

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


 HAI friends,these are my lab photos ,during my EEG recording,on 16th sep 2014.Normally our body,ionosphere,earth,are in 10.4HZ,high variations above this,can produce disastrous health changes ,physically&mentally in humans.Mental.neurological,glandular.imbalances,cancer,infertility,drug addiction,suicide,heart problems,road&domestic accidents,crimes etc.Earth&ionosphere are in  an average of 10.4HZ,Each one nadha continue for 45seconds-25 repetitions practise can shows8HZ in your brain.-nadha practise also shows same,soham practise-7-12HZ, deep meditation-yoganidra-4-0 HZ,40years of meditation shows32-50 HZ.Friends happy living,social service,exercise,meditation,makes you neutral -below10.5HZ,BE HAPPY-I recorded max-45HZ(gama),lower3HZ(delta),with practise every practitioner can attain!!!

Sunday, 14 September 2014


Main role:

1.      Highly motile and responsive to nervous system injury and infection.
2.      Monitor electrical activity in neurons and prune synaptic connections.
3.      Involved in almost all nervous system diseases and in certain Psychiatric conditions.
4.      The immune cells most of time serve without harming neurons.
5.      Cells respond dramatically when the brain was injured severely.
6.      These are garbage collectors, capable of ingesting and degrading microbes, dying cells, derbies, Macrophages of the central nervous system. The own kind of Macrophages.
7.      They are critical to proper development of the embryo. They may secrete growth factors important to formation of the life central nervous system.
8.      The central nervous system apparently holds Microglia on a tight lash, forcing them to keep worrisome secretions to minimum. Micro can release dangerous chemicals, could surely fill neurons. Neural On and Off signals lash Microglia.
9.      AIDS, the human immunodeficiency virus, which cause the disease, does not attack neurons, but it does infect Microglia.
10.  Microglia as possible participants in multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson disease and Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis.
11.  Microglia also change with age, undoubtedly promote neural destruction and could thus contribute to memory declines and senility.
12.  Microglia are capable of performing both Neuro protective and Neuro  destructive functions.
13.  Microglia’s has their amazing ability to produce battery of enzymes, Cytokins, Chemokines, Growth factors and other products that can decisively influence whether neurons live or die.
14.  Microglia have moved to the forefront of Neuroscience research, ultimately improve public health.
15.  Microglia are a hybrid between white cells and Glia cells.
16.  Glutamate directly leads to Neuronal death but also serve as an activation signal or Microglia.

In every practice, Rewrite the paper for five times. A25 practice 5 minutes. Every main practice 30 minutes. Visualization on Prefrontal cortex, the functions of Micro for minimum 6 months. First aid service, Garbage collection, Immunity, Mental activities are some of the main functions of Micro. Number 16,17 and 18 are the most important practices.

Finally, after two years of individual practice, combine the three practices.A25 meditation 5 minutes. Oligodendrocytes practice 15  minutes. Astrocytes practice 15 minutes. Microglia practice 15 minutes, relax five minutes in Sevaasana. Combined practice time require 1 year.

Finally, you will become an integral human being, with full potentiality of physical, Mental, Social health.

With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini.

Saturday, 30 August 2014


Main role:
  1. Enshesth synapses, regulate neural excitability and synaptic transmission.
  2. Respond to injury by secreting extra cellular matrix proteins.
  3. Implicated in Neuro Genesis, cell migration and many neurological and Psychiatric disorders.
  4. Regulate the transmission of electrical signals across synapses by modifying the concentration of extra cellular potassium; Controlling local blood flow, releasing and taking up neuro transmitters and other Neuro modulatory substances, delivering nutrients to neurons, and altering the Geometry and volume of space between brain cells. All these things influence nervous system, communication and plasticity.
  5.  Astrocytes have anatomical and physiological properties that may impose higher- order organization on information processing in the brain. In the gray matter of the cerebral cortex and Hypocampus, Astrocytes are organized in non overlaping domains.
  6. The largest cell body, had been found to stop up extra neurotransmitter molecules around neurons, there by protecting nerve cells from receiving too much stimulation.
  7.  A fatty complex called APOE/Cholestrol and the protein Thrombospondin, these two chemicals are released by astrocytes to stimulate synapsys formation.
  8. Astrocytes might contribute to  a greater capacity for learning.
  9.  Neurons are like telephone communicating electrically through hard wired synaptic connections, Astrocytes may be like cell phones communicating with chemical signals that broadcast widely but can be detected only by other astrocytes.
  10. Astrocytes have listening ability.

