

Tuesday 19 November 2013


Hai Friends,

            The Super Centenarian is weaseling for us to start warm up in the play ground. 
            For longevity of life yogis practice a technique called as  Prana Vidya.  Meditation on the vagous nerve (VN) with breath awareness and improving full awareness on this nerve is the main focus of the vidya.  At present breast cancer radiation treatment scientists anesthetizing the VN.    Diaphragm is normal, Brest motionless for a required time is most important in that treatment.   The University Hospital of Birmingaam are conducting some experiments on this to save more lives from breast cancer. Nadha Yogis says that VN is the Kundalini Nerve of the body.  Respiratory act is under the control of the VN.  Nerve plexuses (Chakras) are stimulated by VN impulses.  VN Popularly called as “the Wandering Nerve”.  The VN is the only nerve which is composed of Motor and sensory fibers out going and incoming.  They have anabolic and katbolic actions.  Neural changes might reach the brain by way of by VN stimulation.  

Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama of Japan conducted a research on the Pranavidya Practicing Yogi, in a complete closed lab conditions.  Finally recorded an evident, that during the practice, yogi produced firing (Spark) of the neurons, in the VN area.  Hiroshi Motoyama claims this spark as prana, he also submitted this video to UNESCO.   Luckily, I have some contacts with three people of Pranavidya practicing yogis, who lived 100+ years.   On the final stage they showed maximum physical and mental fitness, and higher focus on evaluation.   Satisfaction is the main panacea of our day-to-day problems.  Rewarding center plays major role in producing dopamine, which provides satisfaction.  Dopaminergic neurons in the mid brain projects to all brain areas and fire at a constant rate of 3-5 spikes per second and released dopamine obtain a stimulation to the reward center.  Self-esteem, satisfaction, encouraging, discipline, provides you longevity of life.  In future scientists add some more evidences to the longevity of the life.  Dietary intervention produce high gut – Microbial richness, which is the foundation of longevity.

Hai friends live longer with better life and help to the evolution, over flow bliss in the society and establish your imprints globally

With courtesy of Nature, Scientific America, National Geographics and Google Images

Saturday 16 November 2013



Hai Friends,

                        This is Osadhi – Yoga.    These are the Time Proved Herbal Medicines collected from the books of my friend and inspirer Padmasri (late) Prof. K.N. UDUPA – Benarus Hindu University. Ayurveda means science of life,it improves span of life,founded by nadhayogis,prepared from mineral,veg,animal kingdoms.Here we include only veg-herbal remedies.Yogis called the topics as OSADHI-YOGA.

This blogg is dedicated to Late Padmasri K.N. UDUPA (Contd…9)

Thursday 14 November 2013



Hai Friends, 

                        Processed Foods are so easily digested in the stomach an intestines that they give us a lot of energy for very little work.  In contrast, veggies, nuts and whole grains make us sweet for our calories, generally offer far more vitamins and nutrients than processed items, and keep our gut bacteria happy.   Regarding the calories consumption we have to make our own chart with trail and error.  Take fermented foods to improve gut bacteria. 

                        The World Health Organization says “ The fundamental cause of obesity and over weight is an energy imbalance 

 between calories consumed and calories expended”.   The main dietary source of glucose is starches, grains and sugars.  In the absence of carbohydrates, the liver will synthesize glucose from protein.   Pancreas secreete insulin, which tells muscles, organs and even fat cells to take up the glucose and use if for fuel.   It also tells fat cells to store fat – including fat from the meal – for later used.  As little as 10-20 calories stored as excess fat each day can lead over decades to obesity.

                        To loose excess body fat, carbohydrates must be restricted and replaced, ideally with fat which does not stimulate insulin secretion.    Only insuline stimulate the fat cells to accumulate.   Decrease your carbohydrates in take.  Keep your food ratio as 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 Carbohydrate, protein, fats, instead of 60 : 20 : 20.   Carbohydrates that occur naturally in meat, fish, fowl, eggs, cheese, animal fat and vegetable oil, green vegetables can provide sufficient calories. 

                        Nearly two million years ago our ancestors began to barbecue.  Human as a genus are committed to sleeping on the ground and keeping fire near to keep the wild animals at bay.  Human survived with fire by using it everywhere of life, and in cooking also.  Cooking Food allowed the brain to expand.  Scientists calculations showed on a raw diet, the number of calories needed to suppose as humansized brain would require too many hours eating every day.    They argued that cooking allowed our ancestors the extra energy needed to support more neurons, allowing the increase in brain size.  To loose weight eat raw foods.   Scientists says “Ninety percent of the scientists assume that new GM (Genetically modified) plant foods are safety – Tested the same way new drugs are by FDA.   Multi National Seed Company may play monopoly problem.  (Contd…8-9)

With courtesy of Nature, Scientific America, National Geographics and Google Images

Wednesday 13 November 2013



Hai friends,

                        Yogi’s have full controle on their diet and they also says that limited nutritious diet provides good health and you have to make your own arrangements on unlimited diet.  During the food intake maintain silence and listen your inner sound (Nadha).  Intake demand is depended on yours brains rewarding center.  Most of the peoples of different cultures, pray and thanks giving to the nature, before their food intake, which maintains the health of rewarding center, a biological hunger controller of the inner brain.  Any diet must fulfill taste, smell, sight to the minimum level.  Such diet satisfy the rewarding centers, which increase the pleasure associated with eating and checks over eating. 

