dr radhakrishna,ayurveda gives longivity to humans,astonishingly ther is pasuayurveda for animal kingdom.dr kn udupa showed an proof in lab,-recovering a dog which pulse was very low by current shock,utilising siddha makaradwaz. the same medicine are now using for working elephents to improve, their immunity&strength.there are unlimited avidences to add ! i am using the same to my petdogs from twenty years! dr.rao