This practise requires minimum one year. In every practise Rewrite the paper for minimum 5 times, understanding the functions of the astrocytes. Practise meditation on your’s A 25 for 5 minutes. 30 minits Visualize the functions of Astrocytes in your Prefrontal cortex-Brain Insula-White matter-Neuron-Synapses junction- Astrocytes coverage. Functions- Ferrying, Ion exchange, Neurotransmitter maintenance, Releasing ATP, Listening ability etc.  (Contd… 18)

With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature,  Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

Thursday, 14 August 2014


Main role:

  1. Form Myelin electrical insulation increasing conduction velocity by 50 –150 times.
  2. Provides vital metabolic support for axon.
  3. Involved in multiple Sclerosis, Amytrophic lateral Sclerosis and the inhibation of repair after spinal cord injury.
  4. Myelin insulation around axons, which clearly would effect a neuron. This insulation is key to the conduction of nerve impulses at high speed over long distance. Its growth enable a baby to gradually hold up its head and its destruction by diseases such as multiple Sclerosis cause severe impairment.
  5. De Myelination leads to paralyze and blind.
  6. Glia can “Listen in” by listening the Axon traffic, Astrocyte releases a chemical, this chemical code stimulates Oligodendrocytes to form more Myelin, 50-150 layers on axon.
  7. Myelin responds to environment and participate in learning.
  8. Once Axons are myelinated, the changes they can undergo become more limited.
  9. The more tightly packed and heavily coated with myelin the fibers are, they show stronger signals in grey matter also.
  10. Myelin can change in response to mental experience and environment development.
  11. Specific protein molecule in Myelin that stops axons from sprouting and forming new connections.
  12. Myelination generally proceeds in a waveform the back(back of thehead to Prefrontal Cortex) as we grow into adult hood. Fully Myelination laid until age 25-30. In certain Prefrontal cortex area it takes up to age 50.

Before practice study 2 to 5 times, the actual role of Oligodendrocytes. Please study on paper print only. Not in E-reading. Brain prepares only paper study to long memory. If you write on a paper brain remember to keep into long memory because our brain is formed to record long memory, through paper study, and hands usage. For 5 minutes practice A25 meditation, it improves awareness. Visualize Trataka on node of Raniver and Myelination images for 5 minutes with closed eyes visualize this function in your Prefrontal cortex(Forehead). Visualize and assume that neuron, Axons are in the Insula(White matter).

            In the node of Raniver Sodium Ion pump is pushing neuron signals to forward. In both sides of the sodium pump there are potassium pumps, which produce current and helps to strengthen the axon signals. All these functions are guarded by Astrocytes. When neurons are needed the more bearing capacity, Astrocytes release a Neurotransmitter signals to Oligodendrocytes to take necessity action. Immediately Oligodendrocytes starts Myelination on Axon from 50 to 150 tight layers, which improves the axons bearing capacity 50 to 150 folds. These Myelination appears like a Beads. With in one second single Oligodendrocytes can Myelinate two million Axons.

            Practice this 30 minutes for minimum 180 days. Dear friend, before every practice, write this paper on a new paper with your hands, this will gives you maximum result. For awareness use one drop of pain balm on your focus point. (Contd.. 17-18)

With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature,  Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

Thursday, 31 July 2014



Hai Friends,

                        In the presence of phosphate, the raw materials for nucleo base and Ribose first form 2- Amino-Oxzole, A molecule that contains part of sugar and a part of nucleobase. Further reaction yield a full Ribose-Base block and  then a full Neucleotide. Neucleotide base- N Atomic- Purine Ring(9) absorbs ultraviolet rays, supplies energy to nucleotides. Ultraviolet ray’s exposure destroy incorrect nucleotides, and leaves correct one only. All these stages are taken place in a pond of early earth clay.