                        Hunger is the best sauce.  We have evolved an efficient brain system to help maintain a healthy and consistent body weight by signaling when it is time to eat and when it is time to stop.  Studies show that overeating up the reward system in our brain, so much so in some people that it over powers the brains ability to tell them to stop eating when they have had enough.   Generally obesity people hijacks the brains reward network checks.

                        We calculate the available energy in all foods whit a unit known as the food calorie, or Kilocalorie.  The amount of energy required to heat one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.  Food is energy for the body.  Digestive enzymes in the mouth, stomach and intestines breakup complex food molecules into simpler structures, such as sugars and amino acids that travel through the blood stream to all our tissues.   Our cells use the energy store in the chemical bonds of these simpler molecules to cay on business as usual.  

                        Fats provide approximately nine calories per gram, whereas carbohydrates and protein deliver just four.  Fiber offers a piddling two calories because enzymes in the human digestive tract have great difficulty chopping it upto into smaller molecules.   Recently research reveals that how many calories we extract from food depends on which species we eat, who we prepared our foods, which bacteria are in our gut and how much energy we used to digest different foods.  Everybody have their own calculations. (Contd… 7 of 9) 1st December. 

With the courtesy of : Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, Benarus Hindu University, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Google images. 

Sunday 10 November 2013


 Hai friends,

                        Exercise lowers the risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes, it also prevent certain cancers, improves mood, builds bones, strengthen muscles, expands lungs capacity, reduces the risk of falls and fractures, checks excess weight.  A bit of extra body weight is not particularly harmful, and may even be helpful. 

                        People who are then at “metabolically obse”, they have high levels of insulin and triglycerides in their blood, which puts them at a higher risk for developing diabetes and heart diseases.  Exercise can check the risks.  In 60+ age  the brain parts prefrontal cortex and hippocampus decreases their sizes (shrinks).   Exercise trigger neurogenses and BDNF, to make them normal. 

                        Exercise places increased demand on the skeletal muscles, which need increasing amount of glucose to fuel their efforts.  Muscle to become more efficient at using glucose, which allows it to become stronger.   Primarily the body first burns up glycogen from liver and muscles.  Next it uses triglycerides.  Liver responds to the call for more fuel by churning sugar molecules into the blood stream, pancreas releases insulin to the cells, to draw increasing amount of glucose out of the blood.  Continued exercise strengthens muscle is by boosting the formation of energy.  Producing mitochondria.  I responses to regular exercise, muscle cells start makin a protein called PGC-1, which directs the cells to churn out new mitochondria.  More mitochondria mean each cell can covert more glucose into energy.  Increasing the strength and resistance to fatigue of the whole muscle. 

                        Two people with the same amount of cholesterol in their blood but different levels of physical activities could thus have very different risk profiles for cardiac disease.  Smaller LDL molecules are particularly dangerous, they ricochet around the blood vessel, Damaging other molecules and cells.  Exercise increases (Boost) the activity of an enzyme called lipoprotein in the blood.  This increases the number of safe & large LDL Molecules, while decreasing the number of small dangerous ones.  Large LDL molecules, on the other hand, are much more stable and floot through the bloodstream without crashing into anything.   Exercise lowering the LDL cholesterol, while raising amount of HDL cholesterol, by changing blood molecules properties.  

                        Aerobic (Walked on a treadmill, jogging, walking etc) and resistance group (Seated rowing, leg press, weight training etc.) of exercises, 140 minutes per week approximately practice, drop HBA1C protein from their blood which acts as an indicator of average blood sugar level.     Over the past several months who are active between 60 and 90 minutes each day (Gardening, Washing the car, taking an evening stroll) achieved 4.2 years longer life expectancy.  (Contd… 6 of 9) 21st  November.

With the courtesy of : Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, Benarus Hindu University, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Google images. 

Monday 4 November 2013


Hai Friends,

                        Globally so many Jump – Starter kits for the mind are available in the market.    Average sale of the devices are 3,000 in less than a month.  Cost $ 249.00.  Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation tDCS – the passage of very low level current through targeted area of the brain.  Nine-volts Battery with two electrodes and controller for setting the current, are main parts of the kit.

                        Some experts suggest that tDCS might be useful in the rehabilation of patients suffering from Neurological and psychological disorders.  If normal people use it like a video game it could cause harm.   Wobly, itching and redness under the electrodes are most common side effects.   People, who try experiments with home made and quick looking in an anatomy book, are risking injury.  Dr. Kadosh also warned that electrically juicing one area of the brain might degrade function in another part.  “What we found is brain power is like a blanket”, he said “you pull it over to one side and something is not covered”.  Healthy people get risk, by trying this to brain improvement.  “People should not be tempted by devices they can order online”. 

