

Monday 27 January 2014

srinu-kriya-reverse-hyper- extension-medical-reports-alternative-medicine

starting  in  2002.
  hai friends,in 2002 i suffered a lot with my back pain&neck.knees,shoulder pains.medical reports shows that,my bone mineral level is very low,early tendency to bony ankylosis,joints have symmetrical and diffusely increased tracer concentration.

ofter two years practise,bone mineral normal,no pains,physically fit to participate in comptetations.
weekly thriceRHE practise,along with power lifting practise.daily one hour nadhayoga practise,usage of ayur -med-vatachintamani-makardwaz-shilazit-tovok,seacod,whey,creatin,egg-chick-normaldiet.weekly once 20km cycling.
ofter five years practice,every thing is in normal.

FINALLY IN 2009 attained common wealth gold,thanks to RHE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Resp. Sir,
    You are making all efforts to spread the spectacular results of Pathanjali Yoga, Meditation, Srinu Kriya, Ayurveda, supplements & exercises so that many, many people benefit good health without any side effects. The medical reports and the certificate of honor themselves speaks a lot about the efficacy of your treatment. The ball is in the court of health, peace & spiritual seekers, Sure the lucky ones are utilizing this golden opportunity. Thank you very much for revealing many secrets.
