

Friday 31 January 2014



Hai Friends,
            By visualisation, breath awareness, meditation, nadha, improves brain blood circulation and it automatically improves the size of the brain. Researchers at Harward, Yale, and Massachusetts institute of technology have found the first evidence that meditation can order the physical structure of our brains. Scans reveal that experienced mediators sensory input area of the brain gray matter increased four to eight thousandth an inch. Inside insight meditation practitioners focus on noise (nadha) and body sensations (pressure). Glias responds to external stimuli and can listen sounds. Slowing of the breath is a scale to measure the depth of the meditation. Meditation slows ageing by improving telomeres length. This is really “A Mind blogging”!. It is very important to remember that monks and yogis suffer from the same alignments as the rest of us. They get old die too. However they do claim to enjoy an increased capacity for attention and memory.   Meditation is truly “MIND OVER MATTER”, you can deliberately alter body’s physiological functions.

                        Meditation calms our mind and slows frontal corticles thinning and regular practise can improve it and gives constant theata wave.   Meditation is a complex mental process involving several other components of the autonomic nervous system and the brain including the Hippo campus, the amygdala, and various parts of the brain stem and re-structure them.  Long term mediator brain scanning shows, larger volumes of gray matter in the Hippo campus, Left temporal lobe (A-25) and the lower part of frontal lobe, insula and increased metabolic activity in prefrontal cortex. 

                        In one pointed concentration (Trataka) meditation and mental image meditations, SPECT scans shows increased blood flow in the frontal lobes and anterior cingulated cortex (A-25), increased and decreased blood flow in certain areas.  Some senior practitioner in their practise shows strong Gama wave (Neurogenesis) pattern in their frontal and parietal lobes.  During visualisation, a pattern of Gama waves appeared over areas in his occipital, frontal and parietal lobes that are involved in producing mental images.   In deep meditation theata activity was localised primarily to the front lobes, while the delta, alpha and beta activity was spread out more across the frontal temporal and parietal lobes.  In relaxed awareness meditation front of the brain may contribute to the mediators calming of their mind with theate, while faster brain waves alpha, beta occurring in the back of the brain may at the same time keep the mediator alert and aware their soundings.   Common man in a deep sleeps also immediately attacks to mosquito and blood bugger bites.   Previously this was called as brains dark current.  Long-term meditation practised brain (without meditation) in normal conditions also shows theata and gama waves in most parts of the brain and responds immediately in necessity.   This condition is highly difficult to non-and short-term practitioners.  (Contd…4-18)

With courtesy of Scientific America, Mind, Nature, Google search, Traditional kundalini.

Wednesday 29 January 2014


       Alternative practises to reverse hyper entension aps.
   hai friend,
       don't worry about gym&rhe aps,in our home we can arrange this easily,without any cost.Dining table,freezer,scientific ball,old car-truck tyres,boxes,yogic asanas,big steps,pit walls,all works like rhe,but we have to add little weight-sand bags-to our ankle before practise.If you know fundamentals of power lifting,you can utilise every thing around you!
   Body itself is a great Doctor,if you provide natural conditions.automatically it recovers to 80%.Body constitutions-organs-brain-bone- muscle-blood circulations,works with in the control of earth gravity only! if we add a little bit of weight to our body,for a limited period,immediately body gravity changes,  automatically it stimulate necessary organgs,according to the demand.
  Back of our ankle we have strongest achilles tendon,which make our body erect,can pull 3000kg.Prepare cloth or canvas sand bags,ranging from half to 5kg weight.Tie this sand bags to both ankles individually with straps&practise,use weight according to your bearing capacity.You can save your economy&tme.Always practise in the guide lines of your coach only!Practise with sand bags!!

with courtesy of google images,scientificamerican,powerliftingusa

with ball.
with old boxes,tyres
with tables,freezers
with old truck tyres
with elbowes&steps&pit walls.
sand bags with straps.

