

Sunday 10 November 2013


 Hai friends,

                        Exercise lowers the risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes, it also prevent certain cancers, improves mood, builds bones, strengthen muscles, expands lungs capacity, reduces the risk of falls and fractures, checks excess weight.  A bit of extra body weight is not particularly harmful, and may even be helpful. 

                        People who are then at “metabolically obse”, they have high levels of insulin and triglycerides in their blood, which puts them at a higher risk for developing diabetes and heart diseases.  Exercise can check the risks.  In 60+ age  the brain parts prefrontal cortex and hippocampus decreases their sizes (shrinks).   Exercise trigger neurogenses and BDNF, to make them normal. 

                        Exercise places increased demand on the skeletal muscles, which need increasing amount of glucose to fuel their efforts.  Muscle to become more efficient at using glucose, which allows it to become stronger.   Primarily the body first burns up glycogen from liver and muscles.  Next it uses triglycerides.  Liver responds to the call for more fuel by churning sugar molecules into the blood stream, pancreas releases insulin to the cells, to draw increasing amount of glucose out of the blood.  Continued exercise strengthens muscle is by boosting the formation of energy.  Producing mitochondria.  I responses to regular exercise, muscle cells start makin a protein called PGC-1, which directs the cells to churn out new mitochondria.  More mitochondria mean each cell can covert more glucose into energy.  Increasing the strength and resistance to fatigue of the whole muscle. 

                        Two people with the same amount of cholesterol in their blood but different levels of physical activities could thus have very different risk profiles for cardiac disease.  Smaller LDL molecules are particularly dangerous, they ricochet around the blood vessel, Damaging other molecules and cells.  Exercise increases (Boost) the activity of an enzyme called lipoprotein in the blood.  This increases the number of safe & large LDL Molecules, while decreasing the number of small dangerous ones.  Large LDL molecules, on the other hand, are much more stable and floot through the bloodstream without crashing into anything.   Exercise lowering the LDL cholesterol, while raising amount of HDL cholesterol, by changing blood molecules properties.  

                        Aerobic (Walked on a treadmill, jogging, walking etc) and resistance group (Seated rowing, leg press, weight training etc.) of exercises, 140 minutes per week approximately practice, drop HBA1C protein from their blood which acts as an indicator of average blood sugar level.     Over the past several months who are active between 60 and 90 minutes each day (Gardening, Washing the car, taking an evening stroll) achieved 4.2 years longer life expectancy.  (Contd… 6 of 9) 21st  November.

With the courtesy of : Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, Benarus Hindu University, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Google images. 

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