

Thursday 14 November 2013



Hai Friends, 

                        Processed Foods are so easily digested in the stomach an intestines that they give us a lot of energy for very little work.  In contrast, veggies, nuts and whole grains make us sweet for our calories, generally offer far more vitamins and nutrients than processed items, and keep our gut bacteria happy.   Regarding the calories consumption we have to make our own chart with trail and error.  Take fermented foods to improve gut bacteria. 

                        The World Health Organization says “ The fundamental cause of obesity and over weight is an energy imbalance 

 between calories consumed and calories expended”.   The main dietary source of glucose is starches, grains and sugars.  In the absence of carbohydrates, the liver will synthesize glucose from protein.   Pancreas secreete insulin, which tells muscles, organs and even fat cells to take up the glucose and use if for fuel.   It also tells fat cells to store fat – including fat from the meal – for later used.  As little as 10-20 calories stored as excess fat each day can lead over decades to obesity.

                        To loose excess body fat, carbohydrates must be restricted and replaced, ideally with fat which does not stimulate insulin secretion.    Only insuline stimulate the fat cells to accumulate.   Decrease your carbohydrates in take.  Keep your food ratio as 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 Carbohydrate, protein, fats, instead of 60 : 20 : 20.   Carbohydrates that occur naturally in meat, fish, fowl, eggs, cheese, animal fat and vegetable oil, green vegetables can provide sufficient calories. 

                        Nearly two million years ago our ancestors began to barbecue.  Human as a genus are committed to sleeping on the ground and keeping fire near to keep the wild animals at bay.  Human survived with fire by using it everywhere of life, and in cooking also.  Cooking Food allowed the brain to expand.  Scientists calculations showed on a raw diet, the number of calories needed to suppose as humansized brain would require too many hours eating every day.    They argued that cooking allowed our ancestors the extra energy needed to support more neurons, allowing the increase in brain size.  To loose weight eat raw foods.   Scientists says “Ninety percent of the scientists assume that new GM (Genetically modified) plant foods are safety – Tested the same way new drugs are by FDA.   Multi National Seed Company may play monopoly problem.  (Contd…8-9)

With courtesy of Nature, Scientific America, National Geographics and Google Images

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