With courtesy of the New York Times. 

Dear Friends we are very happy to announce that in January 1st 2014 we are opening GLIA GYME (GG) in our blog. It is a brain therapy workshop.   Main concept is to strengthen brain centers, neurons, working horses glias.  This is a natural full pledged process like a physical gym.  Here we use visulisation, breath awareness, different meditations, basic scientific & Traditional Kundalini Informations and necessary images and drawings.   You have to practice in the guidelines of your advanced coach only.    In the iron pumping we pump blood to the targeted muscle part of our body, which improves it.  Senior Citizens can also participate.   Visualization, Breath Awareness, meditation improves blood circulation in the focused area, Neuro and Glia Genesis takes place.   Automatically it improves brain plasticity naturally.  These are the naturally proved evidences.  

                        At present our Srinu Kriya Meditation and You Tube – Srinu Kriya Brain Jogging are very busy in serving the needy (archives).  First of all you have to practice visualization of the parts perfectly.  Sketch the parts on the paper for two to three times, which we provide in the blog.   Automatically your visualization improves.   In our GG we have Trataka platform, Nadha Platform, Kalpavruksha platform etc., with full practical technology.    No secrets.  GG is the public property.  In physical Gym we improves our physical fitness.  In GG we improves our mental fitness. 

                        This is a Sky Rocket opportunity to everyone, please utilize.  Sharing is my main motive.  Without Glia the brain would starve.  Blood Vessels and neurons break down if certain Glia Cells are not present.  So, we may call glias as working horses of the brain.  On the same basis we are opening GG.  The practice stimulate brain genesis and Mylenation and improves brain plasticity upto 150 folds. 

Friday 1 November 2013


Hai friends,
                         These naturally blessed Super Centenarian Sisters are Grandmaa’s of my scientific guide – Srinivas Nemani, Kakinada – A.P. – IND, who always collects Neuro topics globally. 

                        Ageing muscle appears to be “Anabolically” resistant to nutrients compared to young and healthy muscle.   Exercise can overcome this.  Banana + Whey Protein is rapidly digested and leads to greater protein gains compared with casein protein, particularly in elders.  A recent study in healthy men and women confirmed the greater thermic response of a protein-rich meal compared to a carbohydrate-rich meal.  One Hypothesis to explain reduced food intake is linked to reduction in olfactory capacity.   The decaffeinated coffee with high chlorogenic acid content increased alertness, reduced feelings of mental fatigue, and decreased the number of reported headaches.  Better to live with same age group.  “LIVE LONGER” but to “LIVE BETTER”.

                        Hot new field of biology called Epigenetics, which studies how environmental influences can etch chemical modifications in DNA and thus introduce life long changes in the activity of genes (jumped genes).  Environmental influence produce new neurons from stem cells (Neuro genesis), and fix them in the needed circuits.  Epigenetics can produce new genes, neurogeneses produce new neurons, both works on environmental influences .  Genes probably account for only 25 percent of longevity.  Environment can fill the remaining 75%.   And don’t forget this chance (opportunity). 

                        Ayurveda calculated the human average span of life as thousands months (Thousand full moon days) (83 years).  For the longevity they follows Kayakalpa & Panchakarma Chikitsa.  Generally they follows Shat Kriyas, Herbal & Minerals.   For more details visit our previous archives.

                        The Hippocampus is particularly Vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of obesity, diabetes mellitus,  Hyper Extension, Hypoxic Brain Injury, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Bipolar Disorder, Clinical Depression and Head Truma.   Age related atrophy in the Hippocampus is the main hurdle to long life.  With the ageing process, the Hippocampus has a greater prosperity to atrophy than other regions of the brain.  The rate of Hippocampal Atrophy accelerate with a number of Diseases.  Reversal of this process can be achieved by improving physical fitness, and by engaging in cognitively stimulating meditation practices. 

                        Neuroplastic changes with cognitive stimulation are not limited to the hippocampus.  Meditation, juggling, mirror reading, reading, writing, cross world puzzles, exercise, train sessions increase grey matter volume in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes.  Neuroplaticity and an increase in the volume of grey matter are not unique to hippocampus.  Indeed challenging activities that require intense training and practice can also cause an increase in the volume of cortical areas, engaged in performing the specific task. 

                        Scientific studies have documents changes in the, cerebellar vermis in basket ball players, in the parietal lobe in mathematicians, in broca’s area in symphony orchestra musicians and in the sensorimotor cortex in ballet dancers.    The structural changes in the brain could be the result of axonal remodeling, synaptogenesis,  Gliogensis, neurogensis, an increase in neural cell size, or an increase intestinal fluid or blood flow with in the organ.  Meditation have a protective effect and increasing effect on hippocampus, and important parts of the brain.  (Contd… 5 of 9) 11th  November.

With the courtesy of : Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, Benarus Hindu University, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Google images.