

Wednesday 13 November 2013



Hai friends,

                        Yogi’s have full controle on their diet and they also says that limited nutritious diet provides good health and you have to make your own arrangements on unlimited diet.  During the food intake maintain silence and listen your inner sound (Nadha).  Intake demand is depended on yours brains rewarding center.  Most of the peoples of different cultures, pray and thanks giving to the nature, before their food intake, which maintains the health of rewarding center, a biological hunger controller of the inner brain.  Any diet must fulfill taste, smell, sight to the minimum level.  Such diet satisfy the rewarding centers, which increase the pleasure associated with eating and checks over eating. 

                        Hunger is the best sauce.  We have evolved an efficient brain system to help maintain a healthy and consistent body weight by signaling when it is time to eat and when it is time to stop.  Studies show that overeating up the reward system in our brain, so much so in some people that it over powers the brains ability to tell them to stop eating when they have had enough.   Generally obesity people hijacks the brains reward network checks.

                        We calculate the available energy in all foods whit a unit known as the food calorie, or Kilocalorie.  The amount of energy required to heat one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.  Food is energy for the body.  Digestive enzymes in the mouth, stomach and intestines breakup complex food molecules into simpler structures, such as sugars and amino acids that travel through the blood stream to all our tissues.   Our cells use the energy store in the chemical bonds of these simpler molecules to cay on business as usual.  

                        Fats provide approximately nine calories per gram, whereas carbohydrates and protein deliver just four.  Fiber offers a piddling two calories because enzymes in the human digestive tract have great difficulty chopping it upto into smaller molecules.   Recently research reveals that how many calories we extract from food depends on which species we eat, who we prepared our foods, which bacteria are in our gut and how much energy we used to digest different foods.  Everybody have their own calculations. (Contd… 7 of 9) 1st December. 

With the courtesy of : Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, Benarus Hindu University, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Google images. 

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