                        The sugars of Nucleotide forms a chemical bond with the phosphate of the next, so the nucelotide string themselves together into a chain. Clay mineral ehance the external energy to producing chains of upto 50 or so nucleotides. Life may have on mineral surfaces, perhaps in clay rich muds at the bottom of pools of water formed by hot Springs.

                        The water solutions in which they form, Nucleotides would have had little chance of combining into long stands able to store genetic information, but under the right conditions. For ex, If molecular adhesion forces bought them close together between microscopic layers of clay, nucleotides might link up to single strand to similar modern RNA.

            The newly formed polymers (Nucleostride strand) are spontaneously covered by fatty molecules as a membrane around it, to form a maturity cell. By Geo thermal energy(cold and heat) this cell divides to daughter cells, which could then start the cycle again, to form a multi cellular organism, bacteria.

            In 1950, Stanley L Miller of University of Chicago, did the experiment in lab.  At the bottom of the flask, he created an ocean of water, which he heated, forcing water vapour to circulate through the apparatus. The flask at the top contained an atmosphere consisting of Methane(CH4),Ammonia(NH3),Hydrogen(H2) and the circulating water vapour.       For more scientific information visit Google Search and Images, for more related topics visit our previous archives.

Next he exposed the gases to a continuous electrical discharge(lightning)causing the gases to interact. This experiment yielded many Aminoacids and enabled Miller to explain how they have formed.  (Contd. 16-18).

With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature,  Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

Saturday, 26 July 2014


 Hai friends,imagination or thought,in our brain triggers some of the same physicial mechanisims involved in actual sight-eyes are the compact bundle of neurons-.When you switch of the lamp and your pupils will widen to take more light.If you stepout into the sun,and your pupils will narrow.Pupils works parlley between imagination(thought) and perception.Imagination also widen&narrow your pupils.Nural process is similar.Scientists are conducting methods to study consciousnes by providing visual stimulation.Visual stimulation,mental imagery,thoght,also improves brains conscious works.Follow the sketch,visulise,thought,improve
your DDM like a sky rocket-follow our previous blogs for clarity!!!kapalabhati-rep-100-200-per minit.

Monday, 14 July 2014



 Hai Friends,
                        This is also a related topic, it gives the details of “How spontaneous life forms on earth”. Researchers have found a way that the genetic molecule RNA could have formed from chemicals present on the early earth.  Primitive cells containing molecules similar to RNA could assemble spontaneously, reproduce and evolve, giving rise to all life. The earliest forms of life could have been simple membranes made of fatty acids- also structures known to form spontaneously. Creating a new life will certainly help us to understand how life can start, how likely it is that exhibits on other world and, ultimately what life is.

                        Genetic molecules such as DNA and RNA or Polymeres (Strings of smaller molecules) made of building blocks called Nucleotides. In turns Nucleotides have three distinct components, sugar, phosphate and  nucleo base. Nucleo base come in four types and constitute the alphabet in which the polymeres encodes the information. In a DNA Nucleotide the nucleo base can be A, G, C or T, standing for the molecules Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine or Thymine, in the RNA alphabet the letter U for Urcil, replace the T. DNA formed from RNA only.

                        Sugars are also easy to assemble from Simple starting materials.The mixture of many types of sugar molecules can be obtained by warming an alkaline solution of Formaldehyde, which also would have been available on the young planet. Phosphorus is abundant in the earth’s crust but mostly in minerals, that do not dissolve readily in water. The high temperatures of volcanic vents can convert phosphate containing minerals to soluble form of phosphate, but volume of released are very small or limited. A completely different potential source of phosphorous compound is Schreibersite, a mineral compound found in certain mateors. Corrosion of Schereibersite in water releases its phosphorous component. This is both much more soluble in water than phosphate and much more reactive with organic (Carbon based) compounds. For the needed chemical bonds to form energy must be supplied, for ex, By adding energy rich compounds that aid in reaction. Many such compounds may have existed on the early earth.  A small molecule called 2- Aminooxazole which can be viewed as a fragment of sugar joined to a piece of nucleobase.

 With courtesy of ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

Saturday, 5 July 2014


                         POSITIVE CONCEPT!!!