Monday 27 January 2014

srinu-kriya-reverse-hyper- extension-medical-reports-alternative-medicine

starting  in  2002.
  hai friends,in 2002 i suffered a lot with my back pain&neck.knees,shoulder pains.medical reports shows that,my bone mineral level is very low,early tendency to bony ankylosis,joints have symmetrical and diffusely increased tracer concentration.

ofter two years practise,bone mineral normal,no pains,physically fit to participate in comptetations.
weekly thriceRHE practise,along with power lifting practise.daily one hour nadhayoga practise,usage of ayur -med-vatachintamani-makardwaz-shilazit-tovok,seacod,whey,creatin,egg-chick-normaldiet.weekly once 20km cycling.
ofter five years practice,every thing is in normal.

FINALLY IN 2009 attained common wealth gold,thanks to RHE!!!

Sunday 26 January 2014


              glymphatic system stimulation.
      hai friends,
          in our previous blog we discussed about glymphatic we are preparing to discuss ,stimulating of this system.REVERSE HYPER EXTENSION practise stimulate this system physically,GLIA GYM practise stimulate mentally.above ten years i am practising RHP,my lower back ,knees pain,anklosing spondylitis problems,are solved,awarded me commonwealth gold,finally provided me unlimited bliss!.loui simmons,usa,world known power lifting coach&champion,invented this aps.for more details visit his web in googlesearch.
      at present we are observing many vertebral trauma cases around us-both rooms,two-four wheel driving,games,some unexpected situations,genetics.most important point is that in this traumas neurons twists,to one side,losses its myelin coating ,slowly the neurons would be swelled& the initial stage the problem is highly difficult to identify through scanning.the most widely accepted theory builds on the observation that rotational forces,in which the brain twists to one side,seem to deel the most damage.
    a head impact can cause a neurons axon to twist,tearing open its protective sheat,called mylein.inside the axon,exposed,microtubules can snap releasing several proteins-tau,amyloid,neurotransmitters,glutamate.micro glia,astrocytes,olgidodentrocytes starts repairing work.micro release cytokins,astro release  s100b,olgido rebuilt myelination.
    the brain floats in its skull mostly unattached,buoyed by CSF,a colorless liquid,that cushions the brain and spine.after a hit,the brain deforms.if shaken hard enough,and especially if the brain twists,parts of neurons can stretch and even share,the twisting motion tears open axons,the longs,slim fibers,that connect one neuron to another neuron or to a muscle organ.damaged microtubules leaks out molecules,spoil neurons-circles.glias check theese glia gym practise we mainly focouson on glias constructive functions.
 to save&strengthen,vertebra,improving blood,CSF,circulation insde vertebra,we should emphasise on,vertebra&neck rotation,twist exercises.RHE practise completely improves vertebra&glymphatic system.this is very therphatic for the lower back,because it rotates the sacrum on each spinal erectors and also traction the lower back by rotating the sacrum and dehydrating disks,build strength to vertebra&neck neurons.always try this aps in the guide lines of your gym coach only.RHE practise provides you iron muscles&steel neurons!!

with courtesy of,scientificamerican,googlesearch-images,powerliftingusa.

Saturday 18 January 2014


srinu kriya glymphatic system-a new concept in glia gym.
         hai friends,i am very happy to inform you,that glias are playing main role in brain cleaning,in the name of glymphatic.recently investigated by dr.nedergardd.normally glia astroytes-ferry nutritious blood to neurons,back waste from neurons to blood vessels,maintain good ions in synaptic cleft,produce neurotransmitters,atp,glutamate,cleans wastage,improves brain plasticity,functions are myriad.glymphatic system,letting fluid flow rapidly through brain,and controls the flow of cerebra spinal fluid ,-CSF-,a clear liquid surrounding the brain and spinal cord,clears toxins from CSF.dr maiken nedergarrd,md,,co director of the center for translation neuro medicine at the university of rochester medicle centre.
       only recently have scientists shown that sleep is important for strong memories.dr.n. and her colleagues  unexpectedly found sleep may be also be the period  when brain cleans itself of toxic molecules.sleep is essential for forming and consolidating memories and that is plays a central role in the formation of new neuronal connections ,and the pruning of old ones.
    accumulation of toxic by products of our body,are cleared by the body's lymphatic system .this system serves as the body's custodian.due to blood-brain barrier-BBB-system lymphatic system had no effect on brain.glymphatic system,depends on glial cells homoeostasis,and its function as a sort of parallel lymphatic system,recycles brain waste,beta-amyloid&tau to an individual cell a sleeping brain,waste was being cleard two times inflow ofCSF into the brain in awaken stage.when our sleep is disturbed,whatever the cause,our cleeningsystem breaks down.the faster the fluids clear the decks,the more effectively the metabolism functioning.daily use of anaesthetics are too dangerous.
     dr.n says,it is suggested that the space between brain cells changed greatly, between conscious and unconscious states.glias control CSF through glymphatic system by shrinking or swelling.the space between brain cells increased by 60% when we asleep or anaesthetised.we need sleep to cleans up the brain.astroglias, are more specifically ,long projections,they extended that envelop ,the brain vasculture.theese end feet densly express the water channels ,which allowed astrocytes to act as intervening,couplers of abulk fluid the image astrocytes-green-,with expression on astrocyte end field-purple-,a surrounding cerebral vasculature-white-.
    main concept of glia gym meditation practises are to stimulate and strengthen the three functions-circles-of glia neurons.1)oligodendrocytes(CREATION),2)astrocytes(ADMINISTRATION),3)micro(DISTRUCTION).helps as an alternative system,supportive to main.enzoy glia gym&expand your brain plasticity.rewrite this topic,to fix it in your long memory circle.
with courtesy 0f,scientificamerican,google search,the newyork times,science daily,nedegaard lab.