Saturday, 28 June 2014




Hai Friends,
                        As you push against your limits remember that your V+D is always there to keep your Imperturbable and steady on the high wire act of living your life to it’s fullest and maximising your potential. Equanimity is not synonymous with passivity. As you strive to push yourselves ever higher and take on bigger challenges – Do so with “Ferocious  equanimity”. Stimulating  V + D can provide this equanimity. Nauli kriya can also provide the same. Churning of abdominal Rec ti muscles, along with Gut vacuum stimulates V + D.

                        V + D have inter related actions in our body. Deep Diaphragm breathing, with long and slow exhale is a key to stimulating the VD, it slows heart rate and blood pressure, especially in the time of performance anxiety. Well conditioned athletes have higher VD tone, which results in lower resting heart rate, healthy cardiac function is directly linked and releases Acetylcholine neuro transmitter. VD acts on cerebellum, abdomen, heart and most major organs. Messages also travel “Down Stream”, signal your organs to operate “Rest and Digest” and prepare your body for “ Fight or Flight” in dangerous situation.

All the physical symptoms of performance, Anxiety, Racing heart, Sweaty palms, Dry mouth, Upset stomach,Shakiness are the results of our VD disengaging. Any time you take a deep breathe and exhale, you are triggering a biological release of acetylcholine, that will lower heart rate and blood pressure. By increasing the challenges in life, gradually you become more skilled and comfortable with more difficult tasks. Re frame priorities and values by improving relationship with friends and family, religious values, athletic ability, and being good at art. Every hurdle is an opportunity to learn. Mastery is a process. VD receives and send signals “ Top-Down” and “Bottom-Up” and Re-Wire your mind through Neuro plasticity. Western and Eastern medicines are complimentary to one another. Yoga known to improve stress related nervous system imbalances and Neuro physiology and Neuro Anatomy. VD stimulation improves, positive emotions, positive social connections, and physical health influence on one another. (Contd..14-18)

With courtesy of Scientific America, Mind, Nature,  Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini

Saturday, 14 June 2014




Hai Friends,
                        This Kalpavriksha meditation learns more technology to practice perfectly on Glia’s meditaion. In general Octopus, Kalpavriksha chakra, Glia’s, are having the same external shapes. Octopus has central body and eight arms. Kalpavriksha chakra also has central body and eight petals. Glia’s are also same with this two, central body and number of axons.  Only higher Kundalini practitioners meditate on the Kalpavriksha chakra. Focus point of this chakra is 2 to 4 inches below the Anahata chakra, exactly on abdominal diaphragm. Dome shaped muscle dividing chest and abdomen, together with intercostals muscles, forms bodies main breathing muscles, during contraction it flats to increase the size of the chest cavity and also internally related with vagus nerve. Diaphragm is in parallel level, where as vagus is in vertical. These two combination forms a “+” shape. Centre point of this “+” is  the kalpa vriksha chakra. Scientifically we may call this meditation as Vagus + Diaphragm” or V+D Meditation. Basically every chakra has its own focus points on different endocrine glands.

            Just below the Anahata chakra there is a minor center called the Anandakandha, the root of bliss, Kalpavrksha chakra. At this center there is said to be a celestial tree. In the traditional scriptures it is called Kalpavriksha(Wish fulfilling tree), Kalpataru all with the same meaning. At the level of this chakra, one tends to receive what one wishes for. One’s wishes will tend to bear fruit if the sankalpa (Wish or Resolve) is strong enough. This applies to both positive and negative wishes. Self purification destroys negative wishes. In some tantrik texts the Kalpavriksha is also called “Chintamani”.(Jewel of thought). The Chintamani is  a tree growing in the middle of the divine’s beautiful garden. This tree contains all the five elements and is possessed of the three Gunas, The four Vedas are its four branches. The tree is fully made with gold and diamonds. It is laden beautiful unfading flowers, which are highest jewelleries(Gems and Diamonds). The tree is fully Sabdha-Brahmam (Nadha). Nadha brahma-> SabdhaBrahma->Parabrahma.(Eternal Bliss).

            In Meditation practice Srinu kriya for 10 minutes, V+D meditation 30 minutes and finally relax 10 minutes in Sevasana. V +D focus point is most important in this practice. To easily identify the point, apply a drop of pain balm on it, this application provides point awareness for 20 minutes. Practice this meditation technology perfectly. We apply the same technology in the Glia meditation also.  (Contd.. 13-18)

With courtesy of: ScientificAmerica, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini.

Friday, 30 May 2014



Hai Friends,

                        This is also a related practise. You can select any traditional meditation asanas or sit in a chair or keep a table in front of you and put your hands on that. In this position the ears should be plugged with the index fingers of the hand.  The other fingers should be lightly clenched and the elbows held side ways. If you sit in a chair rest your elbows on the table. Be in a relaxed position.

                        First stage you have to practise Brahamari Pranayama (BP). The word Brahamari means “BEE”. This practice is so called because a sound is made which imitates the sound of Humming Bee. It is a method of harmonising the mind and directing awareness inwards. Sit in any of the poses, with ears plugged. It is important to make sure that the ears are fairly closed for the best results. If necessary adjust your body to make sure that you are perfectly comfortable.

                        Close the eyes, relax the whole body, keep the teeth slightly separated and mouth closed, through out the entire practise. This allows the vibration to be heard and felt more distinctly in the brain. Breathe in slowly and deeply, while breathing out make a humming sound. The humming sound should be smooth and continuous, and should be done for the duration of exhalation. The humming sound need not be very loud, the important thing is that you hear the sound vibration with in your head. The exhalation should be slow and controlled. At the end of the exhalation stop the humming sound and breathe in. Again repeat the humming with the next exhalation.  Continue in this manner for few minutes. Next stage starts with normal breathing , no Brahamari Pranayama.

                        Continue to keep your eyes closed and your fingers gently, but firmly in your ears, this is necessary to block out external disturbances. Try to hear a sound in your head. As soon as you become aware of a sound, try to fix your awareness on it to the exclusion of other sounds. Go on listening. After some days or weeks of practise you should find that one sound is very distinct, becoming louder and louder. Be totally aware of the sound (NADHA).

                        Gradually through practise your sensitivity will increase. With normal ears try to hear inner sounds at the region of the back of the head. or in the middle of the head or in right ear. Many people hear the sound in the right ear which does not matter. Finally preceive more subtle sound. The more subtle the sound that you can perceive, the deeper you will delve into the depth of your being. Do not expect to hear subtle sounds on your first attempt. Practise is necessary for a certain period.

            In final stage sit in a relaxed position- No index fingers in the ears- No Brahamari Pranayama,  Close your eyes and listen your inner subtle sound. Plan a schedule to listen Nadha- hours-days-years, according to your stamina. In every practise rewrite the paper for 5 times. (Contd.. 12 – 18)

With courtesy of: Scientific America, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014



Hai Friends,
                        This is a basic practise. The word Trataka means to look or to gaze on a small dot, Full moon, Crystal ball, Nose tip, Flame. This is one of the most powerful method of controlling the tempestuous mind and its thought waves. Corrects weakness and defects of the eyes. Mentally, it increases nervous stability, removes insomnia and relaxes even the most troubled mind.
            In this practise we gaze, Bahiranga (outer), and Antaranga(Inner) Trataka. This improves visualisation ability to the max. Visualisation is one of the most important vehicle in meditation. This practise improves the technology of closed and open eye meditations.

            The best time of Trataka is early morning with empty stomach. Duration of the practise for 15 minutes is sufficient. If practised regularly it develops the power of concentration to an almost unlimited degree. This awakens our inner abilities which helps to lead our life. Mostly improves meditation technology to higher levels practise.

                        Sit in a comfortable position, preferably a meditation asana, in a dark room. Place a lighted candle level with eyes, at a distance of one to two feet from the face. Beware of the physical body only. When you are prepared, open the eyes and gaze intently at the brightest blue centre point of the flame. With practise you should be able to gaze for a few minutes at the flame without moment of the eye balls or blinking. Continue to gaze at the flame with total concentration. The gaze should be absolutely fix on one point(Blue point). As soon as the eyes become tired or if they begin to water, close them and relax. Do not move the body, but aware of the after-image of the flame in front of the closed eyes. Brown yellow flame centred with blue spot. Like wise, the After-image of the candle flame will be clearly visible. As soon as it begin to fade, open the eyes again and continue to concentrate of the external candle flame. Repeat the same inner and outer Trataka for 10 to 15 minutes, without straining the eyes. Wash the face and eyes with pure normal water. This will provide relaxation for the eyes and eyelids, muscles.