Monday 13 January 2014


Hai Friends,

                         In our brain 85%  brain cells are  glia cells, remaining are neurons. Glia cells can control communication between neurons and play central role in learning. Glia involves in neurological and psychological disorders. Glias works without electricity. The glias are like star fishes or octopus. Glia cells interact with neurons, control them by working along side them. These   strange-looking cells may functions are myriad. Ferry neuro transmitters, food and waste, from neurons Glia were listening to neurons,and talking among themselves without using electricity at all.

            Scientists observed that when neuro transmitters released by  neurons stimulated receptors on glia, the glia releases neuro transmitters as well. By controlling data processing at synopsis, glia participate in aspect of vision,memory, muscle contraction, and unconscious brain functions, such as sleep and thirst and also broadcast their signals widely like cellphones. In Alzheimers, tissue damage spreads in predetermined manner, beginning from the hippocampus and eventually reaching the frontal cortex, by glia involvement. The new awareness of glia in brain function suggest that drugs targeting,  glia might help treat mental neurological illnesses. Epilepsy is a prime candidate for glial-based therapeutics.

            Upper part of the inner brain is in  grey colour, neurons heads and dentroids are highly weaved here. So this area is called as grey matter. Below this area is called as white matter. Mylean insulated, axons, synopsis and fat tissues are in this area. Mylein and fat tissues are in white. White matter is the gym of our working horses(Glias). One half of the brain contains glias. So neuro scientists comprised the glias as 1) Astrocytes, 2)Oligodendrocyts, 3)Micro glia. Our understanding of one half of the brain(glias) lags a century behind our knowledge of neurons.

            In the gym before starting the main exercise, we practice warm up exercises. This prepares the body to the main exercise. Old neurons can not learn new topics easily, only new neurons (neurogenesis) can learn. We have to allot a new topics to the new ones, if not they cant survive. So we are discussing some more topics, in this situation stem cells produce more neurons, by learning new topics new ones establish successfully. This condition improves brain plasticity. Neurons population increased. Gym practice reconditioned the muscles by the new cells. In our brain gym practice only three functions are main. But in starting we will discuss some related topics. This improves yours brains plasticity and prepares for the main. So keenly follow the related topics. These are the warmup exercises for the meditation.

Globally human race is only one but nations and religions are different. Similarly the global meditation is only one but applications are different, result is same. Short time practitioners uses the sitting postures. Long term practitioners(hours together)  practice in lying posture. Attaining a single thought is the main concept of all meditation. (Cntd...3-18)

With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature, Google search, Traditional Kundalini.

Friday 3 January 2014


Yogini, The SCIENCE.

Hi Friends, 

I am very happy to announce that, my future inspiration, a baby Glia joined our Nadha Yogi family on 24th December night, Her name is Yogini and nick name is SCIENCE!! Hope your heartfelt blessings (kalpavriksha) would be with my grand child. 