            For more scientific information visit Google Search and Images, for more related topics visit our previous archives.

            Dear friends, Total practise of GG requires minimum 3 years of time. To attain a grip on this meditation, you have to know so many related practises. So practise on a systematic way. Before the practice rewrite the paper for minimum 5 times. (Contd…11-18)

With courtesy of Scientific America, Mind, Nature, Googlesearch, Traditional Kundalini.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Hai friends,

       Dr eswar posted a topic in my face book-As of 27apr2014 there are339cofirmed MERS cases in saudi arabia ,with102deaths&requesting some herbal remedies to this outbreak condition.Yoga&Ayurveda are 
interrelated,they are two sides of the same humanity coin.TRI(3) is a powerful symbolism in Hindu culture.Eswar-TRI eyes&Omani potent person.TRI powers-itchhasakti,kriya,znanasakti.TRI glands(chakras)Brahma,Vishnu, rudra grandis.TRI humours kapa,vata pitta,etc.Present scientists at the Harward stem cell institute are studying immunity&aging process in TRI organ systems,muscular,circulatory,nervous.Enclosing some time pr oven herbal medicines for virus&improving immunity.
TRIphala-chebulic myrobalan+bellaric terminalia+emblic marbolan.
TRIkatukamulu-pipernigam pepper+dryginger+long pepper.
TRI  Ase (A+A+A)-aswagandha(withania somni fera)+aloe spp,lilaceae+amlaki (emblic marobalan).
TRIbhuwankirti ras+tulasi(ocinum sanctum)-metalic&herbal combination.
        Hai friends these are some of the ESWAR(TRI) Ayurveda medicines for virus&immunity development -low cost-no side effects-long standing-supportive to main medicines.

with courtecy of-google-wikipedia.



Hai Friends,
                        Studies in the past two decades indicate that people often understand and remember text on paper better than on screen. LCD’s screen on tablets and laptop’s can strain the eyes and cause headaches by shining light directly on people faces. This is physically in reading, a tactical learning process that requires both our eyes and hands.

            Prolonged reading on glossy, self illuminated screens can cause eyes strain, headaches and blurred vision. Blue rays disturbs the biological clock. In childhood the brain improves a brand new circuit for reading by weaving together various ribbons of neural tissue devoted to other abilities. Such as speaking, Writing, Motor coordination and vision. Volunteers using paper reading and hand writing score 10% points higher than E Reader and writer. Kids remember more details from stories they read on paper than one’s they read on E books chanced with interactive animations, videos and games.

            When it comes to intensively reading long pieces of unembellished text, paper and ink may still have the advantage. But plain text is not the only way to read.  At present E- reading and writing is highly involved in modern technology and day to day life

            We can use this paper reading technology for our long memory topics. Take the print of the important topics on a paper and re write the paper minimum five times with your hands only. This topic automatically will be recorded in your long memory. In every meditation practice, rewrite the main topic minimum five times. You will attain more grip on the topics.

            Researchers in  New Zealand investigated that expressive writing may leads to faster recovery from injury. One Biopsy arm patient practiced expressive writing with other hand for 21 days. He was healed 76% fully compared with 42% of the control group. Writing also have the immunal effect.

            In Rewriting, aware your eyes, hands, sound, touch of the pen, paper, smell of the environment, taste of your tongue saliva. Memory takes main role(Neurobic) and improves brain’s circuits and expands them .This is a current Advances in brain research. In GG we have to merge with five senses  in every work , called as merging(samadhi). Eg: If you want to draw a figure of tree, First of all you must become a tree physically and mentally. Then you can draw a correct tree figure.  So Important topics of the practice rewrite, this will chisel your brain to correct shape.(Contd..10-18)

With couresy of ScientificAmerica and Mind.